God damn both my gf and me keep having odd sound bug where that horrible loading screen ticking noise continues after your load screens and screws with the rest of the audio.
You'll want to put much more into your basic attack. Ignore the knockback shot (the second basic attack), as it does less damage than Quick Shot, and the knockback isn't worth it if you can just stun them with your flashbang.
Also, Pistol Whip is really strong, so you might want to invest some points in that as well. And for the force field you should be good for the next few levels, maybe even until 25 or so - I only have it at like 4 or 5 and am at 22 I think.
You can ignore the turret after you put in one point - it's mostly there to tank enemies for you, and it doesn't cost that much. It doesn't do much damage anyway, so there's little point in leveling it.
Energy Barrage is okay, but once you get to Level 20, you'll get the charge shot, which is one of your best moves.
What I'm seeing is that the basic shot is less powerful per level than knock back one. Odd.
And I may dump some into pistol whip. I haven't been close enough to make use I guess. And is the passive dodge skill worth some points?
What hotfix? I bought Deadpool pack earlier and worked like a charm.Just waiting on the Premium pack hotfix to go live then ill be in as the Punisher.
edit: woo my account is being used as a guinea pig to test if the premium packs system is fixed heh
Just ran through the first mission/tutorial I guess. Seems okay so far.
Quick question: How do I switch characters?
So I was curious about purchasing a starter pack for a friend but I couldn't find the info anywhere. When purchasing a pack do you get a code you put in or is it automatically applied to your account?
If applied to the account would I just be able to log into theirs and buy them the pack? Because I had someone tell me the purchases are locked to the credit card and anything I buy will go back to the first account that used the card.
So did we ever get a super group running? Who should I message in game?
What impact does dying have? I've died twice due to server hiccups against Rhino (there were 15+ people and lag was all over). Also, people are super selfish and tend to not help downed allies I've found. They realize loot is instances and you get credit for hitting the boss, right?
What did they nerf? I take it his healing stuff? In the beta i was pretty much invincible but the gun dmg was doo doo.Wow, just got a chance to play and Deadpool can actually kill things now!
His guns seem to have been buffed a lot.
I better level him quick before they nerf him into the ground again.
Damn got baited out, steam says I already own the game but I don't. Thought I could pre-load or somehow sneak in some early game play.
What impact does dying have?
Only the totem artifacts you can buy from Clea.
Oh? What do they do? Should I be bummed I died?
You can swap on the fly with a press of T. Your progress doesn't change unless you go back to the tower and find the npc to reset your story progress. But even without resetting you can teleport to earlier areas to level lower level characters, though I don't think you'll get quest rewards but can still get medals off bossesSo how does it work going back and forth between characters? I start a lvl 1 character from my roster I have to reset my progress? Can I go back to where I was ever or it's permanent? If I don't reset my progress, can my lower lvl character still do the same missions again or I have to reset? The whole thing is so poor at explaining things.
Is there a reason I can't download the game? Bought a $20 pack and should be able to access today. Or is this digital purchase just slow as balls
Is there a reason I can't download the game? Bought a $20 pack and should be able to access today. Or is this digital purchase just slow as balls
Has anyone gotten a hero drop that wasn't a starter one?
Buddy of mine got a Storm, around level 10 in a cave.
So no?
Storm is a starter.
Has anyone gotten a hero drop that wasn't a starter one?
I'm getting an invalid username/password error. Support ticket filed. QQ
My Poor Punisher has scaled so poorly at these levels
Also had Storm drop. Is she any good?
Man I am seeing that some heroes are like super overpowered compared to others. I mean the Hulk and Thor just mow through mobs like they aren't even there. And this in the 20s so not easy starter mobs.
My Poor Punisher has scaled so poorly at these levels