Few more years and there will be no difference.
How many cities do you know called Imaim? How about Miami?Are his tattoos on the wrong side? lol
Pics of Westbrook pls. Cant wait to play as OKC.
No, that image of the real LeBron was reversed to get a more similar angle.Are his tattoos on the wrong side? lol
Are his tattoos on the wrong side? lol
image on left is mirrored. Miami is backwards.
I wish I could post the shared video clips from the game I played tonight. I haven't played a 2K game in a while so I can't wait to get into the full game. I downloaded the digital version and damn it's taking long to install the rest.
I like how this was changed into the OT :lol
Did anyone figure out what the PS4 exclusive content was? I'm expecting nothing of value but I'd still like to know. Kind of wish I was playing this tonight...stupid UPS.
What you just said sounds weird, but I agree. When you know what you're doing, the animations blend far more realistically with what you would expect of the actual players. However, when you force the issue and play wild with no control, that causes the game to look less impressive because there's nothing convincing about the player's movements.
I would kill for an NHL game with this level of detail
lol. That Perk is spot on.Westbrook doesn't look great haha. But here since you sound like a OKC fan.
Yeah, WTF EA?!?! 2K makes a great basketball game and you decide to release your crap basketball game on the next gen BUT NO HOCKEY GAME?!?!? Why no NHL 14 for next gen?
Jeez, 2K should have jumped back into hockey . . . had they known EA was going to skip this year, they could have cleaned up.
Just downloaded this off PSN and my game is stuck "11% Installing game. Some features will not be present."
I played through a whole Spurs vs Heat game and it still hasn't moved. Anyone else get this game off PSN? Is it trying to download more data or what?
nba 2k14 looks really good but i see a lot of hover hand in still shots (like players hands' not actually making contact with surfaces such as the ball, other players, etc). when a player palms the ball, it's held tightly against his hand. i don't want to see air between his hand and the ball. i'm also not impressed with the way jerseys look. very very easy to spot in screens, harder to see in motion.
these issues aren't unique to 2k14 either. all sports games have this problem where the animations are just slightly off and the clothes just don't feel real - like a post player's jersey is obviously getting tugged on in half the plays in the nba, and it doesn't seem like a game ever simulates such things, like a jersey being pulled out of shape due to an opposing player grabbing onto a player. i blasted live 14 for having identical jersey wrinkles on irving/rubio. maybe i just take my clothes too seriously. even that perkins shot above, you can see the edges in his jersey
Well, not enough people bought All-Pro Football 2K8. It had flaws but the animation was nice & smooth. It would have been nice to see it develop over the years.
If 2K got the license for the NFL now, it would take a while to get a good game put together.
All Pro didn't have much of a budget.
If they put NBA 2K resources towards a Football game. I can see it working.
Game is fun even tho I got bombed out of the building with my shit tier defense. Some slider tweaks and it will be good to go. Any negative I have with the game is the outside stuff like taking out a lot of the customization options, awful menu systems, apparently fucking up the MyGm mode with extra shit, and more basically the EA practice of taking out basic stuff to add back later as "new". That is straight garbage. Modes like MyGM and MyPlayer should be extra and not come at the expense of standard features. BUT the gameplay is fun and that saves it. But seriously they better not pull this shit again.
At this point it can be argued that the My Player and Association/MyGM modes ARE considered standard features now for the NBA2K games going back several years.
I think the big problem for All Pro is they pointlessly spent all that money on licensing out a bunch of old football players and has-beens which probably drove up the price to a $60 game. They can't win head to head wiht Madden w/o the NFL, but if they had positioned it as a $20 XBLA/PSN title with all of the emphasis focusing on customization and online leagues, I think they could carve out a niche. Just throw in a to of social features and make online leagues and franchises super easy to manage.
...So I'm playing NBA 2K14 and I get beat by my man to the rim... Afterwards I yelled "shit!"... No joke the PS4's camera picked it up and gave me a technical foul in the game... WTF
nba 2k14 looks really good but i see a lot of hover hand in still shots (like players hands' not actually making contact with surfaces such as the ball, other players, etc). when a player palms the ball, it's held tightly against his hand. i don't want to see air between his hand and the ball. i'm also not impressed with the way jerseys look. very very easy to spot in screens, harder to see in motion.
these issues aren't unique to 2k14 either. all sports games have this problem where the animations are just slightly off and the clothes just don't feel real - like a post player's jersey is obviously getting tugged on in half the plays in the nba, and it doesn't seem like a game ever simulates such things, like a jersey being pulled out of shape due to an opposing player grabbing onto a player. i blasted live 14 for having identical jersey wrinkles on irving/rubio. maybe i just take my clothes too seriously. even that perkins shot above, you can see the edges in his jersey
If that was that camera I imagine the kinect sensor will get you ejected from your house lol..
can someone post a screenshot of birdman, varejao or that nogueria(?) celtics rookie? I wanna see how their hair looks in game lol.
Talking about a different game. Someone streamed NBA Live last night and it in fact did look like garbage. Especially compared to how amazing 2K14 looks.
People are calling live crap not 2k