Dutch Gronk
It's noon!
It's 6 PM!
It's noon!
It's 6 PM!
Never really thought about it before. So the prime time games are fucking like 2am-5am ish
NFL (taking a page from MS): move to a country with better sports!Yep.
Imagine staying up 'till 5:30 AM just to see your team lose in the last minute and then sleep for 3 hours because you have class.
That's why I love early games.
Never really thought about it before. So the prime time games are fucking like 2am-5am ish
Frank Isola ‏@FisolaNYDN
Could someone remind Robert Kraft that it was David Tyree who stole one of his Super Bowl rings and Mario Manningham stole the other.
NFL (taking a page from MS): move to a country with better sports!
Yep. Most hardcore fans on the planet!
Frank Isola ‏@FisolaNYDN
Could someone remind Robert Kraft that it was David Tyree who stole one of his Super Bowl rings and Mario Manningham stole the other.]
My wife cooks and I already taught them about Tebow.Can I stay in your guest room? In return I will cook for your family and teach you children about Tim Tebow, the greatest of Patriots ever
My wife cooks and I already taught them about Tebow.
Why would you teach your kids about Tebow when they have Big Ben as a role model?My wife cooks and I already taught them about Tebow.
My wife cooks and I already taught them about Tebow.
Probably SNES because he is poor and wouldn't expect much. Also the whole not being a Pats fan thing.Who would you rather house, a Pats fan or snesfreak?
You can eat the food that my kids throw on the floor and sleep on the floor (outside in the summer).Okay, then I'll just play games and eat your food.
I'll start packing now.
Because Ben is as big of a sleaze as Sanchez. The only difference between the two is that Ben is good.Why would you teach your kids about Tebow when they have Big Ben as a role model?
You can eat the food that my kids throw on the floor and sleep on the floor (outside in the summer).
Pretty sure I would deport you to Gitmo 10 minutes into the season.You let me sleep inside the house! YOU DO LIKE ME! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I'm trying to play TF2 right now and when I try to connect to a server it says those servers are running a newer version of the game. Did I miss something? Its been a few months since I played TF2....
Pretty sure I would deport you to Gitmo 10 minutes into the season.
You don't have to act tough. We all know by now that you like me. And you letting me sleep inside the house proves it all. After 10 minutes we're drinking beers together and high fiving each other when Tebow scores TDs.
Frank Isola ‏@FisolaNYDN
Could someone remind Robert Kraft that it was David Tyree who stole one of his Super Bowl rings and Mario Manningham stole the other.
They patch that game like twice a week. Right click - properties - updates.
I've had this happen to both myself and my friends.
After the steampipe update your steam client sometimes won't get the update immediately and will let you launch the old version. Restarting it does fix it, but I wonder how many confused players are out there don't realize this.
Some Australians found a 1200 year old ancient city in Cambodia. Them Aussies are alright in my book.
We have the American flag with the Eagle crying, the Canadian flag with the crying beaver, and the British flag with the Bulldog. What about the Aussies?
We have the American flag with the Eagle crying, the Canadian flag with the crying beaver, and the British flag with the Bulldog. What about the Aussies?
Which you avoid by being in first. People always claim that you don't want to be in first because of the blue shell, but that just subjects you to the storm of item use in 2nd place and back. The best defense against all items is being far enough ahead that one strike won't drop you from first. That, and some banana peels.It's not really the blue shells so much as constant item spam of every kind
Yeah, let's complain about Nintendo adding something that doesn't suck as much as karts. Kart handling has been ass for years, and bikes finally fixed that....and bikes that killed MK Wii.
This video preview pic on nfl.com is kinda great:
My mom got her cat neutered, I feel sorry for that smug cat.
I've never actually bought a console on launch day. going to be so weird.
Only have the console and a 2nd controller on order now. Haven't decided what games to pick up.
The Division or whatever it was called looked compelling, but I don't think that was a launch day release.
Watchdogs looked surprisingly interesting. Prior demo's I didn't give much care for it, but with a time to learn some more about it, maybe that'd be a good one.
Obviously Driveclub, as PS+ provides (some of it). Hopefully my DFGT wheel still works on PS4.
Gotta learn more about Knack as well.
Anyone else watch Mad Men?
This newest season is going to give me ulcers. Its too stressful to watch.
I decided on the Watch Dogs bundle. As cool as Battlefield 4 looks, I'll never play online. I'm old and useless now in competitive multi
I hate it. I don't mind an anti-hero, but there has to be a compelling reason to watch. These people are so awful I'm losing the ability to care what happens to them
Amazon added a bunch of PS4 bundles, all in stock and all guaranteed launch day delivery. Not really cheaper, but there are some bundles that have PS+ if that's your thing
Loving it.Anyone else watch Mad Men?
This newest season is going to give me ulcers. Its too stressful to watch.
Yeah I really don't get the point of these when theres zero benefit to buy it as a bundle.
They're selling quite well though so I guess it's worth it for somebody
Got in day 1 for the launch edition though so I'll be going with that.
Anyone else watch Mad Men?
This newest season is going to give me ulcers. Its too stressful to watch.
I think I might be leaning towards Killzone for one of my launch games, but at the same time I want BF4 and I doubt I'll get both at launch.I just ordered the system and killzone for now.
I just don't care about the show anymore. It's been a crappy season, thank Tebow that Top Gear is back at the end of the month and the finale of Breaking Bad.
I liked this season a lot so far. Different strokes eh?
Anyway you are right about Breaking Bad. Last season to the best show on TV. (Shutup Wire Fans)
Morally Tebow is in another league.
The CFL?
He also did more with less than a lot of qbs in this league. He turned them around and made an immediate impact. All he did was win. And now he can't get another chance.Tebow has the same amount of playoff wins as Romo