So with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.
There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.
We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.