Here's my blog post on this whole Starcraft: Ghost development...
Starcraft: Ghost On The Endangered List?
Woke up this morning and saw links to this HomeLAN story about the possible cancellation of Starcraft: Ghost. Blizzard recently announced that the game was to be delayed. Well, it appears Nihilistic, the developer that's been working on the game for the last two years, has also been pulled from the project. Here's the official language from Nihilistic's PR machine:
Nihilistic has completed its contribution on StarCraft: Ghost. They are contracted to begin work on another project in the months ahead. Due to the requirements of that obligation and the delay of StarCraft, it was mutually determined that now would be the best time for them to complete their work.
You love vague PR speak. However you look at it though, this doesn't bode well for Ghost, which, judging from my last hands-on experience with the game, was a decent, if not uninspired Splinter Cell clone set in a sci-fi universe.
The part that gets me kinda sad is how much potential this game had just over a year ago. Over a sausage and egg breakfast, I (representing Xbox Nation) spoke with then-VP of Blizzard North (in the Bay Area) Bill Roper, who told me in no uncertain terms, how rad the game was shaping up to be. And he knew his shit too. He had some really interesting ideas about where the stealth genre was going. You can read the whole interview
here. Well, a month or so after XBN published the interview (in the form of a Pop Quiz featurette), we learned that Roper was fired from his post for an attempted coup with several other founders at Blizzard. Since he was obviously the champion of Starcraft: Ghost, I'm not entirely surprised that the game has suffered major setbacks.
It seems politics and games just don't mix.