Just finished it. Well, first and foremost, let me eat crow a little and say that the game did pick up a lot more at the end, even though I had no idea what the hell was going on.
And to address your comment: improving on Metro 2033 as a shooter isn't much of a feat, so while I'm glad they did manage to do so, it's the least 4A could have done for a sequel. Ultimately, however, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
"Just as good as many others" may be true, but is nowhere near as fluid or well designed as the best. There is jank. It is the same jank that was in 2033, only mitigated significantly. It is the jank that makes you stick on terrain; it is the jank that wigs out the camera when you're sprinting, rendering you unsure of whether you are actually sprinting or not; it is the jank that sees a grenade stick in the air for a split second before following its flight path; it is the jank that requires all sensitivities be jacked to resemble normal acceleration/velocity; it the jank that let's you fire mid-animation whilst aiming down your sights; it is the jank that rarely made me feel in complete, precise control of Artyom, especially when moving quickly... And so on and so forth.
I understand that a lot of the above is completely subjective and may seem too harsh, but I guess that's where my mind goes to when I feel that I'm playing an instalment that is very similar to its predecessor and leaves me thinking, "what interesting things did 4A add here, other than general refinement? In other words, I get anal, yo.
Don't get me wrong, it is a completely serviceable, if not "good" shooter with some fantastically designed weapons, aesthetically speaking (silenced revolver with stock, forend and reflex sight = drool). Where it falls short for me is a slight "off-ness" in its shooting model - a lack of smoothness and fluidity. Luckily for the game, the majority of shooting consists of headshots from the shadows, which is quite fun, albeit way,
way too easy (another discussion altogether

Familiarity is the chief dampener for me with Last Light; just as Tomb Raider suffered in my eyes because of Uncharted. I wanted more, I guess. It's a good game, but I'll never play it again.