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NPD Sales Results for August 2009


Zophar said:
That's a pretty extraordinary claim. There's a great exclusive and multiplatform lineup slated for it, a massive price cut that puts it in league with the competition, and an obviously pent-up demand for the console that the cut has unleashed. Comparatively the competition has no major exclusives slated for holidays, with an arguable exception for Forza 3, and neither competing consoles are touting such significant price reductions.

(Halo ODST and Ballad of Gay Tony will not move consoles. The Halo and GTA ships have sailed.)

I'll stick to the claim just fine. The biggest title of this holiday season is on 360 and comes out in the month of November plus Left 4 Dead 2 on the heals of Forza 3 and GTA: Episodes. It will do more than just fine. Price points will keep it in line without question.

DMeisterJ said:
That was sarcasm.

A 20 dollar price cut is not going to much on a console cheaper than everything on the market already. Ask the $99 PS2.

Well the PS2 shipped had sailed way before that last price drop as I mentioned at that time. However as I said they don't have to have the price cut it will merely add more to the equation.


S t y l e z said:
GAF = Sony = GAF

Like any of this shit matters come holiday 09. Just because there's a tiny minuscule boost in sales now, wont mean anything during holiday rush. Hats off to Sony though, for taking a 100+dollar hit a console.



Bish loves my games!
[Nintex] said:
I like the downplaying of New Super Mario Bros. Wii even better. It's all the things that made the Wii popular tied together in a Mario game with classic 2D gameplay and somehow that won't sell. :lol

Anecdotal evidence: My wife, who loves Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Wii Play and Wii Sports Resort has no interest in Super Mario Bros Wii because it looks too much like a traditional' game. There's no question it will do well, but perhaps it won't be quite the uber system seller some are making it out to be?

Of course I'll be getting a copy so there's one for our household anyway. :D


elrechazao said:
Just wait till next month when the ps3 actually does beat the 360 (and maybe the wii? omg drama!)

I expect all 3 to excel. But you have to admit, it is intresting to see how all three fair when finally the price point is equal enough. Hence no more excuses of PS3 being expensive.

This holiday season is going to be great for gaming.
beast786 said:
I expect all 3 to excel. But you have to admit, it is intresting to see how all three fair when finally the price point is equal enough. Hence no more excuses of PS3 being expensive.

This holiday season is going to be great for gaming.

Of course, it's great fun. Especially for those of us who own all 3, and are amused by meltdowns of any type!

As to great gaming this holiday, agreed.


[Nintex] said:
I like the downplaying of New Super Mario Bros. Wii even better. It's all the things that made the Wii popular tied together in a Mario game with classic 2D gameplay and somehow that won't sell. :lol
Sorry, I completely overlooked that the game was coming out. No intention to downplay, just ignorance on my part.

And I didn't say anything about UC or Ratchet and Clank being killer apps, but anyone with half a brain can figure out that Halo and Grand Theft Auto 4 have, in all likelihood, run their course in regards to moving consoles. The games were hyped to hell and back, like someone else said anyone remotely interested in Halo already owns a 360, and a GTA expansion pack is selling to people that already have the game and the console to run it on.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
I wasn't claiming to have made a 'bold' prediction.

I'm just saying is all. In the thread, I said people no longer had any MAJOR reason to buy a 360 now over a PS3 now that the PS3 has almost the SAME game library as the 360.

Looks like we're really going to start to see that come to fruition over the next few months.

I don't think MS has much else they can do though.

They can't really drop the price to a level that will make it worth it, bundling games doesn't do all that much.

All they have left that would have a major effect would be to slash the price of Live or make it free altogether. Even then they would only JUST have their necks in front.

Again, most people here would know I'm more of a 360 fan, but it's pretty clear where this is all going. Not that it's a big deal. It's not like one of the big 3 is going anywhere next gen.

Look at the Gamecube.

redesign and natal are pretty much both in the cards.
harSon said:
It thrashes its rival because it had a hundred dollar price drop, not because its at the same price point with its rival higher end SKU.

i'm not sure what the difference is? It had a $100 price drop and now is the same price as the only 360 you can get with a hardrive but it also has a lot more like Blu-ray, wifi etc so i'm sure will beat the 360 candidly next month


I'm not sure why everyone is having a difficult time with the 2 million Batman number. Those are up to date shipping figures and you are talking about nearly 2 weeks of sales data missing from the US and WW. Not hard to add up.


WhiteAce said:
yes, that 6 million gap is going to look like gravy if the ps3 starts selling that predicted 100k more a month

only 5 years to draw level, cry Xbot bitches cry, Sony has got you on the run now!
The tide has turn
The Shift has begun
The Great Sony come back of 2009 - 2015 is ON

Our victory is imminent.


The gap is 7,663,628 in the US. At 100,000 a month it would take 6.3 years.


Good first week sales showing there for Batman, can't wait to see its september numbers, they'll be huge as will PS3 sales which might get really close or even pass Wii numbers. Next month is going to be fucking incredible.


About Fossil Fighters vs. Layton vs. Metroid Prime Trilogy.

The former was available on August 10. Layton and MP were launched at the end on the month (25-26).
NeoUltima said:
Holy exclusive content Batman!

Had the same thought when I saw that result, and then thought ... Isn't it kind of amazing how we (very much include myself) are shocked and surprised at a ps3 game *almost* selling as much as a 360 counterpart, as if that's an incredible success?


he's Virgin Tight™
WhiteAce said:
yes, that 6 million gap is going to look like gravy if the ps3 starts selling that predicted 100k more a month

only 5 years to draw level, cry Xbot bitches cry, Sony has got you on the run now!
The tide has turn
The Shift has begun
The Great Sony come back of 2009 - 2015 is ON

Our victory is imminent.


This HAS to be a joke post... right?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't publishers normally look at the PS3/360 combined install base? They want both to sell well so they can make more money. I think this month is turning point in NA, where the combined sales of the HD Twins start sprinting ahead of the Wii leaving it in a cloud of dust for the rest of this generation. Nintendo is going to have an extremely tough time getting 3rd parties to give their system heavy support anymore. Heck they already did when the Wii was dominating month after month.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I wasn't claiming to have made a 'bold' prediction.

I'm just saying is all. In the thread, I said people no longer had any MAJOR reason to buy a 360 now over a PS3 now that the PS3 has almost the SAME game library as the 360.

Looks like we're really going to start to see that come to fruition over the next few months.

I don't think MS has much else they can do though.

They can't really drop the price to a level that will make it worth it, bundling games doesn't do all that much.

All they have left that would have a major effect would be to slash the price of Live or make it free altogether. Even then they would only JUST have their necks in front.

Again, most people here would know I'm more of a 360 fan, but it's pretty clear where this is all going. Not that it's a big deal. It's not like one of the big 3 is going anywhere next gen.

Look at the Gamecube.

How about all their friends and co-workers have a 360?


Darklord said:
PS3 will be higher than 360 next month, possibly even higher than the Wii which really isn't leaps and bounds ahead this month.

I want to disgaree with the Wii comment, but I'm not even sure of that now. The world has succumbed to the Sony machine again it seems. Poor people around the globe have joined the fight thanks to $100 price-drop. ;)
2 Minutes Turkish said:
You think MS wants to, or can afford to take a raping worldwide for the next 14 months?

I think they want to maintain their current price points if they want to chuck in a free NAtal next year


Wow, awesome sales for Batman, especially on PS3 considering the install base.

Also, it's great to finally see a PSP game chart in the top 10.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I wasn't claiming to have made a 'bold' prediction.

I'm just saying is all. In the thread, I said people no longer had any MAJOR reason to buy a 360 now over a PS3 now that the PS3 has almost the SAME game library as the 360.

Looks like we're really going to start to see that come to fruition over the next few months.

I don't think MS has much else they can do though.

They can't really drop the price to a level that will make it worth it, bundling games doesn't do all that much.

All they have left that would have a major effect would be to slash the price of Live or make it free altogether. Even then they would only JUST have their necks in front.

Again, most people here would know I'm more of a 360 fan, but it's pretty clear where this is all going. Not that it's a big deal. It's not like one of the big 3 is going anywhere next gen.

Look at the Gamecube.

Microsoft still has a killer software lineup going through 2010, or plenty of reasons to attract new gamers. Microsoft definitely has a fight ahead of them, but 360's not going anywhere.


Not impressive numbers by Dissidia. Crisis Core opened with 300k (although I didn't check if it was covered for one or two weeks).

On the other hand, it shows how strong the Final Fantasy VII brand is in the US.

cue for necessary remake dream
beast786 said:
Yes i do realize they were. But in most area they were in very limited numbers. Including ours.

So you're implying that the fatties were sold out everywhere and the slim was in such limited numbers that all the hardware numbers Sony posted are from $399 fat units from earlier in the month?

Loudninja said:
Why do you keep saying this?not evrey store had them.

Every single store in my area had them in late August and I live in downtown San Francisco but I got my personal slim model off Amazon and was shipped before September 1st.

DMeisterJ said:
Yeah, I don't get it. Some of my GSs filled pre-orders, but some didn't and BB and Target didn't sell them to the first in my area.

Anecdotal evidence does not make an argument.

Again, people were saying the slim wasn't being sold at all in this NPD period so the fact that even one single unit was, proves this theory wrong.


Sascha23 said:
I want to disgaree with the Wii comment, but I'm not even sure of that now. The world has succumbed to the Sony machine again it seems. Poor people around the globe have joined the fight thanks to $100 price-drop. ;)

Overreaction. The PS3 slim launch is good, but that's it.


OldJadedGamer said:
Again, people were saying the slim wasn't being sold at all in this NPD period so the fact that even one single unit was, proves this theory wrong.

Oh, well carry on then. I was incorrect, it was being sold but not widely I presume.


My predications are pretty damn good this month methinks :)
[360] 215k (off 0k)
[NDS] 540k (off 12k)
[PS2] 105k (off 0k)
[PS3] 205k (off 5k)
[PSP] 125k (off 15k)
[WII] 245k (off 32k)

Total off: 64k :D


WasteLand Soldier said:
how long was the ps3 price drop in there for? a week? 2 weeks?

Roughly a week.

But, only a few days of the Slim being out there and being officially marketed.

I would look forward to some good times at the GAF next month when September's info hits.
Can't wait to see how the sales of WSR influence Wii sales in the coming weeks, given the viral nature of the multiplayer experience among casuals.

Also pleased to see Fossil Fighters do so well. It is a charming diversion, with neat monsters and silly humor, great for gaming on the can. Would like to see this become a series,
Why is everyone jumping on the so called "Sony revivalthon" bandwagon. I applaud them for lowering the price and they're doing ok but come on, beat the wii next month? I highly doubt it.
Yes I know that's not a word.


criesofthepast said:
Whoa, batman is close there. Joker DLC have any effect on that or no?

The exclusive helps, but the price drop helped even more.

I think September's sales will definitely impress even more. For both the hardware and Arkham sales.
My overall impression is that this is the teaser snack NPD to the full meal that will be Sept, Oct, Nov, And Dec npd numbers.

There will be blood...


So much for Wolfenstein beating Madden.

So glad Dissidia made the top 10, if only because I'm glad to see a PSP game up there. :D
If PS3 can keep on selling and MS can keep pushing back when needed, and Ninty can finally stop napping, maybe things can get back to the bloody and ban-heavy days of 2006 and 2007. The console wars fuckin' rock, man.


Stoney Mason said:
My overall impression is that this is the teaser snack NPD to the full meal that will be Sept, Oct, Nov, And Dec npd numbers.

There will be blood...

Yes this is the appetizer. The Meat and Potatoes will be next month.


Tom Penny said:
No it's not. It it at 6,478,564. Your way off...

You are wrong. It is 7,663,628.

Sascha23 said:
Roughly a week.

But, only a few days of the Slim being out there and being officially marketed.

I would look forward to some good times at the GAF next month when September's info hits.

5 days with Slim and 11 days at $299.


MightyHedgehog said:
If PS3 can keep on selling and MS can keep pushing back when needed, and Ninty can finally stop napping, maybe things can get back to the bloody and ban-heavy days of 2006 and 2007. The console wars fuckin' rock, man.

Personally I would like to see a price cut from the Wii, but just looking at these numbers right before the holidays I doubt it happens. Pack-ins are likely on the table however.
Karma said:
How about all their friends and co-workers have a 360?

I know I know. We went thorugh all that in the thread. Believe me, I know.

I had like 6 of MY friends buy 360s because a couple of us already had them. I'm aware of that flow on.

But at the same time, I already know of 3 or 4 people who don't even HAVE a console looking at buying a Slim just because it looks nice and the price is so cheap now. I've been trying to convince my uncle to buy a Wii or 360 or 2 years.

He saw an ad for the PS3 slim and he wants to buy one now.

I know anecdotal evidence is bullshit, but to me, this says something, because he's not the only one I know who's about to buy one.
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