Oh but there are plenty of footage of polar day in Antarctica....The flat earth claim is there is no real 24hr uncut video of the sun going around in the south pole, but there are dozens if not hundreds of the sun going around the north pole, despite there being plenty of tourists in the south pole.
Flat Earth, green lizard men, Scientology, Mormonism, Woke Social Justice Intersectionalism and basically any religion are all part of the same defect of the human mind. Personally Woke Social Justice Intersectionalists are extremely valuable to our understanding of how human psychology can be manipulated into believe complete nonsense and creating a "community" of people sharing the same erroneous beliefs.
As far as I can tell, logic and reason can rarely overpower belief in these folks, and it would be interesting to see how we go about effectively convincing them.
Supposedly they say it costs like $35,000 and you're only allowed to go a limited special area near the coast.Oh but there are plenty of footage of polar day in Antarctica....
Ofc fatters will always say they are fake
Also what about "noone can go to Antarctica because of treaty" if they aknolwedge that there are "plenty of tourists in the south pole"?
If there are plenty of tourists, why not a single flat earther go there? Afterall....theres the biggest secret in the history of mankind within reach!
Now that doesn't exactly prove they did manage to complete the mission in the end. But it proves 100% they had the intention to really do it and not fake it.
In regards to the other debate in this thread, I always wondered why flat-earthers don't just watch a sunset and then adjust their personal elevation/vantage point after it has gone over the horizon. If you can elevate your vantage point, and then the crest of the sun reappears, I don't understand how could you maintain belief in a flat-earth. Of course there are many other ways to personally verify things, but it's not like you have to go into space in order to work things out.
Why does the CMB argue against the cosmological principle? Remember what the principle says. The universe should look the same everywhere, at least when we get to a large enough scale. Well, look at the image at the top of this post, which (ignoring the white curve and circle for a moment) is one way to represent the CMB in the observable universe (obviously a very large scale!). The red areas are parts of the universe in which the CMB is more energetic (on average), and the blue areas are parts of the universe where the CMB is less energetic (on average). If the cosmological principle were correct, the red and blue should be evenly distributed throughout the observable universe. Even the most untrained eye can see that they are not.
There is one other big problem with the “Axis of Evil,” and it makes me doubt that the “C” should be in CMB. It turns out that the axis seems to be aligned with the very plane in which the planets of our solar system orbit the sun. There is absolutely no reason I can fathom that would explain why a universal phenomenon is linked to our solar system
The "Axis of Evil" is a name given to an anomaly in astronomical observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The anomaly appears to give the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance – a result which has been claimed to be evidence of a departure from the Copernican principle.
Lawrence Krauss is quoted as follows in a 2006 Edge.org article:[5]
But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun – the plane of the earth around the sun – the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe.
Coincidence is a possible explanation. Chief scientist from WMAP, Charles L. Bennett suggested coincidence and human psychology were involved, "I do think there is a bit of a psychological effect, people want to find unusual things."
Coincidence and "people want to find weird shit"
I Dubai there's a very tall building where you can do that in an an elevator. That said flat earthers claim the same elevation phenomena would be seen in the flat earth with a local sun.In regards to the other debate in this thread, I always wondered why flat-earthers don't just watch a sunset and then adjust their personal elevation/vantage point after it has gone over the horizon. If you can elevate your vantage point, and then the crest of the sun reappears, I don't understand how could you maintain belief in a flat-earth. Of course there are many other ways to personally verify things, but it's not like you have to go into space in order to work things out.
Flat earthers are mostly poor and can't afford to go to Dubai, therefore, Dubai is fake and the earth is flat.I Dubai there's a very tall building where you can do that in an an elevator. That said flat earthers claim the same elevation phenomena would be seen in the flat earth with a local sun.
Tell me round plebs, if the Earth is round, how come the North Pole and the South Pole aren't connected? Otherwise, wouldn't the North Pole be south if you're above it?
Goodbye you crazy old fool. Good luck in your journey and try not to fall off the edge.That warning was a bit harsh don’t you think?
I asked for a rocket with a video camera in deep space, was misquoted to make it seem like the video was meeting what I asked for, when it wasn’t. Then evilore liked It which is strange because it was deliberately misleading.
I pointed out that it’s pathetic that footage is the best he had of deep space “camera on a rocket” earth footage, and I get a warning, this is after I’ve been called many horrible things
That wasn’t camera on a rocket being launched into deep space.
I’m getting banned guys, they simply have to because the lying doesn’t work.
I love you all
Nymphae you are the man don’t let them get you
Tesseract thanks for the laughs
❤ Love everyone else and thank you for the great times
they are coming for me... I can hear them... Oh god... no.....no no no ARRFGGGHGGGGGGKDKWOAOSKFMWLALkakdnfnekwk........
remember me..as...a....hero...![]()
Flat earth =/= moon landing was faked in terms of crazy. Next thing you know we will be banned from saying the CIA invented AIDS.
Well, duh.Next thing you know we will be banned from saying the CIA invented AIDS.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.Flat earth =/= moon landing was faked in terms of crazy. Next thing you know we will be banned from saying the CIA invented AIDS.
Actually all you need is a drone and cameraI Dubai there's a very tall building where you can do that in an an elevator. That said flat earthers claim the same elevation phenomena would be seen in the flat earth with a local sun.
He would hate that model, water falling off the edge is a misconception and the map wasn't even projected onto the plane properly.
How do you know it's not projected onto the plane properly? Do you have photographic evidence?He would hate that model, water falling off the edge is a misconception and the map wasn't even projected onto the plane properly.
How do you know it's not projected onto the plane properly?
fucking what
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
CIA agents calm downI invented AIDS.
True I have learned that debating a flat earther is pointless. No matter what you say or what proof you give them they will just say its faked or some crap like that.it doesn't help that you say 'don't space maths me bro' every time someone tries to explain something
then you call them a basic bitch, demand they watch your doc (aka look into it), and the cycle repeats
how long are we expected to put up with that
still love wei tho, rip you magnificent musical bastard
I don't buy the flat earth stuff but I have my own skepticism of the moon landings mainly due to the steep acceleration in technology that has occurred since we supposedly went there. I'd think we would be trying to learn how to inhabit another rock by now but we just decided nah, fuck the moon, we'll just go to Mars instead?
I think there is more going on than we're privy to including the possibility that:
Of course I also accept that they may have occurred just as we've been told but I think that is the least likely reality.
- the moon landings were fake
- they were real but we found something that hasn't been shared publically
- they were real and we have continued to explore the moon secretly ever since
Planet is spherical, get a telescope, look up
then you call them a basic bitch, demand they watch your doc (aka look into it)
Those are hanging from wires. They're just a bunch of different sizes to make us think that some are further away than others and they're shaped that way to keep the secret of the flat earth to the powerful elite. I imagine they must have to change the bulbs out every now and then, and I'm not sure how they have done that for 1000+ years, but the specifics don't matter. All that matters is that you're being lied to!Planet is spherical, get a telescope, look up. See all those millions of planets and stars? What shape are every single one of them? Doesn't take a genius to figure out what shape ours is. These people are devolving.
"Look into it "is all most people say on either side, to be fair. And no need to be such a delicate flower here Tess, we both know he didn't really attack anyone. Calling people basic bitches for believing commonly accepted knowledge is a mild joke, turn around is fair play. People are almost entirely incapable of discussing this stuff without throwing around insults, lets not pretend he's the only one calling people names in this. You just called him a bastard lol "and unpleasant or despicable person". I doubt he would have complained, and would have told you to watch and comment on his Moon doc (you should)
just calling it like i see it, i don't ever really complain to anyone about anything and was more than willing to continue the conversation
i was among the first to laugh at the basic bitch thing, if you check the history
This pic is great:
God...I remember one flat earth theory that the sun is like 50 miles away from earth really and, get this, the moon radiates COLD. Like, the guy claimed he had gotten a digital thermometer and the parts of the ground lit by moonlight were colder than the shadowed areas, so hence, moon = cold radiation.Those are hanging from wires. They're just a bunch of different sizes to make us think that some are further away than others and they're shaped that way to keep the secret of the flat earth to the powerful elite. I imagine they must have to change the bulbs out every now and then, and I'm not sure how they have done that for 1000+ years, but the specifics don't matter. All that matters is that you're being lied to!
You know, I've always been more of an ignore than ban type of person on forums. Unless someone is just utterly hateful or spams incessantly, I see no need to ban anyone personally. I had no problem with Weilthain. He was a bit rude a times, but I just saw him as a quirky personality.
Lol, no.He was a mentally ill alcohol who insulted and belittled everyone who didn't agree with him (read: everyone except Nymphae). He can fuck right off the edge of his flat earth. I'm actually pretty stupid for poking my head in here at all, dude's literally insane.
People like you make me miss wellthain. Show me where he super seriously insulted people.
Looks like wellthain got under your skin
I'm actually pretty stupid for poking my head in here at all