If I had to guess, it would be either commentary mode, an SDK, or both.
Anyone seen this yet?![]()
It was censored by the lighter, but ill edit it out just in case.That image might just be a tad NSFW.
Not an SDK (scroll to the bottom): http://www.dsogaming.com/news/metro-last-light-season-pass-dlcs-detailed/
Ever play a game so damn good, you dont want play it for fear of completing it?
Ever play a game so damn good, you dont want play it for fear of completing it?
Yep... And I just finished it. =(Ever play a game so damn good, you dont want play it for fear of completing it?
Ever play a game so damn good, you dont want play it for fear of completing it?
I got the bad ending too and I was happy with it, not sure I need to see the good ending.Is it just me? or is the *bad* ending actually the more satisfying one? I got the bad ending and felt it fit completely, in fact when it was first happening I thought that it was supposed to happen, and the bad/good ending was going to be the aftermath.
It's superb, get it! Great atmosphere, satisfying combat and stealth, excellent graphics, and very unique mechanics (lighter/flash light/NV/ wiping mask/changing filters) etc. The story is a bit touching as well, I thought so anyway.I dunno why but my mind keeps making me call this Last Night.
Anyway, what do you guys think so far of the game? I'm thinking of picking it up!
It's superb, get it! Great atmosphere, satisfying combat and stealth, excellent graphics, and very unique mechanics (lighter/flash light/NV/ wiping mask/changing filters) etc. The story is a bit touching as well, I thought so anyway.
I need help for the end of the "Bandits" level if someone is up for it:
You pull a wire to signal some guys to send over a boat and the gorilla mutants start to attack. I think I am reasonably specced with the automatic shotgun and the four pipe duplet (found on the scene), but the gorillas attack from every angle. I have tried defending the area close to where you pull the wire (one death) and one of the corners on the second floor (two deaths). Is there a cheap tactic to get me through this? Some magic spot where the enemies just line up to be killed or don't attack? Btw, are there any repercussions for lowering difficulty (from default normal)?
I have to say,was some immersive shit. The balance between stealth segments (which are optional I guess) and exploration/action segments in the game is fantastic. Other fps developers should study the pacing in last light.going through the abandoned metro with the railcar and exploring optional areas
Is it just me? or is the *bad* ending actually the more satisfying one? I got the bad ending and felt it fit completely, in fact when it was first happening I thought that it was supposed to happen, and the bad/good ending was going to be the aftermath.
I need help for the end of the "Bandits" level if someone is up for it:
In addition to what big_z said above, incendiary grenade also works very well once you have found a choke point, just throw one down and the watchmen will run straight into the fire. There's no repercussions for lowering the difficulty if you find it too tough (unless you're going for the Ranger Hardcore achievement), you can change it at any time.i stayed about half way up on the stairs to the left if you're facing away from where the boat is coming. all the mutants will funnel up the stairs making it easier. setup a trip mine or two to slow the first group then a gernade or two when needed. i had the silenced 1round shotgun pistol(kills everything 1 shot), auto shotgun and a night scoped rifle of some sort as backup.
This is how you do FPS's. So smooth. So elegant. So immersive. So much fun.
Is it just me? or is the *bad* ending actually the more satisfying one? I got the bad ending and felt it fit completely, in fact when it was first happening I thought that it was supposed to happen, and the bad/good ending was going to be the aftermath.
You forgot to mention the perfect pacing.
So is the stealth any better in this game? I want to know before I jump into it.
Stealth is massively improved. Using silenced weapons to take out every enemy is slightly op, but if you are trying to knock most enemies out and use weapons only as a last resort the balance is just fine.
The maps with humans have clearly been designed with stealth in mind. The arrangements of enemies are often "unsolvable" to begin with, which means that you have to get up close, mess with light sources and take people out when they go off to investigate. Getting up close sometimes means exploring maps in unusual ways by climbing on top of stuff and crawling in sewers/air ducts. Creating noise is usually not very effective (more likely to get you detected), but letting enemies "see something" for a second or two can make them go out and investigate.
Up until venice I have been able to knock every enemy out without raising alarms or being detected. Stealth seems to be a viable option in every encounter with humans so far.
I thought the stealth in metro 2033 was awful. The useless stealth was the sole reason that I did not finish the game.
I would consult your compass, otherwise that DOES sound like a bug....Ok stuck again,what am I suppose to do in Venice,went everywhere, talked to everyone,figured I had to get drunk to move on with the story maybe but that didn't work,knocked on all doors,just going around in circle and nothing happens...before reaching this area,I had a big area in the tunnels where I was like a ghost,no one was seeing me even if I shot at them...weird bug.
So do your decisionsdetermine your ending or is there more to it?Pavel and Lisnetsky (sp?)
Ibut still got the "bad ending."forgave both of them, knocking Lis out and saving Pavel
HahaThat awkward moment when your wife walks in while you're playing Metro during that most inconvenient part of the game.
Man it's burning me up wondering what this developer pack DLC is. I wish they could give at least a general idea of what each DLC would be since they're trying to sell the season pass.
My wife watched meShe was not amused.'get a lap dance.'
I would consult your compass, otherwise that DOES sound like a bug....
Man I beat LL and I'm pissed.......because the shit was a blast every second omg will 4A make another Metro? How about a prequel or something
Man I beat LL and I'm pissed.......because the shit was a blast every second omg will 4A make another Metro? How about a prequel or something, I need more Metro goddamnit!!! I guess it might be good to let LL be the last so it doesn't become like Resident Evil.