Inanna said:I seem to recall Valor beating SVER's ass really bad in the beta.![]()
We'll see about that. :lol
Inanna said:I seem to recall Valor beating SVER's ass really bad in the beta.![]()
NullPointer said:I'll give you five bucks to join Valor. No questions asked. We'll also throw in some free steak knives.
Anyways, now that this game is about to hit, and we have some beta-veteran players here, what advice would you give for noobs that will soon slam into the floodgates of the MAG launch?
For my part, I'd advise:
- Make sure you have a mic, and that its ready to go.
- Listen to your squad leader and head for those Frago objectives.
- Play defensively. You die quick in this game, but if you use cover and move forward at a steady pace you'll reduce your frustration and move your attacking line up inch by inch. Check the level map and get your bearings before moving out. Level knowledge is whats going to keep you alive over time.
- When in doubt, don't strike out alone. Pick another squad mate and shadow him, not too close, but close enough to provide covering fire as needed.
- If you find yourself alone, in the front, against a defended objective, backtrack a bit and hold tight. Cover your squad getting back into position and when you're rallied together, try to take the objective en masse.
- Medic is a great skill tree to start with, so even if you aren't a rambo or eliter sniper, you'll aid your squad tremendously.
Any more you guys would like to offer up?
Violater said:When they call me the N word I sometimes don't know what the best response is.
Do I
A) Commence team killing
B) Tell them how much their mom likes it that way
C) Laugh it off
D) Ask them if they are really that bumhurt about having a Black President
E) Mute them, (is there a mute option in MAG, if not it needs one)
F) Generally some combination of all of the above
depward said:I'd offer a couple of things:
1) When in doubt, and when you have a competent Squad Commander, go to the frago zone.
2) It's really great to travel in packs, especially when all of you have some kind of healing or rezzing skills. If someone goes down, revive, heal up, and slowly creep.
3) I would say, stick to the default objective point you're attacking / defending (Sabotage mode). If you choose to go over and battle at the other point, let someone know; even having one less person defend or attack a point really handicaps the squads you're leaving. If you do leave, make sure everyone is on board and there's a strategy in place (i.e. overrun one point, cap it, and have the original attacking squads stay while the others go cap the other).
:loltempleusox said:It's cool man. Rationalize away your sniper lifestyle choice.
Palmer_v1 said:I think a way to mitigate the xp bonuses to healing/reviving, is to leave fewer reviveable bodies around. Any headshot should be a one-way ticket to respawn, but it seems like only sniper headshots accomplish this in the beta. I also wish the revival wasn't so easy and immediate. Instead of just spraying them with magical juice, maybe require a one second charge time that you have to be standing still for. It would make those dash and revives a lot more dangerous in the open.
J-Rzez said:I never had that experience. From what I can tell, snipers clearing the path makes your team more confident when they're watching the other teams players and sniper die repeatedly in front of them, helping them out having less people to worry about shooting them on their way to the objective.
We can make up another hypothetical situation though, one where the run and gunners never make it to the objective because they're dead before they come close to it,
or that they're by the objective, but see an enemy running the other way from it and decide to go chase them for a kill.
So it goes either way. Once again, I'm just tired of people acting like snipers are worthless.
If I go ~30-0, I think I deserve more points than what I get now.
It's obvious in this game that if you go that high, you're in the action, and not just camping a corner on the steps with a shotgun.
J-Rzez said:Yeah, you should have to "accept" a rez I think. Also, it wasn't like that with the headshots in the prior phases iirc. I wonder if it's a glitch because it doesn't happen all the time, but I do notice it happening. Maybe they changed it up.
Palmer_v1 said:Oh, I'm SVER for sure, just waiting to see how many friends get it before committing to either GAF SVER or our own group.
Send me a PM (PSN ID: Xploited13), I'll add you to SVER GAF if it hasn't been done already and we can play a few matches.dorkimoe said:i hope the servers are up, im gonna jump on now
i guess im making sver ;\ i hope i can find someone who will take me under their wing and show me the ropes
TheFallen said:Send me a PM (PSN ID: Xploited13), I'll add you to SVER GAF if it hasn't been done already and we can play a few matches.
Unfortunately the only way you can play right now is if you had signed up for the IGN tournament. Those signups closed awhile ago, so you are out of luck.dorkimoe said:awesome thanks, doing that now, Ill be on to play in an hour or so but ill msg you now
its either locking up, or taking forever after i agree to the license, its just chilling ;\
yeah its not letting me make a character or anything. Its showing an empty character and no news or anything, just like outlines![]()
Boogat said:Unfortunately the only way you can play right now is if you had signed up for the IGN tournament. Those signups closed awhile ago, so you are out of luck.
The next time you can play will be the 26th.
Kagari said:Any reviews for this yet? Just curious...
Cagen said:If anyone joining SVER GAF objects to this then say so, either PM or post but as MAG isn't really clan competitive but rather faction competitive then the more people we have to play with the better, in my opinion.
PTCoakley said:Any room for Valor? PSN: Automatisch.
PTCoakley said:Any room for Valor? PSN: Automatisch.
SVER is where it's at Lince, just a couple of low life deserters have gone Raven. Check the thread in the online forum.Lince said:so which faction should I join to play with my GAFe friends? I heard some are joining Valor/Raven while the rest are staying SVER? wtf is this shit?
Lince said:so which faction should I join to play with my GAFe friends? I heard some are joining Valor/Raven while the rest are staying SVER? wtf is this shit?
Kowak said:if you actually want to play and win then join raven gaf!!! If you are a hillbilly thn join valor or sver if you are a terrorist.
(raven is the newest pmc yet already the best, that shows you how shit the other two areaccording to the company bios
Very well done commercial. Maybe Sony's best yet. Funny, but still tells you the essentials of the game.Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
Arsenic said:Just saw the commercial![]()
Its great and probably their funniest one yet.
But i cant help but be upset Sony does nothing else to hype up its games. One commercial 4 days before its release....i dont know.
You can also choose between a selection of different faces, voices, and the colors of your armor/clothes. There's no advanced character creator.Leunam said:I plan on buying this when it comes out. I'll need to pick up a mic too. Is there any character customization or is it just several skins? Didn't see it in the OP.
Yeah, the main reason why I don't wanna play with you SVER weirdos.Ze_Pershing said:After we (SVER) will kill you like dogs we will gather your limbs and have an awesome cook out in your back yard.
Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
ClearCELL said:That is a great commercial.
Day 1 for MAG
Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
Inanna said:Yeah, the main reason why I don't wanna play with you SVER weirdos.![]()
Noshino said:Well, its not like it can be helped, the game doesn't have hype because reviews aren't out.... so it really is pointless for Sony to hype it before release.
KGKK said:Ohhhh yeah, time to get my Zipper on next week!!
Commercial was funny.
Which team is the underdog? I want to be on that team.
RedStep said:Wait... what?
Are you suggesting that Sony is unable to advertise a product before it has been reviewed? Shit, I better call EA and have them pull that new Battlefield:BC2 ad. They definitely don't have reviews for that one yet.
KGKK said:Ohhhh yeah, time to get my Zipper on next week!!
Commercial was funny.
Which team is the underdog? I want to be on that team.
...Little_Luke said:These commercials make me proud to be a Zipper fanboy.