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NPD Sales Results for August 2007


Forgotten Ancient said:
I understand what you're saying, but it seems like there's an excuse for any third party title that doesn't sell well.
It seems to me certain people want only ONE excuse for third parties not selling well on Wii- that it's on the Wii.

I would suggest that games flop for all kinds of reasons, some of them obvious and some of them not, and this simple-minded pursuit of "If it fails on Wii it must mean that third parties can't compete!" is just asinine. Did we have this discussion every time a game flopped on PS2? Did we EVER have this discussion, even once? Not that I can recall.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The Sphinx said:
It seems to me certain people want only ONE excuse for third parties not selling well on Wii- that it's on the Wii.

I would suggest that games flop for all kinds of reasons, some of them obvious and some of them not, and this simple-minded pursuit of "If it fails on Wii it must mean that third parties can't compete!" is just asinine. Did we have this discussion every time a game flopped on PS2? Did we EVER have this discussion, even once? Not that I can recall.

No, but that's because Sony consoles have traditionally been healthy for 3rd parties, and Nintendo consoles have been challenging for 3rd parties. Traditionally.


PhoenixDark said:
PlayStation 3 130.6K

PlayStation Portable 151.2 K

Xbox 360 276.7K

Wii 403.6 K

Nintendo DS 383.3K

:lol :lol :lol :lol

PhoenixDark's LOTR pics never get old.


Stinkles said:
No, but that's because Sony consoles have traditionally been healthy for 3rd parties, and Nintendo consoles have been challenging for 3rd parties. Traditionally.
That's bullshit. It's a faulty formulation. I can name two Nintendo home consoles that were very good for third parties, and they have something in common with the PS1 and PS2... they were both the market leaders. I'm going to follow the more parsimonious explanation and say the market leader gets third party support, and those third parties profit, regardless of the name on the side of the console.
schuelma said:
Yeah but Zack and Wiki? Tell me what the market is for a cell shaded point and lick adventure game starring a rugrat and his monkey friend or whatever Wiki is. I think there are far more valid tests than Zack and Wiki.

Well, there may be a market for that. :lol

I do think the insignificant sales of Madden on the Wii reflect the "third parties don't sell on Wii" mantra. It's a good example of a commercially viable title that uses each respective systems' strengths.

Then there are those who say "third parties aren't selling because we're only getting ports", yet it's many of those same people who like to point to the success RE4 and Tiger Woods as examples of 3rd party success.

Of course, this is the result of the half-brained attempts of companies trying to make a quick buck. But regardless, it's pretty apparent that thus far 3rd parties are not doing very well on the Wii. You can make any arguments for reasons why, but the fact remains that they've had little success thus far.

And deservedly so, unfortunately.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Forgotten Ancient said:
Well, there may be a market for that. :lol

I do think the insignificant sales of Madden on the Wii reflect the "third parties don't sell on Wii" mantra. It's a good example of a commercially viable title that uses each respective systems' strengths.

Then there are those who say "third parties aren't selling because we're only getting ports", yet it's many of those same people who like to point to the success RE4 and Tiger Woods as examples of 3rd party success.

Of course, this is the result of the half-brained attempts of companies trying to make a quick buck. But regardless, it's pretty apparent that thus far 3rd parties are not doing very well on the Wii. You can make any arguments for reasons why, but the fact remains that they've had little success thus far.

And deservedly so, unfortunately.

Aside from Madden, what third party title has performed below expectations? I guess possibly Sonic did a bit worse than expected, but anything else? I guarantee you Ubisoft was ecstatic at RR and RS sales. EA was satisfied with Tiger Woods. Harry Potter Wii was the top selling version the first month. Trauma Center was an undeniable success. Not to mention RE4. I guess my point is, 3rd party successes seem to vastly outnumber 3rd party failures so far.


The Sphinx said:
That's bullshit. It's a faulty formulation. I can name two Nintendo home consoles that were very good for third parties, and they have something in common with the PS1 and PS2... they were both the market leaders. I'm going to follow the more parsimonious explanation and say the market leader gets third party support, and those third parties profit, regardless of the name on the side of the console.

Then where is the outpouring of 3rd party announcements for Wii?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Marlowe said:
Then where is the outpouring of 3rd party announcements for Wii?

There have been a lot announced the last few months. No megatons, but a healthy number nonetheless.
The Sphinx said:
That's bullshit. It's a faulty formulation. I can name two Nintendo home consoles that were very good for third parties, and they have something in common with the PS1 and PS2... they were both the market leaders. I'm going to follow the more parsimonious explanation and say the market leader gets third party support, and those third parties profit, regardless of the name on the side of the console.

Firstly, the SNES wasn't market leader for years, and second what are you smoking? Nintendo had a HUGE reputation for being assholes to third parties in the NES era and to a slightly lesser extent with the SNES. It was bad enough that it kept many away from developing for the N64.


schuelma said:
There have been a lot announced the last few months. No megatons, but a healthy number nonetheless.

True, but I certainly haven't seen an amount of announcements to show the preference for the Wii that it should be afforded given its market-leader status -- if that theory is to hold true.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Marlowe said:
True, but I certainly haven't seen an amount of announcements to show the preference for the Wii that it should be afforded given its market-leader status -- if that theory is to hold true.

Well, its only been a couple of months since it became clear Wii was going to be market leader. Give it time. I think we're already seeing some solid stuff being announced recently (Monster Lab, oboro muramasa youtouden, We Love Golf, King Story).
schuelma said:
Aside from Madden, what third party title has performed below expectations? I guess possibly Sonic did a bit worse than expected, but anything else? I guarantee you Ubisoft was ecstatic at RR and RS sales. EA was satisfied with Tiger Woods. Harry Potter Wii was the top selling version the first month. Trauma Center was an undeniable success. Not to mention RE4. I guess my point is, 3rd party successes seem to vastly outnumber 3rd party failures so far.

I'm not saying 3rd party titles can't sell on the Wii, I'm saying third party efforts have basically reflected the sales they received thus far.

RR and RS both did very well - but that's not uncommon with launch titles. I'm not writing them off as irrelevant, but I don't think they're indicitive of the type of success third parties should expect with similar efforts outside of the "launch window".

3rd parites have been incredibly disappointing on the Wii. In the 360's first year, the 360 had several more successful (critically and commercially) games than the Wii. 3rd parties need to wake up and give us something worth buying. The wheels are set in motion for more support on the Wii, but there shouldn't have been this lack of an effort to begin with.


Marlowe said:
True, but I certainly haven't seen an amount of announcements to show the preference for the Wii that it should be afforded given its market-leader status -- if that theory is to hold true.

Didn't it just become the market leader within the last couple of weeks. Outside of Madden, I don't see any 3rd party games that failed to sell as expected (and honestly I didn't expect Madden to sell that well). Lots of great games have poor sales every year and every year crap games get better sales than they deserve. Sometimes it is advertising, sometimes it is timing, sometimes we don't know what happened, but until we get some quality 3rd party efforts I don't think we can make such broad generalizations as "3rd party can't sell on Wii."

And just in case anybody forgets, most developers (as with many around here) thought that the Wii would bomb so they weren't going to spend the money to make any really great games for it. Anything that could have been created between the time it became clear the Wii would sell and now would also be rushed junk so give it some time. I think Japanese developers will lead the way here and eventually western devs will give us some solid efforts as well.


~ 400k US
~ 200k JP
~ 100k Europe (i really have no idea about europe)

Total ~700k to ~800k monthly

And thats because Nintendo (probably) stockpiling for christmas.



Nintendo owns America again, for the first time in 13 years, in terms of both hardware and software sales (ignoring Maddenton).

Why am I trembling?
Tmac said:
~ 400k US
~ 200k JP
~ 100k Europe (i really have no idea about europe)

Total ~700k to ~800k monthly

And thats because Nintendo (probably) stockpiling for christmas.


The "stockpiling" excuse only holds water in NA. I would love to see a huge Christmas for the Wii though. I want record-breaking numbers.
Baryn said:
Nintendo owns America again, for the first time in 13 years, in terms of both hardware and software sales (ignoring Maddenton).

Why am I trembling?

Because you're waiting for Konami to take over Metroid Prime development? I'd be scared shitless if I were capable of coming to the same conclusion.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Tmac said:
~ 400k US
~ 200k JP
~ 100k Europe (i really have no idea about europe)

Total ~700k to ~800k monthly

And thats because Nintendo (probably) stockpiling for christmas.


They're selling probably closer to 350K in Europe.


Tmac said:
~ 400k US
~ 200k JP
~ 100k Europe (i really have no idea about europe)

Total ~700k to ~800k monthly

And thats because Nintendo (probably) stockpiling for christmas.

Europe is more likely to be 250 - 300k.


Bish loves my games!
MidgarBlowedUp said:
Around the middle of next year, maybe earlier, you will see PS3 sales topping 360 sales. Laugh all you want but, the real reason PS3 is bombing right now is due to NO GAMES,

I own a PS3 (6 games, 4 PSN) and wish the best for it (and still think Sony has a shot) but I'm sorry: this post tastes of bitter, bitter tears....


unomas said:
Launch games don't count, people will buy pretty much anything at launch. Everyone should be happy, Nintendo fans because the Wii is pushing the most hardware, the Microsoft fans because 3rd party sales are great month after month which ensures more great HD gaming, and Sony fans because they will get Metal Gear and Final Fantasy no matter what. Everyone wins! PS3 will also get all those HD ports that the 360 gets, it's almost like those two consoles are one platform really.

This whole thing would be over if Nintendo hadn't underpowered the Wii. They would be getting all those HD games and killing both MS and Sony in every department besides just console sales. Unfortunately they went another route.

Concerning the bolded portion of your post, you sure about that? Don't make me bring up the Gamecube, or the N64, oops, to late. Maybe, perhaps, only gods knows at this point, that yes, maybe they would be getting a VERY small portion of HD games. But that ship has sailed a long fucking time ago and it's time to let it the fuck go, seriously.

All we as gamers can hope for are devs, publishers realize quality sells, no matter what the system.

.dmc said:
Well hardly, the console with the smallest amount of Madden sales sold 400k a month in July/August, the console with the highest amount of Madden sales isn't really setting the hardware charts alight. What does that say about how important Madden is to deciding the console wars?

I'm glad someone brought up this point, not that I give two shits about EA as a software company as I do not purchase their sports games. If this keeps up, EA will no longer be the king maker in the western, heck, the world wide console market.
Flakster99 said:
Concerning the bolded portion of your post, you sure about that? Don't make me bring up the Gamecube, or the N64, oops, to late. Maybe, perhaps, only gods knows at this point, that yes, maybe they would be getting a VERY small portion of HD games. But that ship has sailed a long fucking time ago and it's time to let it the fuck go, seriously.

All we as gamers can hope for are devs, publishers realize quality sells, no matter what the system.

I'm glad someone brought up this point, not that I give two shits about EA as a software company as I do not purchase their sports games. If this keeps up, EA will no longer be the king maker in the western, heck, the world wide console market.

huh? Reggie himself said 360/PS3 are not competing with the Wii. The success of the Wii is not going to effect Xbox 360 or EA's sales on other next-gen platforms. Completely different markets.


Forgotten Ancient said:
RR and RS both did very well - but that's not uncommon with launch titles. I'm not writing them off as irrelevant, but I don't think they're indicitive of the type of success third parties should expect with similar efforts outside of the "launch window".

'Launch window doesn't count' is still just an excuse though, what RR + RS show is that there are no boundaries to well marketed, well positioned 3rd party games from selling on Wii. The lack of great sales of some 3rd party Wii games are mostly indicative of 3rd parties not understanding the market on Wii, or not knowing how to reach it.

Third parties weren't supposed to sell on DS either right? They especially weren't supposed to sell to girls who were going to throw away their DS's as soon as they got bored of Nintendogs. Instead, Hannah Montanna was one of the biggest DS games of 2006 and Highschool Musical DS made the top 20 in it's month of release. Should we (male, hardcore gamers) care about Disney girl games? No, but it's ample proof that games will sell on Nintendo platforms, regardless of publisher, if they do a good job of catering to their market.

'Third parties don't sell on Nintendo consoles' is a myth based on circumstancial evidence. It pisses me off that so many people waste their time arguing about it.


KachoMakura said:
huh? Reggie himself said 360/PS3 are not competing with the Wii. The success of the Wii is not going to effect Xbox 360 or EA's sales on other next-gen platforms. Completely different markets.

Marketing speak - learn it, distinguish it from common sense. If the Wii continues it's successful run in spite of EA's bumbling quality on said platform, they have no one but themselves to thank.

And more importantly, remember the Dreamcast? They cannot sink the Wii as a console, as it's already been proven, and continues to do so on a daily basis. FUCK EA if they release buggy products, we'll go elsewhere with our dollars.


I just thought of something; the only reason the GBA is doing so bad is that Nintendo themselves are actively trying their best to kill it. That's pre-school soccer for fun and not score levels of fucked up right there.


Sucks at viral marketing
KeithFranklin said:
How is asking for proof of these so called good selling 3rd party titles a Microsoft talking point? We havent seen them on the NPD charts so how do people know?
It's a talking point because you're repeating MS' E3 conference. It's a BS talking point because you know full damn well that a game doesn't have to rank in the top 20 to sell well, especially when the lists you give end at 100k. Sales add up over time and can be far more important than first month sales. Besides, we still get data beyond the Top 10 or 20 (Top 30, Top 20 minus handhelds, Top 10 per platform, game specific totals or LTD, publisher's annual reports and press release). To come in here and base your argument on such a myopic point is beneath you.
Forgotten Ancient said:
The "stockpiling" excuse only holds water in NA. I would love to see a huge Christmas for the Wii though. I want record-breaking numbers.
Even if they've got a decent stockpile, I can't imagine it being record-breaking. The year after it launched, PS2 sold nearly 3 million in November+December, and the next year nearly reached 4 million. Lately, if I'm in an optimistic guessing mood, I'm thinking Wii could do 2 million in November+December.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Forgotten Ancient said:
I'm not saying 3rd party titles can't sell on the Wii, I'm saying third party efforts have basically reflected the sales they received thus far.

RR and RS both did very well - but that's not uncommon with launch titles. I'm not writing them off as irrelevant, but I don't think they're indicitive of the type of success third parties should expect with similar efforts outside of the "launch window".

3rd parites have been incredibly disappointing on the Wii. In the 360's first year, the 360 had several more successful (critically and commercially) games than the Wii. 3rd parties need to wake up and give us something worth buying. The wheels are set in motion for more support on the Wii, but there shouldn't have been this lack of an effort to begin with.
Everybody writes launch games off, yet they never have a decent reason. However, I think it's because mediocre titles get elevated in a soft period, which traditionally happens at launch, and games that shouldn't get hyped do get hyped. It's happening right now with Lair, and how long has it been since PS3 launch? Do I think it happened to a certain extent with RS and RR? I think people generally liked RR (your average person that is), and I think RS was hyped up because not only was it the first big Wii game revealed, but it was the first to claim to use motion controls in an interesting way. I think it had less to do with launch, as Nintendo's own games like Wii Sports and Zelda should have been enough to put out any hype RS would have generated had it been on its own.

However, I don't agree that there shouldn't have been a lack of effort from the start. Nintendo was coming off of their worst period hardware sales wise. There hadn't been a truly big seller since Mario Kart, and software sales culminated in disappointment after disappointment (outside of maybe RE4). Developers had no reason to put confidence in Nintendo's machine besides the hope that Nintendo would be right and that they could capture the imagination of the average consumer (and not even that became apparent until six months before launch). I think they can be faulted now, but I don't blame them for their initial poor showing. However, I think most developers are proving just how ridiculous they're being about the system.

mashedpotatoes said:
Firstly, the SNES wasn't market leader for years, and second what are you smoking? Nintendo had a HUGE reputation for being assholes to third parties in the NES era and to a slightly lesser extent with the SNES. It was bad enough that it kept many away from developing for the N64.
I don't know what either of those have to do with his point. It's no surprise that the better the system sold, the higher third party games charted (I don't know if the SNES had the quantity, as sales data back then is hard to come by, but it had quite a few high selling games). I even think the N64 third party thing is a partial myth. Western third parties actually did pretty decent on the system considering it sold less than a third of what the Playstation did.
JJConrad said:
It's a talking point because you're repeating MS' E3 conference. It's a BS talking point because you know full damn well that a game doesn't have to rank in the top 20 to sell well, especially when the lists you give end at 100k.
Using the Top 20 is a recent tactic by the Nintendo fan contingent (and this thread is worse than usual because now theyre talking about the "top 20 console only" in order to eliminate DS games and get Boogie and RE4 back into the top 20). Outside of the holiday months, games that don't make it into the top 10 sell less than 100k, and the numbers typically plummet as you get into the bottom 10. This month had 15 over 100k (which is how we know Two Worlds somehow managed that), but that means the bottom 16-20 slots are <100k, and Boogie/RE4 were at the bottom of the "console-only" 20. Games that aren't cheap DS/PSP games or complete trash DO need to be in the top 20 at a minimum, unless your Publisher is Atlus.

Madden Xbox outsold Madden Wii. The Xbox was basically killed over 2 years ago by MS. Nothing should be selling on the Xbox.
Aside from Madden, what third party title has performed below expectations? I guess possibly Sonic did a bit worse than expected, but anything else? I guarantee you Ubisoft was ecstatic at RR and RS sales. EA was satisfied with Tiger Woods. Harry Potter Wii was the top selling version the first month. Trauma Center was an undeniable success. Not to mention RE4. I guess my point is, 3rd party successes seem to vastly outnumber 3rd party failures so far.
SSX Blur failed (although now that it has, the WDF refers to it as a port). Harry Potter basically failed across the board. The only 3rd party success story in the US (and that means selling better than "ok" or "better than the PS3 version") that wasn't a launch title is RE4. Boogie had a decent marketing push and was targetted at the Alcoholic New Gamer faction, and bombed. The marble game failed. Elebits failed.


the piano man
In regards to Red Steel, being a launch title surely helped but it had a very nice marketing campaign. I remember I was in Europe at that time and there were HUGE posters and hanging stuff in some department stores in Spain.

Besides, Red Steel almost fusionated with nintendo's 1st party titles becuase every wii trailer around launch would include it. It was the kind of stuff normal gamers want, even if the execution had its flaws.

now,Why did RS sell well in spite of being faulty? Because Ubi SOLD the game to the consumers, the game got the necessary exposure to make it relevant.

I believe any game can achieve that, regardless of being released at launch or late.

I guess the recent Milla jovovich "Resident Evil" could give a little hand to Umbrella chronicles. It would be massive if you could "win a copy of RE:UC with every entrance ticket"! Of course, Capcom would have to be pretty confident in their product to give it that kind of exposure.

it's not easy to bring up an US million seller....


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Of All Trades said:
SSX Blur failed (although now that it has, the WDF refers to it as a port). Harry Potter basically failed across the board. The only 3rd party success story in the US (and that means selling better than "ok" or "better than the PS3 version") that wasn't a launch title is RE4. Boogie had a decent marketing push and was targetted at the Alcoholic New Gamer faction, and bombed. The marble game failed. Elebits failed.

SSX- Ok, that was disappointing

Harry Potter- Funny argument. Bottom line is Harry Potter did the best. Stop spinning.

Boogie- A horrible game that deserved to fail. Still probably going to outsell Lair and Warhawk.

Marble game?? Are you serious? You're using that as a barometer of third party success?

Elebits- Sold decent for the title and budget.


Won't stop picking the right nation
A lot of things went into Red Steel's success. It wouldn't have sold anything close to what it did without the motion controls I don't think, so while the game might not have been incredible, gameplay did contribute. I mean just advertising it as a motion control sword and gun game helped a lot. The push by Ubisoft helped a ton. It was basically Nintendo's poster child third party game. They even let it be the first Wii game revealed. I think it would've sold even better had it been a AAA product though. Even one million in the grand scheme of things isn't a ton.


Mgoblue201 said:
A lot of things went into Red Steel's success. It wouldn't have sold anything close to what it did without the motion controls I don't think, so while the game might not have been incredible, gameplay did contribute. I mean just advertising it as a motion control sword and gun game helped a lot. The push by Ubisoft helped a ton. It was basically Nintendo's poster child third party game. They even let it be the first Wii game revealed. I think it would've sold even better had it been a AAA product though. Even one million in the grand scheme of things isn't a ton.

I remember seeing the red steel commercial on TV tons of times, especially on spike tv. That had to have helped alot.

On the other hand I never saw any commercials for Wii godfather or scarface....


For anyone who's dismissing Red Steel's and Rabbid's excellent sales due to launch title-itis, remember how the launch craze helped Kameo achieve excellent sales?

Yeah, not even decent sales for Kameo....
it's funny.

people talk about the lack of wii software and think it's just a fad..

it's selling insane and it hasn't even seen it's biggest titles yet.

smash brothers Brawl and Mario Galaxy.. and both are out this year.. this Christmas is going to be hugeeee.

the Wii lineup was pretty lackluster after zelda and a couple other mediocre titles at launch yes but it's picking up fast.

Smash brothers brawl
Mario Galaxy
Resident Evil 4 (wii version is the best)

all in the Wii's first year. that's pretty Damn impressive Imo. toss in titles like Wii sports and the virtual console.. the wii's first year has been great.


JJConrad said:
It's a talking point because you're repeating MS' E3 conference. It's a BS talking point because you know full damn well that a game doesn't have to rank in the top 20 to sell well, especially when the lists you give end at 100k. Sales add up over time and can be far more important than first month sales. Besides, we still get data beyond the Top 10 or 20 (Top 30, Top 20 minus handhelds, Top 10 per platform, game specific totals or LTD, publisher's annual reports and press release). To come in here and base your argument on such a myopic point is beneath you.

Beneath KeithFranklin? He's been an Xbox PR guy here since 2003.


flinging feces ---->
So, what do you guys think the PS3 will do next month? Same figures or an increase/decrease?

For me, I'd say it's pretty obvious at this point, no matter how many games you're getting, the 80GB $600 SKU being the only one available at retail is not a step in the right direction. It doesn't matter how many great games release in September -- a $600 piece of video game hardware is not going to get you very far.

Which reminds me: there are a lot of people out there who say, every day, "I just wanna' play some games." $600 is a prodigious barrier to entry.


dirtmonkey37 said:
So, what do you guys think the PS3 will do next month? Same figures or an increase/decrease?

For me, I'd say it's pretty obvious at this point, no matter how many games you're getting, the 80GB $600 SKU being the only one available at retail is not a step in the right direction. It doesn't matter how many great games release in September -- a $600 piece of video game hardware is not going to get you very far.

Which reminds me: there are a lot of people out there who say, every day, "I just wanna' play some games." $600 is a prodigious barrier to entry.
I still see 60GB everywhere. I stated in the Pachter analysis thread that, based on past price drops, PS3 should be expected to level out at about 26k per week, or 130k for a five-week month like September. Should.
dirtmonkey37 said:
So, what do you guys think the PS3 will do next month? Same figures or an increase/decrease?

For me, I'd say it's pretty obvious at this point, no matter how many games you're getting, the 80GB $600 SKU being the only one available at retail is not a step in the right direction. It doesn't matter how many great games release in September -- a $600 piece of video game hardware is not going to get you very far.

Which reminds me: there are a lot of people out there who say, every day, "I just wanna' play some games." $600 is a prodigious barrier to entry.

It will most likely stay in the 130k range but the weekly sales will be down quite significantly because of the 5 week reporting period vs August's 4 weeks.


you can't put a price on sparks
.dmc said:
Well hardly, the console with the smallest amount of Madden sales sold 400k a month in July/August, the console with the highest amount of Madden sales isn't really setting the hardware charts alight. What does that say about how important Madden is to deciding the console wars?

that the wii is fucked? LAWL
davepoobond said:
that the wii is fucked? LAWL
EA is the one fucked right here, now that the Wii userbase is ignoring their cash cow. Madden's sales has minimal bearing on the Wii's. EA can probably axe Madden Wii next year and the Wii will probably still be number 1(or two, next to the DS).

They sell 4M+ Madden in the PS2 era at it's peak. They'd be lucky to break 3M on the 360/PS3 combined, at thier peak.

It's not like EA will stop maiing Madden Wiis. They had a GC version until the very end.


Tmac said:
~ 400k US
~ 200k JP
~ 100k Europe (i really have no idea about europe)

Total ~700k to ~800k monthly

And thats because Nintendo (probably) stockpiling for christmas.


100k Europe? Thats insanely low.
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