prolly didnt put standoffs in
The motherboard would short and not start at all if this were the case. That's not what's happening.
prolly didnt put standoffs in
prolly didnt put standoffs in
The motherboard would short and not start at all if this were the case. That's not what's happening.
Curious if it's worth sending back the order and waiting longer to save this money. Someone earlier (on this page even) recommended at least 650. Is 750 a waste? Will that power offer me any benefits?
Haha, judging from all these recommendations I might as well just build a new PC. New cooler, new PSU, new CPU, new mobo, and I want a GPU upgrade... geez
I wasn't complaining, because...Extremely sarcastic post
This was helpful. Thanks! If the cooler doesn't do the trick I'll go for the power supply next. I know that's the reverse of what you said to do but I already ordered the right cooler so I might as well try that first.Uh, it kind of sounds like that's what you want to do.
But, very seriously: your problems seem related to CPU temperatures and a bad power supply.
1. Re-seat and re-paste your CPU cooler.
2. Buy a new power supply. You don't have to spend a lot to get a quality unit, but you have to know what you're looking for.
Here is a good list of many units:
Here is a link to one you could just buy and drop in:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
I often see it for $60.
3. If it still shuts down, get a new CPU cooler.
It's always better to fix what you have than start again. That will be a very nice machine when it works properly again. Good luck!
Curious if it's worth sending back the order and waiting longer to save this money. Someone earlier (on this page even) recommended at least 650. Is 750 a waste? Will that power offer me any benefits?
Dude. For real. A 960 is a terrible purchase at this point. Shit, for $10 bucks more I'll ship you my year old 970 that's working fine.OMG, please cancel that GPU for the love of god. The 480 is coming out in 8 days and would absolutely wreck that card and is only $10 more expensive.
I wasn't complaining, because...
-I'd need to replace the CPU to
-Get a better GPU
-I need a better power supply
-The mobo could also be replaced
It is an older PC, I built it with several mid range parts in 2013. If I were to upgrade I'd basically be replacing most of it.
Regardless that is tangential to this discussion, right now I just want to fix this one. I'm going to order the cooler regardless because I do want to be able to play MMOs at least. Also dust it out and check the PSU fan in the process.
This was helpful. Thanks! If the cooler doesn't do the trick I'll go for the power supply next. I know that's the reverse of what you said to do but I already ordered the right cooler so I might as well try that first.
I wasn't complaining, because...
-I'd need to replace the CPU to
-Get a better GPU
-I need a better power supply
-The mobo could also be replaced
It is an older PC, I built it with several mid range parts in 2013. If I were to upgrade I'd basically be replacing most of it.
Regardless that is tangential to this discussion, right now I just want to fix this one. I'm going to order the cooler regardless because I do want to be able to play MMOs at least. Also dust it out and check the PSU fan in the process.
This was helpful. Thanks! If the cooler doesn't do the trick I'll go for the power supply next.
I wasn't complaining, because...
-I'd need to replace the CPU to
-Get a better GPU
-I need a better power supply
-The mobo could also be replaced
It is an older PC, I built it with several mid range parts in 2013. If I were to upgrade I'd basically be replacing most of it.
PS: OP, update the OP so people know that you didn't spend 2k on the PC. You spent about 1k, and another 1k on the monitor and such. Make that more clear that way you can end that part of the discussion.
I know that post is a month old, but, just feels appropriate to respond to it with this.for the layman this shit seems pretty complicated. we got people talking about tiny fans breaking
Everyone saying I didn't do research... I basically had my friend who builds/fixes PCs help me pick out the parts and build it for me. I ran my parts through my other PC gaming friends before I got them. I knew I might have to upgrade my PSU someday. So, no, I don't really know anything about anything (although this thread has already taught me a lot). I'm the definition of casual PC gamer. I just want a powerful machine that can play games, preferably PC oriented games like MMOs and Overwatch. The only reason I built my own is because all of my friends were STRONGLY for the idea, saying pre-builts are worse. I was going to get a Dell XPS or something, but I took their word for it.
I'm not used to doing maintenance on a gaming machine at all... the comparisons to cars have me all like ?????????????? Consoles are a different world. It's not that I don't like PC gaming though, it's just something to get used to. I got a lot out of my machine for two or three years or so.
Everyone saying I didn't do research... I basically had my friend who builds/fixes PCs help me pick out the parts and build it for me. I ran my parts through my other PC gaming friends before I got them.
The only reason I built my own is because all of my friends were STRONGLY for the idea, saying pre-builts are worse.
Everyone saying I didn't do research... I basically had my friend who builds/fixes PCs help me pick out the parts and build it for me. I ran my parts through my other PC gaming friends before I got them. I knew I might have to upgrade my PSU someday. So, no, I don't really know anything about anything (although this thread has already taught me a lot). I'm the definition of casual PC gamer. I just want a powerful machine that can play games, preferably PC oriented games like MMOs and Overwatch. The only reason I built my own is because all of my friends were STRONGLY for the idea, saying pre-builts are worse. I was going to get a Dell XPS or something, but I took their word for it.
I'm not used to doing maintenance on a gaming machine at all... the comparisons to cars have me all like ?????????????? Consoles are a different world. It's not that I don't like PC gaming though, it's just something to get used to. I got a lot out of my machine for two or three years or so.
I mean it's not like I didn't look at reviews for the parts and what other people had to say about them. Is this really such a bad build for a PC built in 2013? You guys are talking like I built a piece of garbage.This is not a slight on you but man if you are going to go down the road of building a gaming pc take the time to do the research and educate yourself instead of relying on friends totally. If you had done 2-3 hours of research you would know your friends led you down a terrible path with parts that you got charged way to much for that aren't quality parts.
Also while myself and others here are happy to help please moving forward do a little research prior to asking questions. If you literally typed in pc randomly shutting down and can be turned back on after time on Google there are pages showing what the problem is and how to troubleshoot it. Pc's aren't consoles and just work. They need to be maintained. It is some work but the benefits of pc gaming more than make up for it.
I mean it's not like I didn't look at reviews for the parts and what other people had to say about them. Is this really such a bad build for a PC built in 2013? You guys are talking like I built a piece of garbage.
That's not the monitor I have and does not include my speakers or gaming mouse, though.
I think this is the 2nd time I see you jumped into a thread and start telling people to buy a 1080 without even reading anything. Dude bought his PC years ago and 1k of that was for monitor and peripherals.If you spent $2k on a PC you should get a 1080 at least.
I hope everything goes well OP despite all this trouble.
Wow, that's great to hear that the rma was free!I hope so too.
Damn sol, I hope you get to the bottom of this, brother.
I remember when I had issues. Thankfully I found out my pc suddenly shutting down was due to me getting a bad gpu (it was a known issue regarding an irregular boost clock). Thankfully I was still under warranty when I isolated the issue down to what it was.. and got a free rma.
Did OP actually report higher temperatures than 72 degrees? Because CPUs don't shut down until high 90s, and even then they thermal throttle like hell before getting to that point.
65 at idle is less than, well, idle, but that number alone tells you nothing about the reason for a hard shutdown. PSU is just as likely in this scenario. Probably more so.
Fortunately it seems OP bought replacements for both.
Did OP actually report higher temperatures than 72 degrees? Because CPUs don't shut down until high 90s, and even then they thermal throttle like hell before getting to that point.
65 at idle is less than, well, idle, but that number alone tells you nothing about the reason for a hard shutdown. PSU is just as likely in this scenario. Probably more so.
Fortunately it seems OP bought replacements for both.
I've seen my 3570k hit 90ºC a few times while testing using Intel Burn Test.The shutdown temperature for most Intel CPU's is 60 degrees Celsius.
I've seen my 3570k hit 90ºC a few times while testing using Intel Burn Test.
They shut down at 70 degrees Celcius. While the exact number can vary, 70 is the hard cut-off number. The shutdown temperature for most Intel CPU's is 60 degrees Celsius.
I have no idea where people are getting higher numbers from, since those are a select number of models with very specific purposes (like allowing extreme overclocking at the users own risk) and laptops, which can get hotter due to saving power on fan use. Those have thermal trottling and shut down at 80, but desktops don't need that extra range and are not designed to.
Strange choice for a PSU: Azza? 850W?