any 2k for dummies type guide online that i can check out while im not at home?
Just had the best game.
Won with a last second 3 pointer in second OT.
Hit the share button to upload that last bit of gameplay. It only saved :44 of footage, it says. And it is of the logos during the loading screen?
any 2k for dummies type guide online that i can check out while im not at home?
any 2k for dummies type guide online that i can check out while im not at home?
Makes one yearn for an NFL 2K14
This game is garbage outside of the actual gameplay...
sounds weird but that's how I feel about it. Playing the actual games is great fun and some pretty cool things happen, but everything that surrounds it just dampens the mood. The shitty menus, the always online-esque things, the shit they took out because reasons, the pay to win shit, MyPlayer is basically scripted and they ruined the association mode with extra nonsense that only serves to complicate things (along with taking out features there too). It is just really difficult to even play this game because as soon as you want to do something else, you are reminded of how much shit they fucked up.
Once again, they are sooo lucky Live is so bad. But this is basically how 2k began to fail in Hockey and Baseball..
The game is pretty and plays well but everything bad
Hopefully 2k patches some things back in but I doubt it as the things I am bitching about don't matter to the masses. They will probably pull an EA and add them back like its some big deal.
Set all your sliders to 100. Play on Rookie. Post results.
Hey man, that's how I started.
any 2k for dummies type guide online that i can check out while im not at home?
Set all your sliders to 100. Play on Rookie. Post results.
Hey man, that's how I started.
Well offensively...I would use this pick n roll guide on helping you to create open shots on offense. Pick n rolls are started by holding down circle and then depending on how long you hold it down, the guy setting the pick will respond to that action. Holding down circle they will go in this order;
Damn, I think like 5 people on GAF bought this game. Easily one of the most slowest moving OT's around, lol!
Sports OT's always move slow. There really isn't much to discuss regarding the game. Since we already have a NBA2k league thread outside of looking for a game the OT is rarely going to get used.
How do the voice commands work? I have them on and said "Time out" and nothing happen except for me looking stupid infront of my girlfriend.
Would the league thread be better to ask for tips and such as time goes on or is that only for league players and such? I suck, and I know I'll be asking a lot more in the coming days!
Not really sure...I turned them off after getting a T for saying fuck.
So it says I need an update for online features, where do I get it?
Also do they no longer allow you to download draft classes made by other folks? All help is appreciated.
Is this your first time playing the game? The update should be auto-downloading but you'll need to quit and restart the game to install iirc.
anyone consistently able to do the euro-step...i've done it like 3 times but i can nail it down
i drive to basket and then flick pro stick right to left
am i doing this right?
WTF @ no create a player
WTF @ not being able to edit rosters without also uploading them to the 2K Share servers
WTF @ whatever they did to 2K shoes regarding the fake currency point system and microtransactions
The game is beautiful and fun on court, but absolutely garbage everywhere else. I can't believe how much they ruined, or flat out removed from the game.
WTF @ no create a player
WTF @ not being able to edit rosters without also uploading them to the 2K Share servers
WTF @ whatever they did to 2K shoes regarding the fake currency point system and microtransactions
The game is beautiful and fun on court, but absolutely garbage everywhere else. I can't believe how much they ruined, or flat out removed from the game.
Would the league thread be better to ask for tips and such as time goes on or is that only for league players and such? I suck, and I know I'll be asking a lot more in the coming days!
everyone is right about the crappy features and menus, but damn they did good on the core gameplay![]()
WTF @ no create a player
WTF @ not being able to edit rosters without also uploading them to the 2K Share servers
WTF @ whatever they did to 2K shoes regarding the fake currency point system and microtransactions
The game is beautiful and fun on court, but absolutely garbage everywhere else. I can't believe how much they ruined, or flat out removed from the game.
Its hard to ruin or remove something that isnt there. You have to remember that they have to build this from the ground up mostly on these new platforms. Par for the course for launch feature wise, but the gameplay is shockingly solid. Thats seems to be where they spent the most time.
-Who the hell thought to make an in-game sub menu and not include fatigue levels on it?
Run some long scrimmage sessions to get better.This first game against the Heat is going about as well for me as it did for the Bulls in real life. I'm already down 17![]()
This isn't me complaining about some nagging issue in Association Mode, or nitpicking a feature of an Online League, those features I mentioned as basic as hell. "Basketball game features 101" kind of basic. They've pretty much ruined created rosters and the 2K Share stuff with those omissions + back assward design choices. All of that before even getting into the ridiculous menu system with sub menus and modes tucked away in nonsensical ways. Everything aside from the on court action is garbage. I commend them for getting the first title on next gen to play and look great, but I can't excuse the AWFUL Ui and rookie mistakes on display here.
This too.
And what's up with the bug after a made shot where the camera will focus on one player as the opposing team suffers a 5 second inbound penalty because the ball can't be passed in?