on paper, he is correct. reality is often disappointing. console APIs will extract more performance out of similar hardware, most of the time. GPU-side of the things seemed to improve, but CPU-side of the things are still undesirableIt’s weird the dude above said it’s a 1700x then
don't worry tho i have a crap ryzen 2700x that helps me to easily emulate a 1700x. i'm pretty sure it wont hit a locked 60 fps with ray tracing
tho its also a moot point, a 5600 is dirt cheap and destroys and decimates then-overpriced 1700x-2700x and even the 3700x. yes, 5600 destroys and decimates a 2700x. it would probably... erase the 1700x out of existence. even if you have a b350 board, nowadays you are actually able to upgrade to zen 3 lol
and no, 3700x will never ever surpass a 5600. IPC difference is too much and 12 threads are still plenty enough to survive the entire generation. dont get me wrong but it is very pointless to fixate on 2700x/3700x/3600. those are relic CPUs. no one in their right mind would (aside from crazy people like me) would match a 3070 with a 2700x/1700x. at WORST you can match it with something like 3700x/3600. but even then, I WOULD say even 3070 deserves a minimum of Zen 3 CPU.

Reccomended settings are almost always for 60fps, unless otherwise stated (which it isnt). Sure that doesnt mean 60fps at max settings. If it was for 30fps the minimum and reccomended cpu's would be very similar.
i know, i just point out that in almost every 8th gen game that ps4 could hit rock solid 30, r5 1600 managed to bring that to upwards of 60 frames. why spiderman should be the expection to the rule, especially considering it is utilizing multithreading gracefully and directx12
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