Why won't the link work for me ? What was it about ?
Edit: NVM found it in Gaming. WORKS IN DUTCH LAND!
High five! It is good to be one of the beautiful people.
Why won't the link work for me ? What was it about ?
Edit: NVM found it in Gaming. WORKS IN DUTCH LAND!
Looking at that map, I actually think I'm starting to come around on the xbone. /eznarkisracist
:jncLooking at that map, I actually think I'm starting to come around on the xbone. /eznarkisracist
But do you have a consistent internet connection out in Cinncitucky?
hell yeah delicious!
You can also put used games in your XB1 and play them. Sony saying that every game will work in any PS4 is PR speak. Publishers have the right to make you buy an online pass to play their game just like this gen. Unless you think the XB1 wont let you play a used game even if you pay a fee which seems to be against what MS has said.
High five! It is good to be one of the beautiful people.
To support Microsoft's whites only console I will run the fiber myself.
Are you seriously this obtuse? Did you read the press release Microsoft released?
#NothinghaschangedThat was just PR during E3 once the conference was over they talked about the real policy.
Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Jack Tretton emphasized to GTTV that decisions concerning DRM will be in the hands of the companies that are bringing games to the PS4.
"The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4. Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners."
3rd parties are free to use online passes if they chose to.
Are you seriously this obtuse? Did you read the press release Microsoft released?
Hey man don't hate, yankee's just doing his job.
He's got bills to pay and chirren to feed too.
To all you early adopters, have fun with your Steel Diver, Kameo, Eternal Ring, Ever Grace, Battle Arena Toshinden, ESPN Extreme Games, Zero Divide, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Blue Stinger, Kessen, Fantavision, Orphen, Wild Wild Racing, Dave Mira BMX, GUN, Amped 3, Genji, Untold Legends plus Happy Feet.
3 months after launch, when a steady diet of Ramen is your only sustenance, when you fanboys look up and shout "Save Us" I'll look down and whisper "NO".
I did but why dont you explain to me how it wont let you play a used game at all. I must have missed that part.
Don't forget about the kangaroo. Those things aren't cheap.
Jeff Howe said:Jeff Howe ‏@jeffphowe 8m
QB stats in 11-on-11s today: Brady (11-19, INT), Mallett (10-14), Tebow (6-9). Tebow's only reps again were in opportunity time.
Where my tacos at dirtbag?
Gonna be flipping my PS4, kinda iffy about it because eBay sucks and CL is even shadier. Fuck it, I'll sell PS4sout of the back of an ambulance.boxes
You were equating the PS4 and Xbox One by saying they both play used games. That's incredibly disingenuous. The process isn't close to the same thing. I'm not explaining it on here, I've ruined this thread enough with my flabberghastery.
You were equating the PS4 and Xbox One by saying they both play used games. That's incredibly disingenuous. The process isn't close to the same thing. I'm not explaining it on here, I've ruined this thread enough with my flabberghastery.
To all you early adopters, have fun with your Steel Diver, Kameo, Eternal Ring, Ever Grace, Battle Arena Toshinden, ESPN Extreme Games, Zero Divide, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Blue Stinger, Kessen, Fantavision, Orphen, Wild Wild Racing, Dave Mira BMX, GUN, Amped 3, Genji, Untold Legends plus Happy Feet.
3 months after launch, when a steady diet of Ramen is your only sustenance, when you fanboys look up and shout "Save Us" I'll look down and whisper "NO".
Tebow is factually 9% more accurate than Brady. The ball is in Belichick's court at this point, either bench Brady for the real no. 1 QB on your roster or face the wrath of fans and media members who see the bullet making its way towards the team's foot in slow motion.That Mallet kid is pretty good huh...
I mean, GO TEBOW!
The games always suck for early adopters but the experience is awesome.To all you early adopters, have fun with your Steel Diver, Kameo, Eternal Ring, Ever Grace, Battle Arena Toshinden, ESPN Extreme Games, Zero Divide, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Blue Stinger, Kessen, Fantavision, Orphen, Wild Wild Racing, Dave Mira BMX, GUN, Amped 3, Genji, Untold Legends plus Happy Feet.
3 months after launch, when a steady diet of Ramen is your only sustenance, when you fanboys look up and shout "Save Us" I'll look down and whisper "NO".
PS3 launched with a total of 12 games. PS4 will be launching with a lot more than that obviously.
Only thing that bums me out is no GTA or GT for the PS4. Rockstar is playing it smart though because a ton of people would just wait a month or so for the next gen version.
#Lions RB Reggie Bush slipped and hurt his ankle today, but said he was fine after #NFL minicamp practice.
Oh no!
He was the best ILB on the roster
Tallest midget that is quick, physical, and can spy mobile QBs.Packers lose their tallest midget, Buckethead panics.
for the lazyEz the XB1 really is the console for you, not only does it discriminate against non-whites but now it also hates people to poor to afford top of the line broadband: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=586521
The games always suck for early adopters but the experience is awesome.
If you have the money and time I would suggest being an early adopter of pretty much all of the consoles.
For myself for my next console the Vita hardware really appeals to me, but the realist in me is probably just going to get the 4 for FIFA/PES lessons for Dutch and the rest of the NFL Gaffers who think they can play.
X360 launch had Condemned which remains one of the better experiences on the console.To all you early adopters, have fun with your Steel Diver, Kameo, Eternal Ring, Ever Grace, Battle Arena Toshinden, ESPN Extreme Games, Zero Divide, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Blue Stinger, Kessen, Fantavision, Orphen, Wild Wild Racing, Dave Mira BMX, GUN, Amped 3, Genji, Untold Legends plus Happy Feet.
3 months after launch, when a steady diet of Ramen is your only sustenance, when you fanboys look up and shout "Save Us" I'll look down and whisper "NO".
Definitely getting both consoles but getting the Xbox one first.
Killer instinct, madden, cod, dead rising 3, titanfall, forza 5, and battlefield 4.
Waiting on more gameplay vids of Ryse, but it looks like a later pickup.
Amazing launch lineup.
Titanfall isnt out till the spring.
ari riding the XBone? Shocking news!
ari riding the XBone? Shocking news!
ari riding the XBone? Shocking news!
Dirty poors.
(I know that's not mindblowing)
1.5 Megabits is not even broadband.
Thats a pretty low requirement. But then again DRM doesn't require a lot of bandwidth...
In German you don't use spaces when multiple words make up a single noun.German words are long for no reason.