Nah, its ok. There are a lot of safety nets for poor people, and senior citizens. We have medicare for anyone over 65. medicaid for anyone making under $25k. free schools. free lunches., free healthcare free transportation for kids for parents under the poverty limit and even some working class people. you dont have to pay federal taxes if you have a large family and are making 50-60k.
dont bother with any of this if you are making $200k or are single. the market is for rich people or single men with a lot of time. building a business is easy because banks will loan you money but then you are in debt. so just get a normal job and play it safe.
nah, its fine for the reasons i posted above. there are a lot of opportunities here, you just have to get your hands dirty. the govt will help you if you get laid off, the banks will give you time to get a job back, your kids will be fine. the only problem is that the work culture here reigns supreme. you need to work from 9-6. you have your weekends but thats it. you get maybe 10 days of vacation. 3 days of bereavement. 10 days of sick leave for doctors appointment and other stuff. which if you have kids go by fast. when you come here. get ready to work. get your kids working at mcdonalds by the age of 16. get them in that mindset of working. get your wife in the mindset of working. everyone needs to work if you want a comfortable living. $100-150k should be enough to live in a decent neighborhood in a small midwestern city (not austin) without worrying about debt, but expect to work all the time. And work hard.
depends on where you go. big cities you will find people who dont give a fuck. smaller towns are slightly better. people will say hi as they walk past your house. smile, but generally keep their distance. dont expect any of that in the big cities like nyc, LA, and chicago.
nah. i read somewhere that 97% of the guns are owned by like 25% of the people. its mostly gun nuts. you wont encounter many people with guns. i have been to austin several times and never saw a gun. all resturnats, places of business, banks and governtment buildings ban guns.
im guessing this is a joke but the u.s is the safest its ever been. crime is down. dont listen to tiktok or twitter. they post rage bait shit to get people to rise up. stats show different. even in major crime havens like detroit and baltimore, they have figured out a way to reduce crime.