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Marvel's Jessica Jones *SPOILER THREAD* |OT| Thanos is Purple, Man.


i was relieved he died. Would have been a major cop out if Jessica decided at last minute to not kill him despite all that had happened.

Not to me. 80% of the show was "I won't kill him" while other people are going "you should totally kill him!" all while he wracks up a bigger body count... so doing it the easy way after nearly 10 episodes of saying she won't, and letting him go because she wanted him alive, was disappointing and wasted everyone's time.

... MY ideal solution would have been for her to keep him alive... but at the end, to RIP OUT HIS DAMN TONGUE. It would have been viscerally more bloody and disturbing, all while keeping him around.


Oh what the fuck, why kill Kilgrave? He is probably the best bad guy Marvel studios have created up to this point and they kill him? Bullshit.

Kingpin has the potential to become great, but his story in DD was mostly his rise to evilness, Kilgrave was full on evil and the biggest bastard ever. Marvel people cannot handle their bad guys for shit.

Actually props to Marvel for getting rid of a good thing when it best serves the story


Can someone tell me what was so wrong with Episode 10?

It was a breaking point for a lot of people because they reused the Killgrave escapes plot twist yet again in a really inept way. It wouldn't have been as bad had something similar played out earlier in the season but by that point, it felt very tired. It's also a Robyn heavy episode and she's the most obnoxious character on the show.


I've only seen the first episode, so it might be a bit early to ask this, but are there any likable characters in this show? Jessica seems kind of angry at everything and just seems to be a one-note "screw everyone" character. I mean, the bartender guy might be ok eventually, but right now he's kind of a blank slate with no real character. Do the characters get more likable, or is it pretty much like this throughout?

Granted, this is just my opinion, and one only formed after the first episode, but if there isn't much more (character-wise) than the beginning shows, I think I might pass on the rest of the season.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I think there's a reference to Kingpin in one of the early episodes (I believe its episode 2). Someone was asking the nurse for Wilson in the hospital scene where Jessica access the hospital computer to search for Doctor Kurata.


I've only seen the first episode, so it might be a bit early to ask this, but are there any likable characters in this show? Jessica seems kind of angry at everything and just seems to be a one-note "screw everyone" character. I mean, the bartender guy might be ok eventually, but right now he's kind of a blank slate with no real character. Do the characters get more likable, or is it pretty much like this throughout?

Granted, this is just my opinion, and one only formed after the first episode, but if there isn't much more (character-wise) than the beginning shows, I think I might pass on the rest of the season.

Pretty much just Trish and Cage, tbh. Malcolm too, eventually. It does have a bit of a lack of likeable characters.


Finally got around to finishing. After a couple of awful episodes in the middle that killed all the show's momentum, it got much better the last couple of episodes. I quite enjoyed the Luke Cage brawl. Rosario Dawson is as usual the best actress in everything she does. Even Geri finally had something to do at the end. Trish was a surprisingly good character, Nuke got a good fight but overall his arc was awful. Kilgrave's own desperate need for Jessica finally being his undoing was well done. Overall a solid show, it ended better then Daredevil, but like it on the whole as much.

I don't really think we need a Jessica Jones Season 2. I would rather see a Heroes for hire show so you don't need to make up so many subplots to last thirteen episodes. You would have enough characters and their main buddies to make it work. I want to see Daredevil teach Jessica and Luke how to fight at some point.

They didn't seem to understand Kilgrave's power. Saying it was a virus was a really dumb concept, then making him able to spread a virus over the radio? Huh. Made no sense.


Pretty much just Trish and Cage, tbh. Malcolm too, eventually. It does have a bit of a lack of likeable characters.
I think Malcolm is likeable but doesn't really get enough screentime to show it. Trish and Luke were by far the strongest supporting characters though.
They didn't seem to understand Kilgrave's power. Saying it was a virus was a really dumb concept, then making him able to spread a virus over the radio? Huh. Made no sense.

Haha, yeah. As soon as they said it was a virus, I started noticing all the holes in it. Like how they expected the vaccine to just work instantly. It doesn't work that way. :p
Just finished it tonight. I liked it, but not as much as DD. Loved the Rosario Dawson cameo. You know she's going to tell Murdock about this at some point next season.

He was a dick, but Kilgrave was one of my favorite villains in the MCU. Watching Cage and Jessica's relationship develop is awesome as well.

If I have a problem with the show, it's the side characters except for Trish and Malcolm. The Hogarth divorce plot was weak, and ultimately served no purpose in my eyes. Ruben and her nut job sister annoyed me to no end.
Just finished a binge while laid out on flu meds.

Really liked the first half, the investigative work and characters and was completely hooked to see how the moral conundrum at "home" would play out, but then it just lost the plot and meandered and limped it way to the end. There was enough material there for six or maybe seven solid episodes, but thirteen was asking way too much. The neighbors (post slicey-neck) and the support group people was all so much time spent filling time.

I guess Ruben was somehow magically tying the whole show together. Weird.

And actually, by the end I was more interested in Trish then Jessica. Maybe thats a good thing.


Haha, yeah. As soon as they said it was a virus, I started noticing all the holes in it. Like how they expected the vaccine to just work instantly. It doesn't work that way. :p
The vaccine bit was just the show spinning its wheels. It went nowhere and was ineffective, making it nothing but filler to lengthen a few episodes.
Both this and Daredevil had the same type of pacing issues. I hope they just cut down on the amount of episodes from Daredevil S2 onward. I'd gladly watch a tight series that's 3 or 4 episodes shorter than have the shows drag themselves out.
I just finished it today. Thought it was pretty great. Kilgrave was a lovely bastard in this, especially when they were in Jessica's house. Overall Netflix's forays into the MCU have been way better than the movies.


I've only seen the first episode, so it might be a bit early to ask this, but are there any likable characters in this show? Jessica seems kind of angry at everything and just seems to be a one-note "screw everyone" character.

I just came here to post the same.
At episode 8 and I am almost choking these down. Its not just the fairly bad acting but the characters are unlikable to the point of being almost hilarious now. I mean it doesn't even make sense anymore.


I just came here to post the same.
At episode 8 and I am almost choking these down. Its not just the fairly bad acting but the characters are unlikable to the point of being almost hilarious now. I mean it doesn't even make sense anymore.

Bad acting? What?


Just finished this. Good overall, but a steep decline in quality after episode 6. interestingly enough, Daredevil was awful until after episode 6. Maybe these two shows should have been two halves to a whole, perhaps a DD+JJ teamup? I dunno.

I liked JJ considerably more than DD though, but both shows aren't more than 6/10s at best. Marvel can (and should) do better than this. It seems like these weak Netflix shows might be damaging the MCU reputation a bit.

I just finished it today. Thought it was pretty great. Kilgrave was a lovely bastard in this, especially when they were in Jessica's house. Overall Netflix's forays into the MCU have been way better than the movies.

Are you serious? These Netflix shows are god awful compared to the films. No one gives a shit about 6 episodes dedicated to personifying some random villain.
especially when they're built up, and built up, and built up, just to be killed off so anti-climactically.

Age Of Ultron destroys any Marvel/Netflix show. So does Ant-Man. Even Iron Man 3 at least isn't grueling and painful to watch like parts of these shows get. Too much talky-talky and build up of characters no one gives a shit about, not enough action. I'm watching Marvel, not The Walking Game of Thrones 900 episodes to get anything relevant done Dead. The terrible new season of Heroes has more action than these shows. That would be fine if it were any other show, but this is supposed to be a superhero show. Superheroes = Action. The few action scenes we got were great, though. A nice break from the monotony. I was so stoked they fixed the boring problem from Daredevil in the first few episodes, then it's like they remembered "oh wait, it needs to be more boring though" then it just kind of dragged on and on and on then abruptly ended.

I really hope Luke Cage doesn't have this issue, that's one of my favorite characters. Loved his scenes in Jessica Jones.


Just finished this. Good overall, but a steep decline in quality after episode 6. interestingly enough, Daredevil was awful until after episode 6. Maybe these two shows should have been two halves to a whole, perhaps a DD+JJ teamup? I dunno.

I liked JJ considerably more than DD though, but both shows aren't more than 7/10s at best. Marvel can (and should) do better than this.

Are you serious? These Netflix shows are god awful compared to the films. No one gives a shit about 6 episodes dedicated to personifying some random villain.
especially when they're built up and killed off so anti-climactically.

Age Of Ultron destroys any Marvel/Netflix show. So does Ant-Man. Even Iron Man 3 at least isn't grueling and painful to watch like parts of these shows get. Too much talky-talky and build up of characters no one gives a shit about, not enough action. I'm watching Marvel, not The Walking Game of Thrones 900 episodes to get anything relevant done Dead. The terrible new season of Heroes has more action than these shows. That would be fine if it were any other show, but this is supposed to be a superhero show. Superhero = Action.
Alias was never an action series. It was a superhero series in the loosest of terms. What an awful criticism.


Age Of Ultron destroys any Marvel/Netflix show. So does Ant-Man. Even Iron Man 3 at least isn't grueling and painful to watch like parts of these shows get.

I always find it interesting how discordant the consensus is when it comes to MCU stuff. People never seem to have the same favorites but still maintain strong opinions on what's good and what isn't. That kinda throws a wrench in the whole "the entire MCU feels samey" criticism.


Just finished this. Good overall, but a steep decline in quality after episode 6. interestingly enough, Daredevil was awful until after episode 6. Maybe these two shows should have been two halves to a whole, perhaps a DD+JJ teamup? I dunno.

I liked JJ considerably more than DD though, but both shows aren't more than 6/10s at best. Marvel can (and should) do better than this.

Are you serious? These Netflix shows are god awful compared to the films. No one gives a shit about 6 episodes dedicated to personifying some random villain.
especially when they're built up, and built up, and built up, just to be killed off so anti-climactically.

Age Of Ultron destroys any Marvel/Netflix show. So does Ant-Man. Even Iron Man 3 at least isn't grueling and painful to watch like parts of these shows get. Too much talky-talky and build up of characters no one gives a shit about, not enough action. I'm watching Marvel, not The Walking Game of Thrones 900 episodes to get anything relevant done Dead. The terrible new season of Heroes has more action than these shows. That would be fine if it were any other show, but this is supposed to be a superhero show. Superhero = Action. The few action scenes we got were great, though. A nice break from the monotony. I was so stoked they fixed the boring problem from Daredevil in the first few episodes, then they remembered "oh wait, it needs to be more boring though" then it just kind of dragged on and abruptly ended.

I really hope Luke Cage doesn't have this issue, that's one of my favorite characters. :(

Yeah... No.


Really the only problem for me was the support group scene. It was terrible, just extremely clumsy and you could feel the writers couldn't figure out a good way to have Kilgrave escape.
Plus it was the second episode in a row we had of the fake out "We got him! Oh crap, no we don't!"

I thought the Hogarth stuff was good though. The divorce subplot finally went somewhere.
Just finished this. Good overall, but a steep decline in quality after episode 6. interestingly enough, Daredevil was awful until after episode 6. Maybe these two shows should have been two halves to a whole, perhaps a DD+JJ teamup? I dunno.

I liked JJ considerably more than DD though, but both shows aren't more than 6/10s at best. Marvel can (and should) do better than this. It seems like these weak Netflix shows might be damaging the MCU reputation a bit.

Are you serious? These Netflix shows are god awful compared to the films. No one gives a shit about 6 episodes dedicated to personifying some random villain.
especially when they're built up, and built up, and built up, just to be killed off so anti-climactically.

Age Of Ultron destroys any Marvel/Netflix show. So does Ant-Man. Even Iron Man 3 at least isn't grueling and painful to watch like parts of these shows get. Too much talky-talky and build up of characters no one gives a shit about, not enough action. I'm watching Marvel, not The Walking Game of Thrones 900 episodes to get anything relevant done Dead. The terrible new season of Heroes has more action than these shows. That would be fine if it were any other show, but this is supposed to be a superhero show. Superheroes = Action. The few action scenes we got were great, though. A nice break from the monotony. I was so stoked they fixed the boring problem from Daredevil in the first few episodes, then it's like they remembered "oh wait, it needs to be more boring though" then it just kind of dragged on and on and on then abruptly ended.

I really hope Luke Cage doesn't have this issue, that's one of my favorite characters. Loved his scenes in Jessica Jones.

Can't say I agree. I've found nearly everything is better in the shows. The main characters are actually vulnerable, the villains do damage, and even the action hits harder in the shows. Look at the fights in Daredevil. The blows have real weight to them and as it goes on each punch gets more and more desperate. They are pretty great.

Jessica Jones is obviously not supposed to be a sort of action hero person. They clearly gave it a noir feel and most of the time she's using her powers to intimidate or for breaking into places as part of her investigations.

Both shows also involve fairly vulnerable heroes who actually have damage affect them so it makes their action scenes more interesting with higher stakes than say the Hulk or Thor fighting an army of robots.

I'm not saying the movies are bad, though some definitely lean that way.
Having finished the show on Friday, I'm left with many lingering nit picks on an otherwise decent show.

But the biggest thing that doesn't really sit right is that there is a decapitated body with a cinder block at the bottom of the river and the plot and all involved just shrug it off. That dude just wanted to make banana bread and be a dope and yet some how has the goriest death of the show.

While we're nominating decaps, it seems like Killgrave would be the most appropriate.
they also never explained how jessica became immune. unless I missed something.
It was probably her powers. They don't say it, but my guess is that is the reason. Up until Cage, she was the only powered person Kilgrave ever possessed.
Alias was never an action series. It was a superhero series in the loosest of terms. What an awful criticism.

Not even a superhero series. She even stresses that herself. Hell at the end of the book, she finally finds her reason to never do any of this (fighting, dealing with shitty people, etc.) by having Luke's kid.

I found it interesting that at the end of this she evolves to become MORE of a hero.


They need to get Peter Capaldi in one of these Netflix shows.

Can Peter Capaldi play Iron Fist

Peter Capaldi looks like a ridiculous rail-thin penguin even when he tries to run on Doctor Who. The idea of him doing Kung Fu is freaking hilarious.

So, I'd watch it but I don't know how popular it would be.


Haha, yeah. As soon as they said it was a virus, I started noticing all the holes in it. Like how they expected the vaccine to just work instantly. It doesn't work that way. :p

The other problem being if everyone's exposed to the virus he emits, what good is a vaccine going to do ex post facto? The point of vaccines is to train your body to fight a weaker version of the pathogen. I guess there are therapeutic vaccines being developed but it seemed like the more they explained about how his powers worked the worse things got.


The other problem being if everyone's exposed to the virus he emits, what good is a vaccine going to do ex post facto? The point of vaccines is to train your body to fight a weaker version of the pathogen. I guess there are therapeutic vaccines being developed but it seemed like the more they explained about how his powers worked the worse things got.

Or more to the point, his Dad is a fucking idiot.

People put down the jail plan, but that was genius compared to 'I'll spray myself and then Kilgrave can't control me.' Like even if Kilgrave couldn't control his Dad there, he could get Hope to stab him in the face.


Or more to the point, his Dad is a fucking idiot.

People put down the jail plan, but that was genius compared to 'I'll spray myself and then Kilgrave can't control me.' Like even if Kilgrave couldn't control his Dad there, he could get Hope to stab him in the face.

Well to be fair, that was a last ditch effort and I was actually expecting for it to be a long con. The dad would go with Kilgrave to spy on him while pretending to be controlled, but nope. It was a nothing thread that was used just for that episode to give everyone a reason to think they didn't need to kill him for an episode.


Well to be fair, that was a last ditch effort and I was actually expecting for it to be a long con. The dad would go with Kilgrave to spy on him while pretending to be controlled, but nope. It was a nothing thread that was used just for that episode to give everyone a reason to think they didn't need to kill him for an episode.

That's an even crazier plan. The shit Kilgrave asks people to do would never be done by people if they weren't being controlled. And he'd absolutely test the control to be sure.


That's an even crazier plan. The shit Kilgrave asks people to do would never be done by people if they weren't being controlled. And he'd absolutely test the control to be sure.

Well Kilgrave wouldn't know about the vaccine and again, it was more a desperate plan than well thought long term strategy.


Another plot point that bothers me, why exactly is Pam being charged for murder after saving her lawyer girlfriend? You'd think the ~50 stab wounds and documented conflict between the divorcing couple would be sufficient evidence to support their story.

It seems like it was only included to be additional "punishment" for the lawyer helping Killgrave. Logic be damned.
After finishing JJ I feel incredibly sorry for Simpson. Everything that happened to him after Killgrave was due to Jessica's terrible plans and decisions. He had the opportunity to kill Killgrave twice, but Jessica stopped him both times, each time getting more ludicrous than the last. He only goes psycho because him and his best friends got blown up because Jesica stopped him from making the right decision. He would have never called the doctor and never got his crazy super soldier pills if Jessica didn't keep screwing him over time and again. And Jessica deciding to go with the plan that he could have executed 5 episodes before was a slap in the face.
Another plot point that bothers me, why exactly is Pam being charged for murder after saving her lawyer girlfriend? You'd think the ~50 stab wounds and documented conflict between the divorcing couple would be sufficient evidence to support their story.

It seems like it was only included to be additional "punishment" for the lawyer helping Killgrave. Logic be damned.

She still killed the person, you dont get off that easy when the circumstances are suspect. Messy divorce is about to happen and somehow the new partner kills the "aggressive" divorcee.
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