wtf is wrong with the ps4 version. it keeps crashing for me when i try career mode.
Maybe I'm just lucky but 2k has never crashed on me unlike bf4.
Also averaging about 40 and 7 a game after the all star break.
wtf is wrong with the ps4 version. it keeps crashing for me when i try career mode.
Someone give me some tips for this game. I feel like the computer can drive right by me, yet I can never take anyone off the dribble unless I'm on fire or I get some solid screens. I'm playing as the Pacers right now, and I'm having fun, but I feel like the CPU gets a ton of lay-ups whereas I have to settle for a lot of post plays and mid-range curls.
There's already a thread for that, playa.
I really love the out of game cutscenes that have nothing to do with your play, but they need to be more organic than scripted.
Think the game ramps up the difficulty when you get a dynamic goal. Before the corruptions I was getting 25 points a game coming of the bench with about 7 assists and a couple of blocks, then it says something like "Change the entire game by yourself" and my 80% FG drops to 30 and then coach tells me he'll cut my minutes.
Not that it matters. Everytime the coach said I was getting a change in my minutes, I got 28 every single game without fail.
Mash O on defence to try and get charging fouls. You'll lose by even more, but it's a lot more entertaining to lose that way.
I never get any of these. IS the pc version different from the console versions?
I never get any of these. IS the pc version different from the console versions?
How do you do that? And which mode? MyCareer?
Welp, I just now decided to use $10 bucks that came with my second ps4 to get 35k points. I did it within the "My Career" interface and it didn't show up there. I still had the same VC that I started out with. When I went into "My GM and My team" interface it showed up there. I was able to buy clothes and shoes that showed up for "My Career" guy but not able to boost stats or buy dunk packages and skills.
I guess something changed with this magic update they pushed a while back. I hate this game.
How the fuck do you find your hotzone for this MyCareer skit?
Why do I continue to play this game ....
I would guess either hit the practice courts and a button there will show you or check out your player's tendencies
39,99 on Amazon (PS4 digital code right now)
20,00 less than the PS3 digital code?
Thing is... I see this picture when I choose the option... a mistake, right?
Greg Oden is proof that this is possible.![]()
Greg Oden is proof that this is possible.
How the fuck do you find your hotzone for this MyCareer skit?
Why do I continue to play this game ....
If I remember correctly your player didn't have a 'hotzone' in MyCareer last year, so I guess that's carried over. I wanted to believe you created your own one from hitting shots from the same spot over the course of your career, but I'm not sure that's true.
You have a hotzone, it's just trial and error when it comes to finding it. At some point your rating gets high enough that the shot quality indicator isn't going to help. But I found mine as an all-around PG, slightly right of the basket on the three point line. Not sure if it's random.
PC version is a port from last gen console version, Xbox One and PS4 version is completely different.
I'd advise you to go and play something else (it'll carry on installing, but doesn't show in downloads for some reason). Took nearly a whole day to install for me. Never deleting it if I can help it.I installed it last night and then booted it up only for it to start installing again, 5 hours later it's only on 40%.
This added to the fact that I have no idea what the hell to do in Quick Game lol
I'd advise you to go and play something else (it'll carry on installing, but doesn't show in downloads for some reason). Took nearly a whole day to install for me. Never deleting it if I can help it.
Also why did 2k remove basketball game accessories like head bands, arm sleeves , and other stuff off the game?
Career Mode is unplayable for me. Keeps crash after a it shows my VC credited and stats post game
They didn't remove it. You need to use a VC to purchase those. Features > MyPlayerStore(I think). That's where you are going to buy those accessories.
Yeah it's not there no more, I was going to buy some after getting 7k coins from Nike endorsement.
Ah okay mate, thanks a lot.
I just hope it has a tutorial hah!
tried that several times. Same problem. This game is a broken mess right now for meHappened to me. I had to delete everything and reinstall a couple times. Save is online though so that didn't get lost.
Same here. One trick to get around the mycareer crash is to remove all accessories from my players. I don't have that option anymore.Yeah it's not there no more, I was going to buy some after getting 7k coins from Nike endorsement.
In the options menu there's an option to show specific parts of the play (2k calls it PlayVision I think?) such as Lite or Full. Always go full. And choose Auto play calling if you wish since you can always override the automatic play with whatever play you want to run.Is there any practice or tutorial mode to show you how to run plays? I call a play in a game, and an icon shows up on the court. I dribble over to it...then what? Am I supposed to just know what's coming and execute?
I remember 2K11 (last one I played) having a pretty extensive tutorial and practice mode for running team-specific plays but I can't find it here.
I like the game but the little things are frustrating, I forget how to like highlight a teammate and make him move around while I have the ball, and there's no in-game button mechanics telling you how to do moves as far as I can tell. I don't want to back all the way out to training mode and search that shit out.
Yeah it's not there no more, I was going to buy some after getting 7k coins from Nike endorsement.
Great my save somehow got corrupted... I'm screwed aren't I?
I finally got sponsored by Jordan in career mode. I was shocked that I got 9000 vc out of it. I honestly can't believe it. Fuck 2k and their economy I'm a starting small forward I should not be at poverty level.