I NEVER get bios from dimension rifts. It's really annoying because that's the main reason I play them.
really starting to burn out on this game. game crashes on my phone like 3-4 times a day (on the ipad its fine) and losing biometrics i need has really put a damper on this game for me, having oonly get 3 RNG tries at getting biometrics a day really makes it really annoying, Hitting walls in both elite and normal mode didn't help any either.
After putting a few days into it, I think I've hit a wall in terms of content. I've seen what it has to offer, and it gets uninteresting real quick.
Is there a reason to go after anything besides the weakest team available in the Arena?
Getting Coins and buying bios?
/I got Spidey for Free. Huh.
Are you asking me or telling me?
Do stronger ones give you more? I was hoping to get Captain Marvel before moving on to more grinding but I'm only strong enough to beat level 15-ish teams.
Yep Chapter 4 of Normal and Chapter 3 of Elite seems to require ~lvl 25+ heroes to do smoothly. I'm stuck grinding biometrics to get Vision and Black widow to 2* so I can get over lvl 25. I have hulkbuster (lvl 20) and cap (lvl 25) that are 2* already but yeah, hitting that wall has really taken the wind out of my sails.
Yes and no. Technically, the higher the rank of your opponent, the more arena points you get. At the end of the week, you get a prize based on your rank.
The actual character points you get is the same - 50 for a win, regardless of the opponent. IMO it's not really worth it to fight strong opponents, as I don't care about my weekly ranking at this point.
What determines whether you have Auto or Auto+ in the Arena? Tapping those special icons manually gives me no joy.
I'm pretty sure it's always Auto+.
So much excited chatter about this... I watched the gameplay video and it looked like shit, especially when there's already precedent for how to do it right (Marvel Ultimate Alliance).
I guess this gets a pass because of its form factor?
Weird. It says just Auto but it's acting like Auto+. I thought it changed.
You get auto when you beat the level, you got auto+ when you three star it. Auto only uses basic attacks, auto+ uses the specials too.
kinda wished there was more depth to the combat, seems like fights have devolved into to how quickly i can tap the screen to kill enemies. Without anyway to mitigate damage besides maybe kiting, it seems like on harder difficulties, if you're not outleveling your enemies or maybe maxing out your gear via farming specific materials, you have slim to no chance of beating the level.
I'm just glad I held off on spending any real money on this game; concept was good but the f2p trappings (RNG based nature of upgrading your characters and unlocking characters) and extremely shallow gameplay makes it one of those games you play with for a week ago and forget
Wish this game wasn't mobile only, the art looks gorgeous
also squeeeee playable Ultron
I do wish there was a dodge or block button. That said, you probably aren't too far into the game if all you do is tap enemies and watch them die. On harder levels, like when there are multiple bosses at once, you'll get wiped in a few seconds. Have you even unlocked all of your character's attacks?
Also, this really isn't the type of game where you have to (or even should) spend real money. You can farm most of the characters pretty easily, and gems are best used for stam refreshes if you care for that.
Very niceNew event. Elite missions are half price and biometrics drop more frequently. Awesome.
Very nice
Just managed to get Widow 2* (1* mastered) and have been continue to level her, Hulk Buster and Vision, all 25/26 at the moment. Have my Cap at level 30 (2*mastered) and Iron Man at 25 (1* mastered) so im doing pretty well.
One thing, i really wish there was an easier way to get gear pieces as you use a tonne per gear upgrade at these levels and i tend to spend most of my time just getting them.
Hulk Buster is awesome, but consider not spending so much time and materials into him. As of now, the only way to get his biometrics is through chests :\ It's too bad because he's so good, but he'll probably stay at 2 star for a long time.
Just started playing yesterday thanks to this thread. Saw it pop up on the front page. What a cool phone game! I'm enjoying it so far, probably won't as much once the grind sets in.
One thing I am curious about, I've completed some daily achievements for shield points and stuff and when I hit claim it says it will go to my inbox but never does. I still have 0 shield points. Any thoughts?
Until then I'm just pushing through normal missions to unlock dailys I guess. Working on Captain america as he's the only 2* I have. I got vision from the first hero box.
Pretty fun! Missions are getting harder fast though.
I think I see you in every thread for games like thisI stopped with Chain Chronicles though... just can't play all of these at the same time, and the terrible pull rate left me frustrated.
When you say shield points, do you mean your team XP? Any achievement rewards that includes that goes directly to your team xp (basically your account level). You won't have anything in your inbox.
What's your in game name?
Lol! Yeah, I've been gravitating toward the mobile games a lot (just picked up a 3DS too) as I have a lot of couch time with my family just messing around on devices. Getting older with full time job, wife, kids, etc.
Chain Chronicle is still probably my "main" game on the phone (you should check it out again, been back to back events for a few weeks now. Being f2p I now have two MLB UR characters without pulling a single one. Event and fortune rings) but I still check out all the others.
I misspoke. By shield points I think I mean assemble points? The shield icon in the top right. I see achievements and missions that reward it but I'm still at a big fat 0. Maybe it's a rank thing?
Maybe the rewards I'm seeing actually is team XP. Those icons look really similar though.
Game is getting really hard fast. I'm only on 2-9 and I feel like I'm struggling a lot. 2-8 was my first loss.
My IGN is : garathk
Dat F2P workaroundNo X-men, no sale.
I need Hulk now to add to Team Ridiculous
I'm jealous of that two star Ghost Rider. Will be at least another half week for me.
This last update made things more complicated. It's probably smart in the long run, but I've already got too many characters as it is, and now that they can level up to 40 regardless of rank, I gotta bring my rank 1 25's out of retirement too. I wish that we could get more slots for teams. 3 isn't enough anymore.
Any word on the Guardians or the Maximoff twins?
Whoa, everyone can level up to 40? did not know that.
Whoa, everyone can level up to 40? did not know that.
Is it like other collect heroes/allies game where it's better to hit max level and max gear first before upgrading the rank and/or mastery of your hero? Thanks.