Anerythristic said:Whomever is running that Online matchup forum better respect these new ValorGAF members.
Today so far PSNs
Sexual Tyransauri, all of them. Killing machines.
FFObsessed said:Awesome commercial :lol
Gonna join Valor KINGS ClearCELL?
proud to be a fanboy? seriously?Little_Luke said:These commercials make me proud to be a Sony fanboy. Oh ... and so does MAG and GoWIII and Gran Turismo and ... well you get the point. The 26th can't come fast enough
Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
Anerythristic said:Underdog? I don't know, ValorGAF needs members though. I am literally running a membership drive. It tough because we are paranoid and think people aren't joining us because Valor is the "American" faction in the game, which isn't even true. :lol
Anerythristic said:NO! ValorGAF is so small for a reason. To join you must slay an Alaskan Grizzly with nothing but a stone knife and spear. We are the chosen few.
please join, please.
Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
Noshino said:Sure buddy, tell me why would you put all your efforts on advertising an online only multiplayer game, which's main bullet point is the fact that has a massive amount of players online on vast maps.
People are still skeptical despite the praise of the beta phases. Sony needs reviews to back up the game.
People buy it at release, reviews come out (hopefully praising it), Sony advertises the game, people that were skeptical buy it based on reviews and they also see tons of people online.
Also, Battlefield is an established franchise, and BC2 is a sequel, oh, and if Im not mistaken, it does have single player campaign... so in other words, nothing like MAG, I really don't know why you brought it up :lol
Ironborn said:proud to be a fanboy? seriously?
there aren't enough rolleyes-smileys in the world to express my feelings right now
on topic: too bad i haven't got the time for a huge multiplayer timesink right now, MAG looks HOT!
Slaylock said:MAG commercial - It only does 256 players
IronFistedChampion said:Could someone please upload it to YouTube? I'm on my iPhone and can't see it.
Violater said:SVER-gaf, get ready.
Make sure your Official headsets are fully charged and have a backup cellphone blutooth on standby.
Raven will pay for their atrocities and Valor just because they exist.
Too long have we endured their ridicule, our weapons may be worn but our resolve never weary. When the enemy advances on our strongholds we will thin their numbers and break their will.
Their weeping and gnashing of teeth will be momentous and they will think twice about looking down at us.
Thanks brahkaysee said:
templeusox said:SVER is too cute.
True that!templeusox said:Raven GAF, just a reminder, we do not beg for recruits. It is an honor to be one of us.
They're ugly, hence the masks.templeusox said:SVER is too cute.
RedStep said:Since the dawn of media, advertising has been used to increase awareness of a product.
Sony is notoriously bad at utilizing advertising properly. There is no reason to put out an ad only 4 days before launch
It doesn't take a $40m media blitz to increase awareness of your product among those that aren't on GAF.
To take it back to Battlefield, do you remember the launch of 1942? That was an original multiplayer-only (except bot matches) game, before the online gaming revolution, and EA managed to hype it damn well.
This is another of their missteps, and you are factually wrong in saying that there's no point in advertising their product.
Respect Valor? Never!Anerythristic said:Whomever is running that Online matchup forum better respect these new ValorGAF members.
Today so far PSNs
Sexual Tyransauri, all of them. Killing machines.
I will of course remember to send out the clan invites and am taking down your PSN IDs.
Cagen said:Respect Valor? Never!
I have a few of them down but I'm not hunting through this thread to find peoples details, if I see them though I'll add them to the thread.
Click said:Juniors have invaded this thread (and GAF)! LOL
Alright all you SVER MAGgots in the IGN tourny.
Log on tonight and let's make the last night we can play before release a good one.
KGKK said:So I just watched a video describing each faction. Based on it I take it SVER will be the most popular eh? Raven's got the money and rich look, not me at all.
Sign me up for Valor when the game comes out![]()
KGKK said:So I just watched a video describing each faction. Based on it I take it SVER will be the most popular eh? Raven's got the money and rich look, not me at all.
Sign me up for Valor when the game comes out![]()
KGKK said:So I just watched a video describing each faction. Based on it I take it SVER will be the most popular eh? Raven's got the money and rich look, not me at all.
Sign me up for Valor when the game comes out![]()
Lagspike_exe said:Whose side are you on?
* Raven 37%
* S.V.E.R. 33%
* Valor 30%
11,758 Votes
KGKK said:Solid Snake and Big Boss would have chosen Valor therefore they are better![]()
The Patriots are Raven
SVER is Meryl/Johny
KGKK said:Solid Snake and Big Boss would have chosen Valor therefore they are better![]()
The Patriots are Raven
SVER is Meryl/Johny
Kowak said:are excuse me?
look at the avatar.
KGKK said:Please, we all know you're just a double agent who's loyalty lies with Valor. After all, The Boss would have chosen Valor too. She is your god, would you deny her?
Lagspike_exe said:No custom soundtrack on launch?
[PSNation podcast is the source]
GoodMorning said:That commercial is amazing lol.
So glad my account finally got authorized, perfect timing.
Valor GAF ftw.