Staying calm is integral to conducting a successful trolling.
While I don't buy the fake moon landing conspiracy I can totally understand it
But what would be the motive in lying about a flat earth?
The one that rings most true to me (mentioned by wellthain earlier) is that they are hiding literal bodies of land from the public. Think Atlantis and Mu. Not that I believe they are doing this, just from a logic question of why standpoint, it's the most boring answer I can come up with, the right answer usually being completely boring and explainable. Maybe more resources on those bodies of land? Who knows.That has always - all the evidence of a globe aside - been my question. Who benefits? (most) All lies, from personal to communal, have a beneficiary, or at least the motive of some sort of benefit.
The moon landing has lots of fishy elements, and I don't know how I feel about that though. I'm comfortable saying I don't know.
In both cases, however, I still eat my rice and beans.
The one that rings most true to me (mentioned by wellthain earlier) is that they are hiding literal bodies of land from the public. Think Atlantis and Mu. Not that I believe they are doing this, just from a logic question of why standpoint, it's the most boring answer I can come up with, the right answer usually being completely boring and explainable. Maybe more resources on those bodies of land? Who knows.
How would all of these warring countries just decide to work together
Taking video in the ISS vs putting a video camera mounted on the outside of a rocket that's supposed to survive the experience are two very different point was to shit all over the argument that people have made to me in the past why they don’t stick cameras on all the satellites and rockets they are sending into space “because it’s too expensive” I think it makes the point very well. Nasa released that video 2 days after the YouTube guy uploaded that video calling them out
Not fake. You've never actually experienced zero g except from Hollywood movies so you don't have a reality based frame of reference to draw from. They can't do an hour long livestream in a zero g plane because the zero g portion of the plane ride only lasts 30 seconds at a time.the iss footage from inside the station is obviously fake to me.
When they aren’t on harnesses they use the zero g planes.
During the flight 15 parabolas are performed each providing about 30 seconds of reduced gravity or weightlessness. By the end of the flight you will log about 6-7 minutes of reduced gravity - that's about as much zero-gravity time as Alan Shepard experienced on America's first human spaceflight.
Nah, they're clearly not. It's in space yo. Happy birthday buddy!It’s not just the green screen glitches. They are clearly using some kind of augmented reality vr tech. Heads glitch through walls, people disappear around corners etc it’s all a magic show
footage of high altitude “low earth orbit” doesn’t cut it for me. Plenty of amateur high altitude footage that shows no curvature where other footage from the same height uses wide angle lenses which make the curve convex and concave depending on the angle
Those pictures of galaxies and shit aren’t real photos.
That treaty is fake. Show me something else.I too do not understand the Antarctic treaty.
That's true. That convinced me. The Earth really is flat and every governmental body on it has been working together for a thousand years to keep that secret from us, and I know this has to be true because you sniped a part of a sentence.
Wasn't presenting it as a proof of anything, I was presenting it as a curious situation. The rationale given for this treaty is environmental concerns. Do you believe that all of these warring countries signed a treaty in 1959 to stay out of the continent for environmental reasons? I mean you have to, it's the official story. But I don't understand how they all came together on that one, and I don't know that I believe it's because they wanted to protect the environment in 1959.
I really love howWeilthain is handling all the criticism with 100% calm. Regards!
Also I don't want to criticize anyone especially the OP but putting into one glass two theories of which one is stupid and the second one has scientific proofs isn't good move for truth sake.
real isn't realityreality isn't real
vacuums are very effective insulators, and the sun rays should warm quite well. In the moon some areas under the sun are hundreds of degrees hot, while areas in shadow are hundreds of degrees cold, due to the vacuum insulating and impeding heat transmission. At the same time I've heard infrared radiation towards the dark side exposed to space should also result in cooling even in a vacuum. Would that result in an overly hot and an overly cold area on the satellite? Would heat be effectively transmitted across it? I imagine the cooling and heating in vacuum balance out and heat transmission takes place between sun exposed portion and portions not exposed.Also there is no air pressure up in the thermosphere so there isn't a significant transfer of heat.
The problems with the ISS footage, at least some of it are:You should watch it. It's not fake.
From what I've heard there is curvature but it is slight as the height is not sufficient for a big curvature to show. With a straight line the subtle curvature can be shown.footage of high altitude “low earth orbit” doesn’t cut it for me. Plenty of amateur high altitude footage that shows no curvature where other footage from the same height uses wide angle lenses which make the curve convex and concave depending on the angle
Theres government agents that would tamper with it.I like this thread, and how people are explaining their positions. I don’t believe in flat Earth, but yelling at people who do just isn’t productive. Best for everyone to bring evidence to the table, maturely absorb it, and discuss things. That goes for things in general.
That said, I think we could end this thread pretty quickly, if we just community crowd-funded a weather balloon and camera apparatus, had people from both sides to inspect it, and... let it fly.
Certainly, an atmospheric view of the planet would settle it one way or the other, no?
It just seems to me like we have a pretty answerable question here, with evidence that would present itself cleanly to both experts and laymen.
I look at it like this: Who would you rather hang out with, someone affable who has their feet in the conspiracy pool, or someone who's empirically correct but totally insufferable about it?
The problems with the ISS footage, at least some of it are:
1. There are some videos of them doing motions with their hands as if moving objects, but no objects being in their hands.
2. For unknown reasons some of the women with long hair rather than having their hair tied or properly arranged, it is held wildly like medusa with some strong hair gel or perm. I don't know if they've done it, but moving about with loose long hair for a while would be a good stunt.
3. On some of the videos of them interacting with people on earth, they appear to respond after some significant delay to questions, but on some occasions some of them react to jokes immediately with no delay by smiling despite still presenting delays to respond. There should be a delay, which they attempt to simulate, yet they can react immediately.
on other videos there isn't even any delay at all
This thread seems to have gone beyond flat earth and into the nature of space/whether or not nasa is faking their iss footage.I like this thread, and how people are explaining their positions. I don’t believe in flat Earth, but yelling at people who do just isn’t productive. Best for everyone to bring evidence to the table, maturely absorb it, and discuss things. That goes for things in general.
That said, I think we could end this thread pretty quickly, if we just community crowd-funded a weather balloon and camera apparatus, had people from both sides to inspect it, and... let it fly.
Certainly, an atmospheric view of the planet would settle it one way or the other, no?
It just seems to me like we have a pretty answerable question here, with evidence that would present itself cleanly to both experts and laymen.
“Maybe they are faking the live interviews, doesn’t mean anything”
“maybe they did fake the photos and videos of the moon missions, but they still went”
“Ok, so that guys head did just go through the ceiling, but there is nothing weird going on”
the governments and mega corporations censor and mock it to the point the average person cant allow themselves to question anything anymore.
Have you stated your position on why they would fake the footage yet? Are you full on flat earth? Just wondering.
I think it could be something as easy to explain as space is more dangerous for humans than we like to tell people or too expensive so, to keep the money for research and the dream of space travel alive in the hearts of the public, they would fake a few videos if need be.
If you do subscribe to flat earth, what was the information that sold you on it THE MOST?
ever hear of the striesland effect?And at the same time they are allowing every person to access the biggest communication network ever made that's allowing people all over the world to talk instantly with each other.
The response will be of course so that the governments can better control you
Heliocentric model hasn’t been “proven"
People are doing experiments that are trying to prove the globe and failing.
Well, now is the time for you to start picking it all apart.Just because you don't understand the experiments it doesn't mean that these experiments are not proving the globe.
But according to you they are trying to hide the shape of the world. Why does this don't trigger the Streisand Effekt?ever hear of the striesland effect?
what do you think would happen if they just out right banned everyone from talking about this?
Show me an experiment that try to prove the globe and fails?Well, now is the time for you to start picking it all apart.
The earth is ~24000miles circumference yet we cannot measure curve. There are many tests being done that show a lack of any curve.Show me an experiment that try to prove the globe and fails?
The earth is ~24000miles circumference yet we cannot measure curve. There are many tests being done that show a lack of any curve.
Thats the problem, everything is pseudoscience and space math for you. Like i said just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it is wrong.Do you have any proof of the R value of the earth? Do you have any proof of the distance to the sun? Do you have any proof that the Center of the earth is a molten core of iron? Any proof of axial rotation?
no pseudoscience
1. There are some videos of them doing motions with their hands as if moving objects, but no objects being in their hands.
On some of the videos of them interacting with people on earth, they appear to respond after some significant delay to questions, but on some occasions some of them react to jokes immediately with no delay by smiling despite still presenting delays to respond. There should be a delay, which they attempt to simulate, yet they can react immediately.
It's 100% the MOST likely reality. Everyone is obsessed with romanticizing everything. It is what it is plain and simple.I don't buy the flat earth stuff but I have my own skepticism of the moon landings mainly due to the steep acceleration in technology that has occurred since we supposedly went there. I'd think we would be trying to learn how to inhabit another rock by now but we just decided nah, fuck the moon, we'll just go to Mars instead?
I think there is more going on than we're privy to including the possibility that:
Of course I also accept that they may have occurred just as we've been told but I think that is the least likely reality.
- the moon landings were fake
- they were real but we found something that hasn't been shared publically
- they were real and we have continued to explore the moon secretly ever since
You want miles or kilometers?I do have a question for the flat-earthers.
What are the dimensions of this flat earth?
A lot of scientists believe that all celestial bodies are hollow (essentially solenoids) which results in their magnetic fields. It actually kind of makes sense more than a big molten ball in the core, at least as far as gravity goes, or it at least SEEMS to.Maybe its hollow
And when you bury people they dont rot away most just fall through and have a big zombie party
Just wondering (yet again) but why specifically flat earth and not, let's say, hollow earth, where there is a lot more physical evidence?
It would still require them to fake all the NASA footage and lie about the shape/nature of the planet so why specifically flat earth?
Edit: asking these types of questions before work suck. I want to read and respond immediately lol.