Honestly it sounds like you don't like the pro because I assume Minecraft doesn't have a fov slider on console.
FOV is very important and can actually cause that exact thing, but it is caused by the Microsoft software you are playing and not the console. Many console games do have FOV sliders.
What specific game looked better on PC? Did it have a pro patch yet?
Well, more than that per everything I wrote. Again too, I'm not running down the Pro. Best console ever. I would really like to embrace it. There is still just an overall fidelity/performance gap that remains bigger than I'd like or hoped it would be which I think will keep me on PC.
I usually widen FoV in games on PC, so when console games have tighter FoV because of less performance and you can't change it, it feels restricting. I don't recall if Minecraft had a slider or not. It is a game my son plays with his friends, so we jumped into it via a trial on the console which he hadn't seen before. My son has been into video games with me now for a few years (he's 11), and we play co-op stuff or pass the controller back and forth games. He's largely been a PC gamer because I have been these last years, but we play a "consolized" PC with controllers in our living room.
Per my post, the main games we went directly back and forth with last night were Ratchet and Spider-Man 1. We tried both of them in Performance Pro and Fidelity Pro modes with and without 120 Hz on given we game on an 83" LG G2. The difference is still very distinct, IMO. We did a lot of loading into same worlds or going to the same points in the city and jumping directly back and forth between inputs. I've always found these differences to be profound. Far greater than most comparisons say or comparison videos online show.
He's become a big Marvel fan with me the last years as well, so he's interested to play Spider-Man. He started a new game and played through defeating the Kingpin on PC. I'm planning to sit with him and watch him play the same intro sequence on the Pro as well to compare. We'll see how it goes.
If I feel inclined to swap platforms back to console, it will 100% be with the Pro. Anyone without interest in PC should go for it.