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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

GAF is so much fun right now with all of this crazy stuff going on. I can only imagine what E3 will be like (when the site is actually up).

A lot of good Gaffers are going to lose their head sometime next week and get banned.

Even some of the folks you see in this thread now will probably not be around come a week from now. (Probably all of snes' alts)

EDIT: Speaking of bans, this crop of juniors is something else, man.

They're going HAM over it OT in that big girl kicked out of prom thread.
Does that mean the Xbone isnt that powerful

Spec-wise it was already significantly behind the PS4 specs. This would make that gap wider. Not that it really matters. Whoever has the best, most coveted games will sell the most. The Wii couldn't even output in HD and it destroyed the PS3/360. For me it means all my non-PC third party games will most likely be bought for PS4.
Who cares. Ultimately meaningless. 3rd parties who want their title on MS' console won't hesitate.
As meaningless as the rushed hardware meant to the 360? Right, ok. You'd be a damned fool not to question the quality control of Microsoft's console if you owned a 360 considering the RROD debacle.


Paris Jackson's suicide attempt is the most predictable suicide attempt in the history of suicide attempts. That funeral where they all clawing all over her like she was a big piece of money
As long as the repair policy is as good this time I dont think it will affect people, plus I really doubt that this console will have problems like that. If this low yield thing turns out to be true then I could see them doing a staggered release.
As meaningless as the rushed hardware meant to the 360? Right, ok. You'd be a damned fool not to question the quality control of Microsoft's console if you owned a 360 considering the RROD debacle.

I don't question any of them. I just get the extended warranty. I've had more Sony consoles die than any other. Their quality control has always been shit, and I assume always will be. Original XBOX ran like a tank. Breathe on the 360 wrong and it died. Sony's why I always get the extended warranty though.

The scores of "i'm on my 12th 360" threads say yes. People don't give a fuck.

That's correct. I'm on my third PS3 and my third 360. I never really consider not replacing them when they die.
As long as the repair policy is as good this time I dont think it will affect people, plus I really doubt that this console will have problems like that. If this low yield thing turns out to be true then I could see them doing a staggered release.
I stand corrected, Deacon. People are damned fools.

Microsoft took damn near three weeks to get a console back to you in the early goings of the RROD mess. That's not a "good" return policy for a known problem with your hardware.

I don't question any of them. I just get the extended warranty. I've had more Sony consoles die than any other. Their quality control has always been shit, and I assume always will be. Original XBOX ran like a tank. Breathe on the 360 wrong and it died. Sony's why I always get the extended warranty though.
You mean to say you question all of them if you're buying an extended warranty.

I've never had a Sony console die on me. Not one. Anecdotal stories FTW.;)
I stand corrected, Deacon. People are damned fools.

Microsoft took damn near three weeks to get a console back to you in the early goings of the RROD mess. That's not a "good" return policy for a known problem with your hardware.

And yet people bought the 360 in huge numbers. People this gen obviously didnt give a fucked about dead consoles because MS replaced them for free. If it wasnt a big enough factor to sway people this gen what makes you think it will next gen?


I stand corrected, Deacon. People are damned fools.

Microsoft took damn near three weeks to get a console back to you in the early goings of the RROD mess. That's not a "good" return policy for a known problem with your hardware.

You mean to say you question all of them if you're buying an extended warranty.

I've never had a Sony console die on me. Not one. Anecdotal stories FTW.;)

Never had one console die on me either, and I've had every one for the last 3 gens.
And yet people bought the 360 in huge numbers. People this gen obviously didnt give a fucked about dead consoles because MS replaced them for free. If it wasnt a big enough factor to sway people this gen what makes you think it will next gen?
You think it's feasible for Microsoft to release another piece of faulty hardware at the level of the RROD (if we're throwing a hypothetical out there) and people will continue to shrug that off? I know we all happen to share a fairly low opinion of our fellow gamers but I'd like to think that people will eventually start to shy away from product that doesn't work. Specifically $400+ product that happens to have plenty of competition around it.

Once? Ok, you can let that slide. Another round of faulty hardware? I don't think people will be as forgiving. Especially if you're under the belief that the adoption rate of consoles will be slower due to Tablets/Smartphones as Deacon does.
You think it's feasible for Microsoft to release another piece of faulty hardware at the level of the RROD (if we're throwing a hypothetical out there) and people will continue to shrug that off?

I didn't think people would put up with RROD. I am constantly surprised by the gaming populace's willingness to roll over.


Console adoption is going to be slow regardless. Smartphones and tablets are eating the consoles lunch and it will only get worse.
Things do seem grim unless you are yankeehater.

I mean the 3DS is really under performing and that thing is loaded with a ton of fucking games. Wii U and Vita are dead on arrival. The 360 is doing well in the US, but sells less hardware every month and every year and same with software. PS3 is doing ok in other territories, but again game sales are down year over year for what like 2 straight years going on three?

Its begs the question what are gamers doing? It seems like a lot have moved on. Is it just Wii and DS gamers who never gamed before the Wii and DS and have moved on to free facebook games? Are we losing dudebros and the usual gamers as well?
You think it's feasible for Microsoft to release another piece of faulty hardware at the level of the RROD (if we're throwing a hypothetical out there) and people will continue to shrug that off?

Honestly that wouldnt surprise me in the least. I did say in my original post that I think the hardware will be better, but if MS has the games that people want then people will put up with a lot. I had 3 PS2 go down to disk read errors, and Sony only gave a 90 day warranty and yet that didnt slow the PS2 down at all. People want to play games and they are willing to put up with a lot of garbage to make that happen.
Things do seem grim unless you are yankeehater.

I mean the 3DS is really under performing and that thing is loaded with a ton of fucking games. Wii U and Vita are dead on arrival. The 360 is doing well in the US, but sells less hardware every month and every year and same with software. PS3 is doing ok in other territories, but again game sales are down year over year for what like 2 straight years going on three?

Its begs the question what are gamers doing? It seems like a lot have moved on. Is it just Wii and DS gamers who never gamed before the Wii and DS and have moved on to free facebook games? Are we losing dudebros and the usual gamers as well?

The industry started showing declines year over year about 3 years ago. Significant declines. When you subtract out Nintendo(specifically the Wii) though the declines aren't significant at all. Nintendo inflated the market for years, and then when the Wii died it appeared to deflate it regardless of Sony and MS doing well for consoles 7-8 years into a console lifecycle. 3DS is underperforming in the West, and I'm not ready to declare consoles dead based off of a poorly conceived Wii U dying out of the gate.
Things do seem grim unless you are yankeehater.

I mean the 3DS is really under performing and that thing is loaded with a ton of fucking games. Wii U and Vita are dead on arrival. The 360 is doing well in the US, but sells less hardware every month and every year and same with software. PS3 is doing ok in other territories, but again game sales are down year over year for what like 2 straight years going on three?

Its begs the question what are gamers doing? It seems like a lot have moved on. Is it just Wii and DS gamers who never gamed before the Wii and DS and have moved on to free facebook games? Are we losing dudebros and the usual gamers as well?

The traditional gaming market is shrinking. There are a finite amount of dollars and they won't be going purely into consoles like they have for the last 3 decades.
i think MS knows this - everything I read about Xbone says to me that MS doesn't care as much about raw consoles sold as much as they do subscriptions.

As much as the core gamer hates hearing this - they aren't enough to sustain any of the big 3 anymore. Ninty ditched them with the Wii, MS Ditched them at the tail end of the 360 and into Xbone.


Things do seem grim unless you are yankeehater.

I mean the 3DS is really under performing and that thing is loaded with a ton of fucking games. Wii U and Vita are dead on arrival. The 360 is doing well in the US, but sells less hardware every month and every year and same with software. PS3 is doing ok in other territories, but again game sales are down year over year for what like 2 straight years going on three?

Its begs the question what are gamers doing? It seems like a lot have moved on. Is it just Wii and DS gamers who never gamed before the Wii and DS and have moved on to free facebook games? Are we losing dudebros and the usual gamers as well?

Nintendo was just really stupid and released two mainline pokemon games for the DS (pokemon black and white 1 and 2) after the 3DS was released.

I understand their thought in protecting the brand with releasing 1 on the DS, but there was really no excuse for 2.

And Pokemon is by far the strongest IP on handhelds.

The traditional gaming market is shrinking. There are a finite amount of dollars and they won't be going purely into consoles like they have for the last 3 decades.
i think MS knows this - everything I read about Xbone says to me that MS doesn't care as much about raw consoles sold as much as they do subscriptions.

As much as the core gamer hates hearing this - they aren't enough to sustain any of the big 3 anymore. Ninty ditched them with the Wii, MS Ditched them at the tail end of the 360 and into Xbone.

I believe core gamers can support the market, but they have to do it with tiered pricing, which core games probably hate hearing even more.


The industry started showing declines year over year about 3 years ago. Significant declines. When you subtract out Nintendo(specifically the Wii) though the declines aren't significant at all. Nintendo inflated the market for years, and then when the Wii died it appeared to deflate it regardless of Sony and MS doing well for consoles 7-8 years into a console lifecycle. 3DS is underperforming in the West, and I'm not ready to declare consoles dead based off of a poorly conceived Wii U dying out of the gate.
3DS, Wii U and Vita are all underperforming expectations or flat out bombing. Not even getting into all the titles that underperform every quarter (and the one or two titles that do well) and all the studios closing up shop year after year.

I can't take that as a sign of good health for the industry as a whole.

Even if Xbone sells as well as last gen and same with the 4 the market is still losing a lot of Nintendo and PSP business if things continue down this path. That is still a sizable contraction.



A lot of fat chicks on GAF whining about peoples post in the fat teen kicked out for cleavage. Just pull up your bootstraps and lose some weight.
The traditional gaming market is shrinking. There are a finite amount of dollars and they won't be going purely into consoles like they have for the last 3 decades.
i think MS knows this - everything I read about Xbone says to me that MS doesn't care as much about raw consoles sold as much as they do subscriptions.

As much as the core gamer hates hearing this - they aren't enough to sustain any of the big 3 anymore. Ninty ditched them with the Wii, MS Ditched them at the tail end of the 360 and into Xbone.

3 decades ago, the industry was not earning anywhere near what they are today (even with the drop in sales). console gaming has a place but these ridiculous sales projections and budgets that sometimes rival hollywood movies are just insane.

not every game can be (or should be) GTA 5 and the sooner the industry realizes this and stops being greedy fucks the better off everyone will be. take a look at a game like demons/dark souls to see the RIGHT way to approaching development, build a fan base and hey! turn a profit!


3 decades ago, the industry was not earning anywhere near what they are today (even with the drop in sales). console gaming has a place but these ridiculous sales projections and budgets that sometimes rival hollywood movies are just insane.

not every game can be (or should be) GTA 5 and the sooner the industry realizes this and stops being greedy fucks the better off everyone will be. take a look at a game like demons/dark souls to see the RIGHT way to approaching development, build a fan base and hey! turn a profit!

Both hollywood and big game studios are some reason entering a land dumb and spending whatever and at increasing and alarming rate. Im not sure why this trend started but it'll kick their asses soon if they keep this uptick in budgets
3 decades ago, the industry was not earning anywhere near what they are today (even with the drop in sales). console gaming has a place but these ridiculous sales projections and budgets that sometimes rival hollywood movies are just insane.

not every game can be (or should be) GTA 5 and the sooner the industry realizes this and stops being greedy fucks the better off everyone will be. take a look at a game like demons/dark souls to see the RIGHT way to approaching development, build a fan base and hey! turn a profit!

Industry will not realize this though. Budgets are skyrocketing to the point that even the big guys can't compete.

The mid tier developers have absconded ages ago. smaller developers are stuck between a the Ios/Android Rock (drowning in a sea of titles) and hard place of the big 3's download services (losing out to AAA titles.).
Both hollywood and big game studios are some reason entering a land dumb and spending whatever and at increasing and alarming rate. Im not sure why this trend started but it'll kick their asses soon if they keep this uptick in budgets

ive said it before but this whole used games/DRM/we want money back fiasco reminds me of the NFL owners and them blaming the rookie wages. lets look at it:

1. rookie wages get out of hand! game development gets out of hand!
2. owners want some of that money back! its too crazy! game publishers want some of that money back! it's too crazy! even though both are the reason that its happening
3. owners say "hey vets! vote yes on this new CBA taking money from rookies and we'll funnel that to vets! honest!" publishers say "hey! without used games destroying our profits you'll definitely see cheaper prices on games! honest!"

i just dislike greedy corporate assholes. i don't care if i come off as a hipster or whatever and i get that a lot of the luxuries/technology we have is the result of someone attempting to get themselves as much money as possible but sometimes i wonder if its all worth it!


ive said it before but this whole used games/DRM/we want money back fiasco reminds me of the NFL owners and them blaming the rookie wages. lets look at it:

1. rookie wages get out of hand! game development gets out of hand!
2. owners want some of that money back! its too crazy! game publishers want some of that money back! it's too crazy! even though both are the reason that its happening
3. owners say "hey vets! vote yes on this new CBA taking money from rookies and we'll funnel that to vets! honest!" publishers say "hey! without used games destroying our profits you'll definitely see cheaper prices on games! honest!"

i just dislike greedy corporate assholes. i don't care if i come off as a hipster or whatever and i get that a lot of the luxuries/technology we have is the result of someone attempting to get themselves as much money as possible but sometimes i wonder if its all worth it!

Yeah games not going to come down again. They seen that 15 million will spend 60 on the yearly COD, madden..ect blockbuster and they see $$$

This presumes that should could reach her bootstraps.

for weight challenged

Most console games will be $70 MSRP within the next 3 years.

most console games can suck a wang then. there is one game i will pay full price with no questions asked and that is madden. not because it deserves it but because i have to play online franchise!

other than that, a game would have to earn that $60. if games were $70 i would buy maybe a couple "new" games a year. i'll wait it out till they go down!


most console games can suck a wang then. there is one game i will pay full price with no questions asked and that is madden. not because it deserves it but because i have to play online franchise!

other than that, a game would have to earn that $60. if games were $70 i would buy maybe a couple "new" games a year. i'll wait it out till they go down!

You could just buy them used for full price 5 years after they come out!
most console games can suck a wang then. there is one game i will pay full price with no questions asked and that is madden. not because it deserves it but because i have to play online franchise!

other than that, a game would have to earn that $60. if games were $70 i would buy maybe a couple "new" games a year. i'll wait it out till they go down!

I'm paying 99.99 for Madden this year. And will continue to pay that every year from now on if it always comes with a code for mobile Sunday Ticket.


I already have the PS4 preordered from Amazon. I did it when they put up the placeholder for 15 minutes like 2 months ago. I hope they honor my preorder. The placeholder price was $1000, but it's going to go down once the real preorder comes up.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
How did you guys not have like 3 PS2s die on you? Granted it took a year or two for the laser in those things to give out before you started getting DREs and a year or two in the price of the PS2 was only $199. My 360 crapped out in 8 or 9 months and it was still $399.

The PS3 slim (original) is a beast though. I straight up abuse this thing with netflix going constantly, forgetting to turn it off for long periods of time, and heavy amounts of gaming. Not one single hiccup in over 3 years! That's getting into Nintendo-esque levels of quality for me.

Better than any of those is building a quality gaming PC though. I built one in 2004 that can still work just fine if I bothered to hook it up and turn it on. It seems like any PC made with brand parts (especially a quality motherboard) will last for 10 years.


I'm paying 99.99 for Madden this year. And will continue to pay that every year from now on if it always comes with a code for mobile Sunday Ticket.

I'm going to try to get that to work on the old app I have on my PS3. People were saying in here that you can sign up for it on your PC and then stream it to the PS3. If it doesn't work I will use a laptop. It's worth a shot. I have never had the Sunday Ticket before.
How did you guys not have like 3 PS2s die on you? Granted it took a year or two for the laser in those things to give out before you started getting DREs and a year or two in the price of the PS2 was only $199. My 360 crapped out in 8 or 9 months and it was still $399.
I'm not kidding when I say I still have my original "fat" PS2 with the old blue stand alive and kicking and it still runs without a single problem.

I also have an original monolith PS3 with PS2 compatibility. That thing is built by the gods.
How did you guys not have like 3 PS2s die on you? Granted it took a year or two for the laser in those things to give out before you started getting DREs and a year or two in the price of the PS2 was only $199. My 360 crapped out in 8 or 9 months and it was still $399.

The PS3 slim (original) is a beast though. I straight up abuse this thing with netflix going constantly, forgetting to turn it off for long periods of time, and heavy amounts of gaming. Not one single hiccup in over 3 years! That's getting into Nintendo-esque levels of quality for me.

Better than any of those is building a quality gaming PC though. I built one in 2004 that can still work just fine if I bothered to hook it up and turn it on. It seems like any PC made with brand parts (especially a quality motherboard) will last for 10 years.

I got my PS2 fat in 2002 and it was still going in 2007 when I sold it.
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