and the seachickens keep on talkin' and talkin'!
seems that the chickens are obsessed with harbs! or maybe the roids are making them ultra agressive
Poor little Niner fans can't handle it when someone talks back to them! Everyone's supposed to just lie down and take it from the Niners and just suck it up when they talk shit, but when we spank them like they were the Jets' practice squad it's not cool to talk about it
I would rather go to a MLS game than see that garbage. You give Seahawks fans a bad name!
You're a lawyer that supports multiple rapists. I don't trust your judgment.
not the accomplishment you're after and yet it's the only thing chickens fans can reference from last season. i don't blame you though. it was the biggest win in franchise history for the seahawks. a regular season beating of the mighty niners. must have been exciting!
Games that are over halfway through the second quarter aren't exciting, silly.