If you have a neighbor you trust that will be home, you can always redirect the package there. Or like Mech said, just request for manual pickup.
I trust no one here. Also only like 12 people here speak english
If you have a neighbor you trust that will be home, you can always redirect the package there. Or like Mech said, just request for manual pickup.
I trust no one here. Also only like 12 people here speak english
:jncAccording to my cheat sheet, you're a Steelers fan. I'd enjoy it very much if you ordered one and had it stolen.
How pissed would you guys be if we didn't learn the price of the Xbone or Ps4 on Monday?
According to my cheat sheet, you're a Steelers fan. I'd enjoy it very much if you ordered one and had it stolen.
How pissed would you guys be if we didn't learn the price of the Xbone or Ps4 on Monday?
According to my cheat sheet, you're a Steelers fan. I'd enjoy it very much if you ordered one and had it stolen.
I'd only be pissed if I was a poor.
:lolWhat if you were poor, short, a virgin Jags fan and lived in Jacksonville?
What if you were poor, short, a virgin Jags fan and lived in Jacksonville?
What if you were poor, short, a virgin Jags fan and lived in Jacksonville?
How about you say that my face
How about you say that my face
What if he has a bad back and can't lean down that far?
I have top men working on decoding this language you guys speak in.
I have top men working on decoding this language you guys speak in.
You people!
I have top men working on decoding this language you guys speak in.
long story short, :jakncoke = :lol
history!Once upon a time we had an animated smiley invoked with :lol () and it was used by all much to the detriment of sensible discussion and so it was wrongfully taken from us. jakncoke was especially hit hard by this given over 15% of his posts at the time consisted of but a single :lol. He protested this and gave his life trying to restore it to its rightful place to no avail.![]()
In remembrance we began using :jnc in lieu of :lol to remember our fallen comrade as we thought we'd never see him again. He returned to us last year in time to watch his mighty Seahawks (who were wronged in '05 and this we all agree upon) cast down the fraudulent Saints in the playoffs, embarassing them on national tv in the playoffs and helping to discredit their fluky SB win the year previous in the eyes of all good NFL fans.
And that is the story of :jnc
Mech went crazy after I gave him the Tennessee Oilers avatar.
he aint been right since.
Highlight of your virgin, short life?
How pissed would you guys be if we didn't learn the price of the Xbone or Ps4 on Monday?
I wonder what would happen if the NFL thread had a reputation manager in here. What company would they shill for?
Just remembered i had a dream last night I went to the grocery store and just bought a whole bunch of shit to make tacos, i was having the time of my life. What's that say about me?
MS didnt give the price of the 360 at E3 05. I dont expect it tomorrow either.
Patriots. There is no way there are this many Pats fans in real life.
bikeDid 10 minutes of jumping rope. I cannot decide if I need 5 more. or if I should bike. Decisions, decisions. Also, skuicken get the roku it is probably apple tax free if you know what I mean. ;-)
She's retired from porn now but the session that gif is from ain't too shabby!
Damn, that will be hard, but sounds more fun. Peace then.bike
and then jump rope 5 more after
:jnc*Just remembered i had a dream last night I went to the grocery store and just bought a whole bunch of shit to make tacos, i was having the time of my life. What's that say about me?
At least wait until Monday. Watch the Apple presser instead of the MS one, there may be some ATV info.Any reason why I should go with Roku3 over the Roku2HD? Going to get my dad one of those or maybe an Apple TV. Leaning the Roku b/c of HBOGO
that's the spiritDamn, that will be hard, but sounds more fun. Peace then.
"Man, we really need to work on our image among other NFL fans, but how?"
"Germans on internet message boards! Everybody loves Germans!"
Unless you're Polish or Czech.
that's the spirit
I gronked out in the gym 2 days ago
*Josh Needs Chalupas
At least wait until Monday. Watch the Apple presser instead of the MS one, there may be some ATV info.
Just dont buy it if its that bad.
dunktasticHow's the dunk training going?
I gronked out in the gym 2 days ago, after not going for a week. So beastly.So sore, I feel like dying