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NPD Sales Results for December 2009

[Nintex] said:
I remember when I turned in my GameCube 'jacket' when the PS2 and Xbox outsold it.
Well this all goes back to the 3rd parties. The "loosing" consoles are still getting most of the support and quality games.


schuelma said:
It's over a million LTD in the U.S alone. I'd say that's a success for EA given the likely development costs, etc.
O, I know its a success, but compared to Wii Fit :|. I was just trying to say that no one besides Nintendo has(or will be able to without a miracle) produce any megahits.


Jigsaw said:
bullshit,he said explicitly the 360 version of mw2

Reggie said:
"Modern Warfare 2 is on two platforms. On a single platform...absolutely. I say that unequivocally. On one particular platform, I do believe so. You've got to give me the entire holiday selling season, so let's take it all the way through the January NPD data. ...It's going to be close. Modern Warfare is a a great title. As a gamer, I look forward to it. The new Modern Warfare, I think is going to be a fantastic title. Not to discount it, it will sell well. Of course I'll play it...I play all the content out there." - Reggie Fils-Aime



EDIT: Anyway, this wasn't arrogant at all, I don't know why it got so much "rage". You must see the vid.

Oh, and I'm soooo happy about M&L!! :D

EDIT2: This:

EmCeeGramr said:
this is totally stupid and i can't believe it's being discussed again but it sounded to me like he was saying something like "outsell one version in the us through january? yes, I definitely think so" and geoff interrupted him in the middle to say, "you mean on the 360?!?!" and reggie just kept on talking so geoff took that as an answer

but anyway it's dumb because it was reggie giving a bullshit video game company pr response to a stupid video game non-journalist question, so the fact that people honestly want to prove him wrong or right is pathetic


Zachack said:
Well, I look at the Top 10 and see a million units of Wii Play and not-a-million units of Super Mario Galaxy. It's disgraceful.

Mario Galaxy sold incredibly well. Who cares how it compares to Wii Play?


listen to the mad man
xbhaskarx said:
Whoa, PSP is dying off faster than the PS2.

A jet engine flies high and lands softly. A lawn chair with balloons doesn't get quite as high and tends to fall much faster. C'est la vie. (I bought a replacement PSP in December and have owned every other console for at least a year)
NeoUltima said:
EA Sports Active is one good example...Review-wise I believe it did better(or similarly) than Wii Fit, but it never lit up the sales charts. Raving Rabbids is another example.

EA Sports Active was in the NPD Top10

NPD May 2009

1) UFC 2009 Undisputed (X360) / THQ / 679,600
2) Wii Fit w/ Balance Board (Wii) / Nintendo / 352,800
3) EA Sports Active (Wii) / EA / 345,800
4) UFC 2009 Undisputed (PS3) / THQ / 334,400
5) Infamous (PS3) / SCEA / 175,900
6) Pokemon Platinum (DS) / Nintendo / 168,900
7) Mario Kart Wii with Wheel (Wii) / Nintendo / 158,300
8) Punch-Out!! (Wii) / Nintendo / 156,900
9) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (X360) / Activision Blizzard / 120,700
10) Wii Play w/ Remote (Wii) / Nintendo / 109,800


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
NeoUltima said:
O, I know its a success, but compared to Wii Fit :|. I was just trying to say that no one besides Nintendo has(or will be able to without a miracle) produce any megahits.

Well, virtually every game on Earth is a failure compared to Wii Fit.


epic mickey could do very well. it's a well known family friendly charater and the game itself sounds like it could be better than anything nintendo has put out for the wii

if it's well marketed to families/kids and the like it'll do ganbusters. us lot will be buying it anyway because of warren spector
Leon S. Kennedy said:
I'm wondering how GT5 will do in comparison to Mario Kart. It probably cost 10X more to develop than mario kart yet it will be lucky to get half the sales of Mario Kart.
How much has Mario Kart Wii sold in total?
Grecco said:
Yes EA sports Active sold very well.

Dont know how the pseudo sequel did though. I bought the first one (And still use it) but havent bought "More Workouts"

Fyi, it didn't get a lot of coverage, but "More Workouts" is a superior product in just about every way.

Great game.


I think all you smart asses should look at yourselves and think if Rabbids Go Home was released on the 360 of PS3, would you freakin' buy it even with the good reviews!? Come on! *knock knock*

boiled goose

good with gravy
NeoUltima said:
Having "Nintendo", "Wii", and "Mario" on their games certainly helps. Third parties just can't compete with brands like that...If you make a hardcore game on the Wii...it won't sell. If you make a casual game, even if its good, Nintendo will still one up you 95% of the time. There is no way they can create casual games that can compete with the Nintendo's brand image and selling power. EA Sports Active is one good example...Review-wise I believe it did better(or similarly) than Wii Fit, but it never lit up the sales charts. Raving Rabbids is another example.

Yes, Nintendo deserves it though.

edit: Epic Mickey does have a chance at monster success though, as it has the power of a brand and icon not too unlike Nintendo and Mario. Regardless, as long as its a good game, it will do well, maybe not NSMBW well, but we'll see.

independent of the situation and the reasons for it:

Wii was a New Brand this generation.
Nintendo sold less than 25M consoles last generation.

It is not like Nintendo had a natural advantage going into the generation. Someone fucked up.


Zachack said:
Well, I look at the Top 10 and see a million units of Wii Play and not-a-million units of Super Mario Galaxy. It's disgraceful.

Did you happen to glance at the number one spot? :lol


aarongreenberg NPD shows great 2009 results for #Xbox360 $4.8B in consumer spend, outsold the PS3, led in 3rd party SW & record 8.8 SW attach

I guess Nintendo ended up taking overall SW for the year again even though MS had taken every month this year up until Dec. Nintendo cleaned house this month to be sure. Props to them to be sure. There is no need for a Wii HD anytime soon I agree Reggie.


Stitch said:
the nintendo sales: un-fucking-believable

oh wow that gif lol
Best part of thread since I missed the porn.

It's unfathomable that the Wii's December is nearly the PS3's entire year and the DS' December is nearly 6x the PSP. Seriously, IGN wasn't that far off on what Sony should do.


Master of the Google Search
AceBandage said:
But that's just it, isn't it?
Every "big" third party game on the Wii isn't even a hundreth of the game that is a hit on the 360/PS3.
I mean, you have Dead Space vs Extraction.
Dead Rising vs Chop Till You Drop.
Assassin's Creed vs Rabbids Go Home.

Third parties don't get why their crap fails, yet everyone with half a brains sees it a mile away.
You'd think that by now you'd realize that just making a "HD like game" for the Wii is not the way to succeed. Rather the real way to succeed is to make games tailored to the Wii's strengths. But of course that's not what you really want; what you want is everything the HD consoles have out of jealousy.

I wouldn't be "butthurt" if third parties would just admit they fucked up and then shut up forever.
For the love of god, please take this advice for yourself.


Wii owners wanted a new RE4 style RE game. The whole 'games that are tailored to the strengths of the HD platforms' bit is a fallacy. Wii owners just want good games, and we haven't really seen very many HD games with good or bad 'HD' gameplay can't be recreated on the Wii with some funding and effort. Most 'HD' games gameplay are just updated versions of whatever they were last gen and are decently portable to lower spec platforms.

grandjedi6 said:
You'd think that by now you'd realize that just making a "HD like game" for the Wii is not the way to succeed. Rather the real way to succeed is to make games tailored to the Wii's strengths. But of course that's not what you really want; what you want is everything the HD consoles have out of jealousy.

In terms of mass market you'd do much worse than to make a competent Wii version of your upcoming game that has a big marketing push, and the Wiimote as an interface is perfectly suitable to playing core game experiences, even ones that are originally tailored with a controller in mind. If third parties had established a positive ecosystem for themselves on the Wii where it wasn't left out in the cold from all of their mindshare generating products, than it would be a more receptive marketplace where it they decided to make a 'tailored for the Wii' exclusive.

markatisu said:
So whats Bloomberg going to say now :lol

Jesus christ that is an incredible number, super lolz at 3rd parties now since its obvious that the platform does not need their waffling support I guess

Let them take their ball and go home, it's not like third parties (with three or four exceptions, and I'm talking on a game by game basis here) ever but serious effort into the Wii, and no publisher EVER put any effort into a Wii project that remotely approached how seriously they took the PS3/360/PC. They're the ones, with their timid approach to the Wii, quick buck mentality, and refusal to take risks that programed the consumers to realize they'd have to look elsewhere for quality third party products. Now Publishers cry about how their games aren't selling to expectations, and it's because they were never giving the audience what they wanted, so the audience went elsewhere, and magically it's the 'Wii Demographic' that's at fault, not publishers for being lazy greedy cowards whom turned away from a potentially huge gold mine.

Oh well it all pretty much belongs to Nintendo now. Maybe Wii2 will be technologically compatible with third party software solutions of the time and we'll see at least decent cross platform offerings then.


Lostconfused said:
Well this all goes back to the 3rd parties. The "loosing" consoles are still getting most of the support and quality games.
Yeah, the jacket was too tight anyway and everything was lost :(

If only the GameCube sold this good.


listen to the mad man
EA Sports Active should be around a million. More Workouts should be a good deal lower but still well into the six figures. Rabbids 1 should be around 1.6-1.8 million, Rabbids 2 and 3 should be around 550-650k each.

I say should because these figures are a compilation of public data, publicly leaked data, and extrapolations (IE based on top 20 figures where we have #18 and #14's number total and a game is #16). I am confident that all numbers are accurate to within 100k; if someone has private NPD data and wants to confirm, feel free.


Stumpokapow said:
No offense implied, I just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't just pulling stuff out of thin air. NPD threads move quick and I figured I'd clarify as soon as I humanly could ;)
I'm new to this numbers thing so I always appreciate the knowledge from those doing it for longer. Thanks again.

I found the full quote from Frazier:

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has become the fourth best-selling game of all time. In fact, three of the top 10 games of all time are Call of Duty games,"

And more from her:
Frazier said that this current generation of console hardware has outsold the previous one by more than nine million units during the first 50 months in the market.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
phisheep said:

PS3 and 360 sell to gamers. Wii and DS sell to people. There are far more people than gamers.

This is a good analogy tbh, and I think it can also be applied to the sales of certain first party Wii titles compared with third party software.
I rented raving rabbids and thought it was terrible. Extremely repetitive and simple (not as simple and repetitive as Prince of Persia 08 though). Okay for very young children, but no one else. I don't see where the good reviews are coming from.


Frazier said that this current generation of console hardware has outsold the previous one by more than nine million units during the first 50 months in the market.

Nice fun fact there.


listen to the mad man
jeremy1456 said:
Outside of Call of Duty, have any Playstation 3 games sold over a million total in North America?

PS3 US million sellers, in selling order as far as I'm aware:
Madden 09
Madden 10
Resistance (this is somewhere between 950 and 1050k, but I think it's around 1025k)
gofreak said:
End-of-year Slim musings:

Sony's pared nearly a quarter off of 360's lead (combining US and Japan) since Slim's launch.

Pared 150k off the US lead since Sept :lol 2.88m Slims vs 2.73m 360s.

WW, inc Europe, they may have taken up to 35% off of 360's lead.

Not bad at all for a few months (albeit a few holiday months).

How about we keep the NPD thread on topic and discuss NPD numbers? This is not a worldwide thread but there is always sprinkles of off topic numbers in here. On topic discussion would be that they shaved 150k off the lead with huge price drop, a total redesign of the system and new marketing campaign. The question becomes what happens after the holiday. What other cards does Sony have to play hardware wise? What is MS waiting for? Where is their slim and price drop and how will Sony respond? This is what I'm looking at.


sparkle this bitch
I still have this little bit from an old L4D2 thread about a month and a half ago.

WickedLaharl said:
but according to some of the folks in this thread it didn't sell very well on 360. :lol

good for valve. l4d2 is a fantastic game.

One above with a lot of jokers about it bombing.

Was one just from October, right before it came out.

Few highlights.

beast786 said:
Yeah, that's a pretty healthy set of exclusive expansion packs releases.

Virro said:
I think to argue that L4D2 (competing with MW2 a week after release and also on PC),

Zophar said:
To be honest, ODST, L4D2, and GTA Episodes are pseudo-exclusives, being mostly glorified expansion packs.

chubigans said:
I dunno if L4D2 sales will be all that strong for the 360 this year (compared to the previous version). Consider that the previous game is only a year old, Borderlands is slowly gaining momentum to become the next Xbox Live breakout hit (much like L4D2 did last year) and Modern Warfare 2, of course.

Last year the only shooters L4D2 had to compete with was World at War and a few other games (Gears of War 2 didn't really directly compete IMO).

inner-G said:
In my mind, 360's biggest hurdle is that almost all of it's big releases, (MW2, ODST, L4D2) are all going for the same market..

LiquidJin said:
Who's going to have money left to buy XBOX exclusives? Halo junkies bought ODST and that'll hold them over until MW2. Didn't a bunch of the others just buy a slim and some PS3 game? And won't the rest just continue watching netflix?

Joking of course....well, not really...=p

What's that, two months in a row now. Nearly 1.5million just in the US on 360? :lol
Leon S. Kennedy said:
I rented raving rabbids and thought it was terrible. Extremely repetitive and simple (not as simple and repetitive as Prince of Persia 08 though). Okay for very young children, but no one else. I don't see where the good reviews are coming from.
good sales thread input.


Master of the Google Search
legend166 said:
Well, the only sales information we have on Rabbids Go Home is that it hung around number 20 on the UK charts pretty much all through December, debuted in the top 5 in Australia, and was described by an Ubisoft exec. as "taking off". Soooooooooooo.
John Dunbar said:
Can you explain what's wrong with this particular excuse, though?

If Rabbids Go Home was on any other system than Wii, would we be having this discussion?
You guys misunderstand. I'm not trying to say that Rabbids Go Home sold good or bad or that it means anything at all. Instead I'm just giving Acebandage crap for arguing that Rabbids Go Home somehow doesn't count as a quality 3rd party release for the Wii.

Its annoying when a poster goes around saying that all 3rd parties are idiots and release crap on the Wii, but whenever anyone mentions a counterexample it gets shot down for "not counting". Its a fallacious statement Acebandage loves to us.
grandjedi6 said:
You'd think that by now you'd realize that just making a "HD like game" for the Wii is not the way to succeed. Rather the real way to succeed is to make games tailored to the Wii's strengths. But of course that's not what you really want; what you want is everything the HD consoles have out of jealousy.

What jealousy, exactly?
I've had a PS3 for years now, and a gaming PC.
Like I said before, I don't want Dead Space or Modern Warfare on the Wii.
I want real games that are of equal quality of games on the HD consoles.
Not low budget games from third tier devs.

grandjedi6 said:
You guys misunderstand. I'm not trying to say that Rabbids Go Home sold good or bad or that it means anything at all. Instead I'm just giving Acebandage crap for arguing that Rabbids Go Home doesn't count as a quality 3rd party release.

When the original comparison was to AC2, it's not a quality release.
Soneet said:
I think all you smart asses should look at yourselves and think if Rabbids Go Home was released on the 360 of PS3, would you freakin' buy it even with the good reviews!? Come on! *knock knock*
Yeah but I don't own a Wii and don't buy nintendo games either. So what the hell is your point?


Leon S. Kennedy said:
I rented raving rabbids and thought it was terrible. Extremely repetitive and simple (not as simple and repetitive as Prince of Persia 08 though). Okay for very young children, but no one else. I don't see where the good reviews are coming from.
It's the best Wii third party release! So it has to sell because it's Nintendo quality! :lol :lol :lol
:enemyglider: said:
Hardware sales on the Wii are almost irrelevant to third parties at this point.

The hardware is driven almost entirely by Nintendo exclusive titles, and third parties haven't had much success at all with the rather fickle Wii audience.

In Ubisoft's case, they're best serving the PS360 demographic, as they are a bit more reliable/predictable when it comes to sales of blockbuster titles like Assassin's Creed 2.

Your second sentence is contradictory. If Wii owners are buying Nintendo's games so religiously, they're hardly fickle. That would be the exact opposite, in fact.

I've never understood what's so hard to grasp about why people buy Nintendo games. It's not a success that's impossible to duplicate. You just can't compete with minimal effort. If anything, it takes more effort to compete on a Nintendo system--and 3rd parties' Wii releases have mostly been their lowest priority games. And yet they're baffled by their failure. That baffles me. It's like walking through a race and wondering how you lost.
Stumpokapow said:
PS3 US million sellers, in selling order as far as I'm aware:
Madden 09
Madden 10
Resistance (this is somewhere between 950 and 1050k, but I think it's around 1025k)
Uncharted 1 and 2 as well no? Also killzone 2. I'm sure there is more.
Jtyettis said:
I think the real issue here is the fact that it did 440k during BF week and only 90k per week before that (I Suspected such after seeing the BF numbers). Heavily, heavily lopsided and many here have commented on such. I'm not sure how well that will bode for Sony during December either.


Jtyettis said:
I called it.

Jtyettis said:
I called it in August bro. Ya damn right.


Jtyettis said:
I tried to tell people this the month shouldn't be measured on Black Friday week alone. PS3 was only averaging 90K a week before BF week. That is huge difference and the bundles really saved the month. I'm going to say it now look for a much bigger gap for December.

I know my predictions around here are more than often unpopular but I've said it for a long time this gen is set. Sony put their best foot forward this holiday (price cut, redesign on HW, solid SW this year and for the holidays) and will still settle for third again.


I wonder how Jtyettis is feeling now going into the new year? With PS3 outselling the 360 despite the shortages, surely the PS3 will likely outsell the 360 indefinitely when the PS3s get back in regular supply. Microsoft needs a price cut without a Sony retaliatory cut in order for them to regain their number 2 position in ongoing monthly sales.

Looking more like a bad year for Jtyettis.


Leon S. Kennedy said:
I rented raving rabbids and thought it was terrible. Extremely repetitive and simple (not as simple and repetitive as Prince of Persia 08 though). Okay for very young children, but no one else. I don't see where the good reviews are coming from.
Rabbids Go Home is a completely different game to Raving Rabbids.
AceBandage said:
But that's just it, isn't it?
Every "big" third party game on the Wii isn't even a hundreth of the game that is a hit on the 360/PS3.
I mean, you have Dead Space vs Extraction.
Dead Rising vs Chop Till You Drop.
Assassin's Creed vs Rabbids Go Home.

Third parties don't get why their crap fails, yet everyone with half a brains sees it a mile away.

What AceBandage (and others) don't seem to understand is that shit like Umbrella Chronicles and Chop til you Drop get made from using old assets and from having the interns or B Teams whip them up. So yes, I doubt Capcom is especially surprised they didn't set the world on fire but maybe disappointed they didn't luck out like a lot of Wii shovelware occasionally does by being a flavour of the month. Alongside this though, you're still getting the A-Team content that makes sense for them financially such as Monster Hunter 3 which will create assests for the PSP version and porting a Wii-based Arcade board game.

What you won't get and can't expect is to take the teams that make Resident Evil 5, LP2, Devil May Cry and tell them "I know your games have done great on the HD systems, but lets ignore that lucrative source of income across 3 platforms and see if just making 1 big game for Wii will make up for it!". If youre expecting that, youre stupid.

So yes, the source of this is some idiot western Capcom PR clown who opened his big mouth when really in the grand scheme of things his outlook and power within the company mean absolutely shit all, just like Mr "I don't know whats happening so here are some words" Sega from the other week as well.

Also, its remarkably convenient for any Third Party to look at this NPD where people bought consoles in droves and what do they see but the Wii with an all Nintendo top list and the HD consoles with an entirely third party driven top list. Theres no way around it; this is how it works, now SHUT UP.

boiled goose

good with gravy
schuelma said:
I imagine there will be.

(these are guesses)
Im sure that Guitar hero, band hero, beatles, DJ hero all did well on wii.
Who the heck knows how tiger did??
Im sure reflex did well.
Rabbids go home did well.
The workout games did well.
Just dance did well.
Nerf strike did well.

As for silent hill.... I would not bet on it :p
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