Smaller than Atom
People on this site believe the world is flat and the moon landing was faked?
Science is a religion guys don’t be fooled
enjoy fells![]()
A lot of flat earthers insist there's no such thing as a non-stop 5+ hour flight, that no airline actually sells those tickets to real people. Just fake listings on websites, with dummy plane takeoffs carrying no passengers.Have these people ever been flying around the earth?
I mean, starting to fly in one direction and go on until you arrive at your home port again.
How would they explain this?
People on this site believe the world is flat and the moon landing was faked?
I know the internet loves strangers that can be eviscerated for their beliefs. This is gold dust for trolls:
Anyone who staunchly insists the world is flat is, instantly and blanketly, stupid. Like, there are no two ways about it. Nothing they drawl could possibly soften it. It is just an instant, all expenses paid ticket direct the pariah land. You duuuuumb.
Uup! Uup! Uup! No, sorry, nope nope. You're done. Out of the game. All chips reclaimed by the house. You're just down for the count, no matter how long the count is. 最世なら。
As for moon landing, buy a telescope and follow internet directions to look at the evidence and you should see the you are only a couple of rungs above flat earthers on the ladder of stupidity... and those rungs, as with the flat earther rungs, and the anti-vaxxers a few rungs below that, are deep beneath oxygen level in the stinky slimy brown River of Bullshit. You guys have to climb up past trump supporters, those people who think Baldur's Gate 3 should have turn based combat and be 3rd person, and even JFK conspiracy theorists, before you see sunlight, filtered as it would be by the seventy feet of ponging miasma known as the "debatable zone".
I know the internet loves strangers that can be eviscerated for their beliefs. This is gold dust for trolls:
Anyone who staunchly insists the world is flat is, instantly and blanketly, stupid. Like, there are no two ways about it. Nothing they drawl could possibly soften it. It is just an instant, all expenses paid ticket direct the pariah land. You duuuuumb.
Uup! Uup! Uup! No, sorry, nope nope. You're done. Out of the game. All chips reclaimed by the house. You're just down for the count, no matter how long the count is. 最世なら。
As for moon landing, buy a telescope and follow internet directions to look at the evidence and you should see the you are only a couple of rungs above flat earthers on the ladder of stupidity... and those rungs, as with the flat earther rungs, and the anti-vaxxers a few rungs below that, are deep beneath oxygen level in the stinky slimy brown River of Bullshit. You guys have to climb up past trump supporters, those people who think Baldur's Gate 3 should have turn based combat and be 3rd person, and even JFK conspiracy theorists, before you see sunlight, filtered as it would be by the seventy feet of ponging miasma known as the "debatable zone".
No, of course not, how could the hollow earth possibly be flat?!People on this site believe the world is flat and the moon landing was faked?
Just had to squeeze it out and be done with itBro ur 3 edgy 5 me
I saw a flat earth video of a guy boarding a plane with a waterscale.Have these people ever been flying around the earth?
I mean, starting to fly in one direction and go on until you arrive at your home port again.
How would they explain this?
I think on a sphere it is also circles around the circumference.They also believe that pilots are flying in cricles or slopes instead of straight lines so they can explain the the real travel times which dont add up with their flat earth scales/locations.
most of the internet is trolls.I don’t believe most flat earthers, I think most are trolls.
We'll have commercial space flights in our lifetime, and it'll be hilarious seeing the eventual videos of these years of cognitive dissonance coming home to roost.If his rocket worked, and he discovered that the earth really isn't flat, he'd just immediately be labeled as a plant and his evidence would be labeled as fake.
There's no such thing as convincing a flat earther outside of flying them up personally, and if you do that, their word won't be trusted when they come back down anyway.
The people claiming to go on them are lying, or they are in a vessel with TV screens pretending to be windows that's tricking them, ect...Condole
We'll have commercial space flights in our lifetime, and it'll be hilarious seeing the eventual videos of these years of cognitive dissonance coming home to roost.
After years of denial by silence and misinformation, the Soviet Union has now disclosed that in the 1960's it was indeed racing the United States to be first to send men to the Moon.The only reason I would think the moon landing was fake is the US wanted to beat Russia
Yeah you can. All you need to do is make some observations and know trigonometry.Like, I’m willing to concede that I can’t know for certain if the Earth is round. I haven’t physically been in spaced, looked out and saw it for myself. From my limited vantage point it’s possible that all footage and science behind it is made up. I am indeed simply taking it on faith that the scientists throughout the ages aren’t lying to me, and that they are right in saying that the Earth is round.
They've recently interviewed centenarians that claim initially schools in the U.S. taught them the earth was flat at the beginning of the 20th century. There's also the commonly known anecdotes(probably false) people thought columbus was going to fall of the edge of the earth but he showed the earth was round.You must believe:
- That there is a conspiracy spanning centuries (millennia?) that is actively upheld by ALL world governments, including ones that have been (or are currently) at war with each other, OR that there is a power ABOVE all world governments (Illuminati) that is strictly enforcing these false concepts of Earth, space, etc.
The claims is the elites do not want it to be known that the earth is special, as that highlights a creator and does not allow them to claim that humans are meaningless specks of dust in an infinite universe. Making them more easy to manipulate and less likely to rebel[*]That the Moon landing was faked, but NOT for the sake of pissing off the Russians, because the Russians would’ve known that it was impossible to reach the moon AND impossible for the Earth to be round, so Russia could’ve easily won the Space Race by saying “Space isn’t real, the Americans are lying cucks, прощание.”
They claim to have interviewed those involved in navy artillery not only claiming to not account for curvature but actually being able to aim far in excess of what would be possible on a globe.[*]That ALL calculations and practical functions that require taking into account things like gravity and Earth’s curvature are ALL made up, and that no one currently knows how to do the ”real” calculation OR that the concepts being calculated don’t exist in the first place; i.e. long-range Naval Artillery does not exist, ICBMs don’t exist, etc.
? They claim long range travel tends to take the northern hemisphere and show some flights appear to be straight lines in flat earth models. As for southern flights they claim that high speed winds allow some of them to be made.You must also believe that 5+ hour airtravel either doesn’t exist or is an elaborate ruse involving flying in random directions above the disc until eventually actually heading to the destination.
There are conspiracies that there may be more land beyond the antartic, others claim that there are documents suggesting that some attempted to drill past the edge but it got too cold for the machinery to work.[*]That Antarctica is not a giant ice island, but is instead a giant ice wall, and that what is found beyond the ice wall has never been seen or described by anyone in the entire history of the world.
They don't know what happens deep enough, some suggest waters above and waters below in the bible suggests there is perhaps infinite water below.[*]That Earth either continues downward infinitely, or that digging down far enough will eventually cause to come out the bottom of a disc.
They claim the planets are not physical but are some sort of light or gas.edit: they also claim the moon emits light and might not be physical either, some suggest stars can be seen through the moon and it may be partially transparent(though that may have been a satellite reflection they spotted in front of the moon not a star behind it.)[*]That other planets either don’t exist (despite being able to see them) or that they are spherical, and thwt Earth is wholly unique in its flat disc shape.
The idea is that the elite want to portray the world as godless and humans as insignificant specks in a chaotic and random universe without purpose. They want this to crush the human spirit and exploit them as cogs in the machine.The that always confused me is, what’s the point? Who gains from forcibly upholding this incredibly complex, convoluted, expensive lie?
Yeah you can. All you need to do is make some observations and know trigonometry.
They either haven't, or answered them wrongly.The answers may very well be nonsensical, but flat earthers have answered all those questions.
Do you have examples of this? My impression of NASA is that they aren't any more or less truthful or prone to errors than your average giant organization, government or private.So the first issue here on this subject is NASA has lied, multiple times, and have bee caught faking numerous things, and half the hit they have "discovered" they haven't. Including false advertising that you can get a seat on a space rocker for some millions of dollars and some rich people getting rejected for trying to take the offer. They have also given vague explanations that are completely made up about stuff they are still researching and don't know about which is why you'll have speeches by NASA employees contradict each other based on whether they know the recent information or not.
NASA is that they aren't any more or less truthful or prone to errors than your average giant organization, government or private.
No, actually I don't think we agree, and that's not what I said. I said that my impression of NASA is that they aren't any more or less truthful or prone to errors than your average giant organization, government or private. I don't think the average giant organization is constantly lying, so I don't think they lie all the time. NASA may have classified information which they need to protect, since that relates to national security, but that's different. I don't have any evidence of them maliciously lying, and they probably make errors occasionally, as everyone does.So you're saying they lie all the time? Glad we agree.
I am not aware of this, which is why I need examples so that I can judge them.Issue is that when you act like NASA hasn't contradicted themselves and spread fud themselves once in awhile (or got caught in ISS videos for not actually taking place on the ISS)
So you're saying they lie all the time? Glad we agree.
Issue is that when you act like NASA hasn't contradicted themselves and spread fud themselves once in awhile (or got caught in ISS videos for not actually taking place on the ISS) it gives flat earthers a valid entry-way so once you just admit that they aren't 100% accurate and consistent which seems to happen more with NASA than other government agencies for some reason, then they generally won't take an aggressive stance for their argument.
Unless you are talking to the more radical ones, you won't be able to have discourse with those guys no matter what you do.
yo, NASA doesn't give a single dusty irradiated fuck about how "real" their work looks to fringe internet people