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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

Yadier Molina is batting over .350 with the lowest Catcher's ERA in the league and will probably be the backup catcher behind Buster Posey at the All Star game. What a joke sport. Second year in a row he will be robbed of an MVP award he has earned
Giants issue has been mainly the DB's taking such porous angles in attack. Look, for example, at Mike Wallace's slant for TD in the Steeler-Giant game this past year. Quick slant route to Wallace, Antrel Rolle in pursuit, but doesn't take in account Wallace's speed and has absolutely no chance to get a good opportunity for a play. It was pure dogshit defense, and ultimately I think cost them the game. The Giants defense since Fewell's been hired has been fairly mediocre at best. They took those six games late in 2011 and were matching what the offense was doing. But really I don't think tackling has been their issue, it's just "miscommunication"/bad DB play. Rolle and Webster in particular and each have been talking about it more than any other player.
2010 was a good year defensively, IMO. The Eagles game and what happened afterwards not withstanding but the defense was a big reason why we ended up 10-6 despite an offense that produces the most turnovers in the league.



I still think that is the one you hope and pray on improving during the season and focus on the pass rush and coverage.

But really it comes down to matchups. A team with only 2 real receivers can't take advantage of the Steelers lack of speed and a team like the Niners will go through the Packers defense like a ChanHuk through a bottle of vodka.

I don't drink vodka you degenerate filth.
Whoa, whoa I never said Bush would get 1800 rushing yards. He wouldn't be able to do that even with an offense focused around him, let alone our offense which is pass first.

We've been a Top 5 ranked offense the last two years with a QB under 25 throwing for 60 TDs and 10,000 Yards with mediocre and slow RBs. Bush is an ideal running back for our system and will only help this Top 5 offense get better. He doesn't need to put up huge numbers, his speed and versatility alone will keep defenses on check so they don't have to triple team Megatron.
You can't call this a top 5 offense when Stafford couldn't buy a TD last year and the offense grinded to a halt in multiple games. Am I optimistic about Bush? Sure, I'm a Lions fan. And I remember how good this offense looked for the first half of 2011 when Javhid Best was stretching defenses; Bush can replicate that. But given the questions at O line, the lack of consistent TE play, and a lack of a consistent #2 WR, I can't "expect" a top 5 offense this year. They have to prove it to me.


You can't call this a top 5 offense when Stafford couldn't buy a TD last year and the offense grinded to a halt in multiple games. Am I optimistic about Bush? Sure, I'm a Lions fan. And I remember how good this offense looked for the first half of 2011 when Javhid Best was stretching defenses; Bush can replicate that. But given the questions at O line, the lack of consistent TE play, and a lack of a consistent #2 WR, I can't "expect" a top 5 offense this year. They have to prove it to me.

I'm having déjà vu of déjà vu


I know but it just sounded classier than malt liquor (under a bridge). Excuse me for trying to class things up around here!

Sounds like white people trying to suppress the darkys. Jump on the Thunderbird Night Train boys:

Kastrioti only measures offense in terms of passing yards
Exactly. I hear people calling into Detroit radio shows all the time making the same damn argument. The yards don't mean shit. Anyone who watched the Lions last year can tell you many came in pure garbage time when we were down multiple touchdowns. If you start the final ten minutes of the 4th quarter down 38 to 10, and end the game down 38 to 24...what exactly should you get credit for? You don't get awards for scoring the most points in the fourth quarter, you get WINS for scoring the most points in the game.


Fantomex and Chan have some kind of wierd bro love going on.

You degenerates in Ohio hate yourselves and each other. The Messican and I live in the same county, his wife is gonna deliver their new parasite next month at the hospital I'm starting to work at. I should bring get him a present.
Exactly. I hear people calling into Detroit radio shows all the time making the same damn argument. The yards don't mean shit. Anyone who watched the Lions last year can tell you many came in pure garbage time when we were down multiple touchdowns. If you start the final ten minutes of the 4th quarter down 38 to 10, and end the game down 38 to 24...what exactly should you get credit for? You don't get awards for scoring the most points in the fourth quarter, you get WINS for scoring the most points in the game.

Truth bombs.

:phoe negates :kas


come in my shame circle
I feel like Stafford's high numbers will become the new falling forward*

*I used to lurk during then and absolutely loved when that got brought up.


Or you could argue that Stafford was simply unlucky that he had so few TDs. Megatron got tackled close to the goal line numerous times, and they lacked the personnel to score at the goal line. Even if the goal line offense is just as bad, Megatron is likely to convert a few of those close calls to TDs this year


I feel like Stafford's high numbers will become the new falling forward*

*I used to lurk during then and absolutely loved when that got brought up.
No Staffords numbers are just a sign of the times. The league is much more pass and offense oriented. The numbers are going to continue to go up until it plateaus (some people might say that has already happened, but I don't agree). Not that long ago 250 yards passing in a game was considered pretty damn good. These days that is a shitty effort.



Hunter S.

Hate to say it, but I truly hope old brittle bones, gonorrhea ass Gronkowski does not remain healthy. For the good of country, we need a Patriot free playoffs.


All you fun hating losers are worse than Goodell. I won't listen to your complaints the next time you're whining about the No Fun League. You hate everyone that actually tries to make it fun.

Hunter S.

What do you bags of dirt usually pack for lunch?

Most often I dine on sandwiches if I do not eat out downtown, but preferably I like to drink cups of Brady's tears collected during his temper tantrums he throws on the sidelines, and on the turf when he does not get his way.
Another quick update on my mom:

She's in a regular room now, off the dialysis, talking, and eating. It's been a long battle but she's pulling through. She still has a long ways to go after she's released from the hospital but she's definitely a fighter.

In other news, the Georgia World Congress Center board approved the concept for the Falcons stadium. The sci-fi looking one!



Another quick update on my mom:

She's in a regular room now, off the dialysis, talking, and eating. It's been a long battle but she's pulling through. She still has a long ways to go after she's released from the hospital but she's definitely a fighter.

In other news, the Georgia World Congress Center board approved the concept for the Falcons stadium. The sci-fi looking one!


Good stuff bruh!
Always good news when the patient gets downgraded, keep your head up storybook! I'm assuming she's in DOU or telemetry now.

No idea. My wife would know what that means.

Pretty sure that she's going to be sent to rehab after she is released though, so that she may get some of her strength back. Then there will be the discussion with the doctor about radiation treatment.


Another quick update on my mom:

She's in a regular room now, off the dialysis, talking, and eating. It's been a long battle but she's pulling through. She still has a long ways to go after she's released from the hospital but she's definitely a fighter.

In other news, the Georgia World Congress Center board approved the concept for the Falcons stadium. The sci-fi looking one!


Good to hear!

Also, will this roof open like a flower?

Because that looks seriously cool. Damn.


I love that stadium. Glad that is what they went with

And great news on your mom, Story. Hopes and prayers that she keeps improving
Speaking of stadiums, here's some hubbub.
Steve Doerschuk ‏ @ sdoerschukREP 5m
We hear Banner and the bigwigs are canvassing the stadium, talking $200 million-plus in upgrades.

Steve Doerschuk ‏ @ sdoerschukREP 3m
Construction atop ruins of old stadium began 16 years and one month ago. Final cost came in under $300 million.
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