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NPD Sales Results for December 2009


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
-Pyromaniac- said:
Uncharted 1 and 2 as well no? Also killzone 2. I'm sure there is more.
NPD doesn't count bundles, so Uncharted 1 wouldn't even be close. Uncharted 2 is at 950ish and will pass 1m next month.
Killzone 2 sold 600k in the first 2 months, but is still very possible that it hasn't reach 1m.

boiled goose

good with gravy
NeoUltima said:
O, I know its a success, but compared to Wii Fit :|. I was just trying to say that no one besides Nintendo has(or will be able to without a miracle) produce any megahits.

Ummmm, these megahits are unique to nintendo even outside the wii.... (and DS)


Lostconfused said:
Yeah but I don't own a Wii and don't buy nintendo games either. So what the hell is your point?
My post was directed to posters like this guy

grandjedi6 said:
You guys misunderstand. I'm not trying to say that Rabbids Go Home sold good or bad or that it means anything at all. Instead I'm just giving Acebandage crap for arguing that Rabbids Go Home somehow doesn't count as a quality 3rd party release for the Wii.

People who think that game is worthy of selling millions are so extremely biased. Yes it's not top quality software. Gameplay fun? High review scores? How about... is that core gameplay what people want? I don't think so.


listen to the mad man
Jtyettis said:
Nice fun fact there.

Fun facts;

This gen's first place system is outpacing last gen's first place system
This gen's second place system is outpacing last gen's second place system--in fact, it's outsold it.
This gen's third place system is outpacing last gen's third place system--in fact, it's outsold it.

US only
This gen's first place system is outpacing last gen's first place system
This gen's second place system is outpacing last gen's second place system--in fact, it's outsold it.
This gen's third place system is outpacing last gen's third place system--it'll outsell it in the next 2-3 months.

-Pyromaniac- said:
Uncharted 1 and 2 as well no? Also killzone 2. I'm sure there is more.

no, no, no, and no.

shintoki said:
What's that, two months in a row now. Nearly 1.5million just in the US on 360? :lol

As I mentioned earlier, it`s about 250k away from L4D1`s LTD.
DaveTheSnake said:
It definitely did not for US/NPD. I'm not sure about WW though. Any know?

It outsold the 360 by 1,395,335 in Japan alone. So taking out the US loss of 436k, gives us a lead of 959k give or take a few units. Europe is traditionally Sony land, and from evidence throughout the year in most European countries you see the PS3 outselling the 360. Unless the UK 360 lead is like over a million (Which i highly doubt), then its a pretty sure bet that the PS3 outsold the 360 WW.


Also, something I've seen in a few NPD threads in a row and it's always stupid: why on earth do people expect new PS3 owners to pick up a game with 2 in the fucking title? No, Uncharted 2 is not going to sell to brand new owners of the system. Stop expecting it to break into the NPD again because the Slim had a good month, that's idiotic and does the game's steady sales a disservice.

Zachack said:

Okay, so. You obviously can read that the more traditional Mario game did amazing numbers. And your complaint is what, exactly? That new owners who did not choose to buy a system when a game several years old released did not feel compelled to buy that game the moment they got their system? Wow, yeah, it blows my mind too.

boiled goose

good with gravy
grandjedi6 said:
You'd think that by now you'd realize that just making a "HD like game" for the Wii is not the way to succeed. Rather the real way to succeed is to make games tailored to the Wii's strengths. But of course that's not what you really want; what you want is everything the HD consoles have out of jealousy.

For the love of god, please take this advice for yourself.

Hey Hey...

He only wants third parties to apologize to wii owners..........
Is that so unreasonable??? :p


Just to put 3rd party Wii games in perspective - you'd struggle to find more than a couple of games that had a budget half the size of Bionic Commando.

Ubisoft said Red Steel cost 10 million. The only other one reaching that is probably going to be Red Steel 2.
Stumpokapow said:
PS3 US million sellers, in selling order as far as I'm aware:
Madden 09
Madden 10
Resistance (this is somewhere between 950 and 1050k, but I think it's around 1025k)

You missed COD4... the very first ever million seller in the US.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Holy fuck at Wii numbers. So much for YoY drops.

The software top 10 is ridiculous as well, but the real meat I want to see is the total software, 3rd party software, YTD software, and some of the games outside of the top 10 - how did the rest of the fall heavy hitters fare?

We can't seriously be arguing that no one has released a Wii game as good as Wii Play or Mario Kart.

Some 3rd party games should be dragged along for the ride by sheer volume surely? Something like 1 in 25 new Wii owners would have to purchase a specific game last month for it to break 100k.
I've said this before, but both Iwata and Reggie use "THERE'S A GIANT FUCKING INSTALL BASE" as a reason, the reason, to develop on the Wii. Gone is the argument about low development cost, no longer are they saying "Innovative control scheme!" to sell devkits, they are pointing at the install base as their biggest advantage.

Third parties, for whatever reason, take this to mean that simply putting a Wii game out means it should sell. This isn't my assumption, Sega has confirmed this exact logic. They expressed extreme discontent that the Conduit, a maligned game from a shovelware developer, did not sell by sheer virtue of being on the Wii. EA, as misguided as they may have been, was really excited about Dead Space Extraction. The game was pretty damn good. But it released to the toot of a broken horn, not a commercial or advertising campaign to be seen. Meanwhile, EA has been staging fake protests, bribing journalists with food and money, and generally been making an event about Dante's Inferno, a kind of stupid looking God of War clone that can at best hope to be a black eye to its own name. But it's getting ads, it will get good reviews that are immediately suspect because of all the lead up, and will sell well because of that. Third parties want Wii games to sell because they're on the Wii and does not understand at all why anyone could think differently.

And what can you really do about it? Can Nintendo say "Ignore the install base, we still have last gen graphics and a control scheme equal or worse than the competition"? Can they tell third parties "Yeah, you spend less on making games, but you have to make that up in advertising to maybe sell well, so deal with it"?

Third parties, for all their output on all systems and all the money they're making, are lost. And they don't even realize it. They don't get the problems with the Wii audience not buying their games is a problem they will face next generation. As video games become more ubiquitous in our society, there will continue to be more people who play four games a year and not four a month. Third parties are facing three possible options: either the gaming market stays exactly the same forever, it shrinks, or it expands to people who don't identify as gamers.

Unless third parties - and this means Sega, Capcom, and the rest who pride themselves on broad appeal and not hardcore otakuness like NIS and Atlus - understand what they're doing wrong, no install base or graphics will save them.
Pennywise83 said:
Never forget:

I want to see the chart with the squiggly line that explodes for PS3!


GAF's Bob Woodward
OldJadedGamer said:
How about we keep the NPD thread on topic and discuss NPD numbers? This is not a worldwide thread but there is always sprinkles of off topic numbers in here.

There's sprinkles of all kinds of shit in here this month :lol I think my contribution was more on-topic than many things here...

We don't have a WW thread to discuss 'ww' things in. Now that we have Dec NPD it's possible to fill in the picture more fully for the aftermath of one of the bigger stories of the year, so that's why I chucked this in here.

OldJadedGamer said:
On topic discussion would be that they shaved 150k off the lead with huge price drop, a total redesign of the system and new marketing campaign. The question becomes what happens after the holiday. What other cards does Sony have to play hardware wise? What is MS waiting for? Where is their slim and price drop and how will Sony respond? This is what I'm looking at.

I think Sony should/would be happy to hold MS to a tie as much as possible in NA going forward. It'll be interesting to see if they can do that. I'm not sure if they can, but we'll see. The first months of the year are so quiet anyway, they hardly mean much. But it is and would be a big recovery on the previous situation if they could hold their (current) ground.

MS is obviously looking to recast the system with Natal later next year. I think you'll see price movements and perhaps hardware redesigns to go with that. Sony'll have their own new toys and have their own good lineup too. Not sure about price movement for Sony next year. There's obviously room for it, but I don't know if Sony will want to do it from a financial POV. I think that they may be encouraged to stick with the current price...if they can hold rough sales parity with MS at the current pricepoint, despite a $100 price-gap across some different SKUs, it speaks a bit about relative desirability of the two systems on the market right now. I think Sony will lean on that for as long as they possibly can, but they may be forced to make a move for next holiday.

Anyway, I think the bigger question for both Sony and MS next year has less to do with the battle between themselves, and more how or if they can even try and get a piece of the market Nintendo is reaching. I think from a business POV that has to be the question top of their minds.

edit - lol, even i keep forgetting about the new PS3 price :eek: Fixed my price-gaps above.


holy fuck at the wii numbers, kudos for the ps3 for edging out the 360 but good numbers combined, and so many 500's I even missed the porn gifs what a way to get banned must go down in the hall of shame


So I guess Sony's numbers for the PS3 weren't complete BS after all? Crow time?

Insane Wii numbers :eek: Completely unexpected


Master of the Google Search
AceBandage said:
What jealousy, exactly?
I've had a PS3 for years now, and a gaming PC.
Like I said before, I don't want Dead Space or Modern Warfare on the Wii.
I want real games that are of equal quality of games on the HD consoles.
Not low budget games from third tier devs.

When the original comparison was to AC2, it's not a quality release.
  1. Owning other consoles does not exempt one from being a fanboy or from saying stupid things
  2. For you, this has nothing to do with quality. There are tons of quality Wii titles which you disregard for stupid reasons
  3. As for own AC2 comment here has just shown, what you really want is what the HD console have. You say all you want is "equal quality" but what you really want is parallel experiences

The Wii is not the console you think or apparently want it to be. The Wii is not the 360, the Wii is not the PS3, the Wii is not the PS2. It is its own creature and deserves games made to its strengths. Which is why your argument is a neverending catch-22 for publishers -- if they were to make a game that is different from the HD, or "traditional" model, then you disregard them because they "don't count". However if the publishers go ahead and try to replicate those experiences then they predictably fail, hence making them "not count" again. Thus its impossible for 3rd parties to meet your demands.


:enemyglider: said:
I wonder how Jtyettis is feeling now going into the new year? With PS3 outselling the 360 despite the shortages, surely the PS3 will likely outsell the 360 indefinitely when the PS3s get back in regular supply. Microsoft needs a price cut without a Sony retaliatory cut in order for them to regain their number 2 position in ongoing monthly sales.

Looking more like a bad year for Jtyettis.


Yup, I was wrong for December, but 50k difference for the month I'm still not sure MS is that worried at this point considering they still outsold them by ~400k for the year, and still maintain 7.5 million lead in the US. They have a strong piece of SW coming out of the gate this month which will in fact help and longer term they have some very good exclusives this year. Will they drop the price again this year like they did in 2008, sure. They will respond to Sony's price cut and redesign like they should with at least a decent price cut and HW. Again, MS is turning profit on each piece of HW unlike Sony so I'm not sure they have to cut the price just yet either and the real question is when they cut the price will it take another year or two for Sony to respond in full.

The holiday quarter difference is under 12k units again which is nothing and this after Sony's biggest move this gen. MS at this point should be more focused on what to do in Europe than anything which is the real battleground at this point. 2010 will be more than fine for the 360 in the US and I really do not agree with the whole PS3 outselling the 360 indefinitely when they restock either.


stupei said:
Okay, so. You obviously can read that the more traditional Mario game did amazing numbers. And your complaint is what, exactly? That new owners who did not choose to buy a system when a game several years old released did not feel compelled to buy that game the moment they got their system? Wow, yeah, it blows my mind too.
But they did choose to buy a several-year old game.

The real question is if Value Game Pack outsold SMG.
grandjedi6 said:
  1. Owning other consoles does not exempt one from being a fanboy or from saying stupid things
  2. For you, this has nothing to do with quality. There are tons of quality Wii titles which you disregard for stupid reasons
  3. As for own AC2 comment here has just shown, what you really want is what the HD console have. You say all you want is "equal quality" but what you really want is parallel experiences

The Wii is not the console you think or apparently want it to be. The Wii is not the 360, the Wii is not the PS3, the Wii is not the PS2. It is its own creature and deserves games made to its strengths. Which is why your argument is a neverending catch-22 for publishers -- if they were to make a game that is different from the HD, or "traditional" model, then you disregard them because they "don't count". However if the publishers go ahead and try to replicate those experiences then they predictably fail, hence making them "not count" again. Thus its impossible for 3rd parties to meet your demands.

They're not trying to meet either demand. They're phoning it in 99 times out of 100. You must be blind to it if you disagree.
grandjedi6 said:
  1. Owning other consoles does not exempt one from being a fanboy or from saying stupid things
  2. For you, this has nothing to do with quality. There are tons of quality Wii titles which you disregard for stupid reasons
  3. As for own AC2 comment here has just shown, what you really want is what the HD console have. You say all you want is "equal quality" but what you really want is parallel experiences

The Wii is not the console you think or apparently want it to be. The Wii is not the 360, the Wii is not the PS3, the Wii is not the PS2. It is its own creature and deserves games made to its strengths. Which is why your argument is a neverending catch-22 for publishers -- if they were to make a game that is different from the HD, or "traditional" model, then you disregard them because they "don't count". However if the publishers go ahead and try to replicate those experiences then they predictably fail, hence making them "not count" again. Thus its impossible for 3rd parties to meet your demands.

Which is exactly what I'm asking for and not getting.


:enemyglider: said:
In Ubisoft's case, they're best serving the PS360 demographic, as they are a bit more reliable/predictable when it comes to sales of blockbuster titles like Assassin's Creed 2.

There havent been any blockbuster titles like Assassins Creed 2 on the Wii outside of the first party Blockbusters.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Holy fuck at Wii numbers. So much for YoY drops.

The software top 10 is ridiculous as well, but the real meat I want to see is the total software, 3rd party software, YTD software, and some of the games outside of the top 10 - how did the rest of the fall heavy hitters fare?

We can't seriously be arguing that no one has released a Wii game as good as Wii Play or Mario Kart.

Some 3rd party games should be dragged along for the ride by sheer volume surely? Something like 1 in 25 new Wii owners would have to purchase a specific game last month for it to break 100k.

Wii has sold a shit ton of third party software, the majority of which has been "drug along for the ride" as you indicated. The first Carnival Games that sold like 2+ million or more worldwide didnt do so because it was an amazing game. It did so on random pickups by people as the hardware sold, and there are countless other examples. We shouldnt have to pull out the "Wii million sellers and third party sales" picture every thread, its getting old.

Jigsaw said:
he was asked "even the 360 version?" and he said "yes,i think so" or something like that

and no he is not going to win it as the bet ends next npd,so nsmb need to sell like another 2 million in january

It doesnt matter, NSMB already outsold PS3 version so the bet is won, and even if the bet was lost, NSMB in Feb will pass the 360 MW2 and continue on throughout the year and become one of the best selling titles of all time. Leaving MW2 in the dust REGARDLESS. Lets not act like this meaningless bet is what should be Marveled upon.

In any case I dont think any of the nonsense about Wiis third party support, or lack thereof matters, this is yet another year where we see:
Road said:

2009 Top 10:

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Infinity Ward, Activision), Xbox 360
2. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo), Wii
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo), Wii
4. Wii Fit (Nintendo), Wii
5. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo), Wii
6. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo), Wii
7. Wii Play (Nintendo), Wii
8. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Infinity Ward, Activision), PlayStation 3
9. Halo 3: ODST (Bungie, Microsoft), Xbox 360
10. Pokemon Platinum Version (Nintendo), NDS

7 out of the top ten, hell and thats splitting SKU's which helps get the top 10 more diversified because of MW2 getting to eat 2 of the top 10 spots. Nintendo is going to gang rape the industry and reap all the rewards, alone if they are allowed, what the third parties do will have absolutely no effect.

grandjedi6 said:
You'd think that by now you'd realize that just making a "HD like game" for the Wii is not the way to succeed.

Jedi, what in the fuck is a HD like game.. That makes no fucking sense at all, say it aloud and think that through, it makes no goddamn sense.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Stumpokapow said:
MW stands for...
Well you did probably miss AC2.

Since Sony PR said it was the 3rd highest selling game on PS3 this year. Below MW2 and Madden 10 but above UC2 (950k).


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
ShockingAlberto said:
I've said this before, but both Iwata and Reggie use "THERE'S A GIANT FUCKING INSTALL BASE" as a reason, the reason, to develop on the Wii. Gone is the argument about low development cost, no longer are they saying "Innovative control scheme!" to sell devkits, they are pointing at the install base as their biggest advantage.

Third parties, for whatever reason, take this to mean that simply putting a Wii game out means it should sell. This isn't my assumption, Sega has confirmed this exact logic. They expressed extreme discontent that the Conduit, a maligned game from a shovelware developer, did not sell by sheer virtue of being on the Wii. EA, as misguided as they may have been, was really excited about Dead Space Extraction. The game was pretty damn good. But it released to the toot of a broken horn, not a commercial or advertising campaign to be seen. Meanwhile, EA has been staging fake protests, bribing journalists with food and money, and generally been making an event about Dante's Inferno, a kind of stupid looking God of War clone that can at best hope to be a black eye to its own name. But it's getting ads, it will get good reviews that are immediately suspect because of all the lead up, and will sell well because of that. Third parties want Wii games to sell because they're on the Wii and does not understand at all why anyone could think differently.

And what can you really do about it? Can Nintendo say "Ignore the install base, we still have last gen graphics and a control scheme equal or worse than the competition"? Can they tell third parties "Yeah, you spend less on making games, but you have to make that up in advertising to maybe sell well, so deal with it"?

Third parties, for all their output on all systems and all the money they're making, are lost. And they don't even realize it. They don't get the problems with the Wii audience not buying their games is a problem they will face next generation. As video games become more ubiquitous in our society, there will continue to be more people who play four games a year and not four a month. Third parties are facing three possible options: either the gaming market stays exactly the same forever, it shrinks, or it expands to people who don't identify as gamers.

Unless third parties - and this means Sega, Capcom, and the rest who pride themselves on broad appeal and not hardcore otakuness like NIS and Atlus - understand what they're doing wrong, no install base or graphics will save them.

You sir, continue to live up to your tag.
Stumpokapow said:
The VG Sales Wiki, by the way, has been a fantastic resource for quick lookups of old data for years. It used to use its own domain but it migrated to Wikia. I`m sure some GAFfer maintains it but I have no idea who. Whoever it is, thanks a million, your work is great.
Indeed, excellent little site. I wouldn't have been able to do my game sales table without it.


Stop with the Wii third party talks. It's over. If you were hoping for better support, you lose.

Why is no one talking about DS third party sales? It just sold another 3.3M units, too. It has an even larger install base than the Wii. It has even lower development costs than the Wii. And yet Western third parties don't support it, and no one seems to be suggesting that's going to change. It's because people are so accustomed to this, that they don't even question it any longer. They've always lived in a world where handhelds were supported weakly.

It's time to change your frame of reference, and think of the Wii like you would the DS. It simply is not going to happen.


Zachack said:
But they did choose to buy a several-year old game.

No, they chose to buy a controller that comes with a party game they can toss in from time to time. Complaining about the sales of Wii Play always seems very, very disingenuous to me. Surely we all can admit that the reason it sells so well is it is an expansion pack for $10 when you pick up the extra controller you will need because everyone you know is going to want to play your Wii along with you. Of course it will outsell a single player game the new owners most likely won't even know exist because they never played it over at a friends house and there hasn't been an ad for it in two years.

Zachack said:
The real question is if Value Game Pack outsold SMG.

oh no how can enemyglider stalk jyettis now

and yeah, geoff was totally going for a spicy blog headline, he can say it was misreported but i saw the video and reggie was still talking about single-platform when geoff kept trying to butt in with his bizarre 360 question (still not sure why that question even came up other than wanting a juicy quote for people to watch)
Zachack said:
But they did choose to buy a several-year old game.

The real question is if Value Game Pack outsold SMG.

SMG didn't sell as poorly as youre suggesting pal (WW - it did quite well) i know its cute to think that the best game should sell the most but.. well it's nice to want things.


Let's not dismiss Wii's third party support 'till we at least get MH3 and NMH2 in the western market okay?
ShockingAlberto said:
I've said this before, but both Iwata and Reggie use "THERE'S A GIANT FUCKING INSTALL BASE" as a reason, the reason, to develop on the Wii. Gone is the argument about low development cost, no longer are they saying "Innovative control scheme!" to sell devkits, they are pointing at the install base as their biggest advantage.

Third parties, for whatever reason, take this to mean that simply putting a Wii game out means it should sell. This isn't my assumption, Sega has confirmed this exact logic. They expressed extreme discontent that the Conduit, a maligned game from a shovelware developer, did not sell by sheer virtue of being on the Wii. EA, as misguided as they may have been, was really excited about Dead Space Extraction. The game was pretty damn good. But it released to the toot of a broken horn, not a commercial or advertising campaign to be seen. Meanwhile, EA has been staging fake protests, bribing journalists with food and money, and generally been making an event about Dante's Inferno, a kind of stupid looking God of War clone that can at best hope to be a black eye to its own name. But it's getting ads, it will get good reviews that are immediately suspect because of all the lead up, and will sell well because of that. Third parties want Wii games to sell because they're on the Wii and does not understand at all why anyone could think differently.

And what can you really do about it? Can Nintendo say "Ignore the install base, we still have last gen graphics and a control scheme equal or worse than the competition"? Can they tell third parties "Yeah, you spend less on making games, but you have to make that up in advertising to maybe sell well, so deal with it"?

Third parties, for all their output on all systems and all the money they're making, are lost. And they don't even realize it. They don't get the problems with the Wii audience not buying their games is a problem they will face next generation. As video games become more ubiquitous in our society, there will continue to be more people who play four games a year and not four a month. Third parties are facing three possible options: either the gaming market stays exactly the same forever, it shrinks, or it expands to people who don't identify as gamers.

Unless third parties - and this means Sega, Capcom, and the rest who pride themselves on broad appeal and not hardcore otakuness like NIS and Atlus - understand what they're doing wrong, no install base or graphics will save them.

Good stuff, and exactly why it annoys me when people say it's "too late" for third-parties and the Wii. It is almost an assumption that Wii is really still a fad or at least a "phase" and eventually it's going to go away. The Wii will eventually be replaced but what it represents and who it targets is not going to go away, people. This is the future. Wii 2 will come around, and Sony and MS are trying their damndest to grab some of that pie with Natal and the Wand. Third-parties are going to have to figure it out eventually, or accept niche status.
The Wii numbers are incredible and don't surprise me one bit. For Christmas, I purchased two Wii's as gifts for family members (For the record, I don't own one and do not have any interest in purchasing one for myself). None of them are hardcore gamers, so I thought it would be perfect. IMO, it served it's purpose as my "Go to" gift, like the iPod was a few years back. A gift that you can rather safely assume that they'll enjoy, the perfect "casual" present. The price point works too. It's somewhat pricey, but not exorbitant to the point where it makes a person feel uncomfortable for receiving it. It's just a fun, high tech gadget in their eyes.


WTF? Assuming 105 million households in the US (LINK), that means almost 1 out of every 27 households bought a Wii...IN ONE MONTH.

This has to be one of the best selling products of all time...OF ALL TIME!
Fredescu said:
Rabbids Go Home is a completely different game to Raving Rabbids.
There's a lot to this. Ubisoft really did build a great property with the Rabbids. They actually have some mindshare with it. What they did to it, I don't know about. I bought and then didn't like Raving Rabbids. I think there are a lot of people who are in the same position. The question is if two cookie cutter sequels completely suffocated the brand, or if it's transformation into a Katamari clone will garner it the greatness that the character concept deserved.


listen to the mad man
user_nat said:
Well you did probably miss AC2.

Since Sony PR said it was the 3rd highest selling game on PS3 this year. Below MW2 and Madden 10 but above UC2 (950k).

AC2 is possibly over a million but unlike the others I have no data to confirm it. If it had the same November : December ratio as 360, it didn`t quite make it there.

AC2 360 - November 794k December 783k
AC2 PS3 - November 448k December... who knows.

I would feel much better saying AC2 PS3 will pass a million but hasn`t yet.


grandjedi6 said:
The Wii is not the 360, the Wii is not the PS3, the Wii is not the PS2. It is its own creature and deserves games made to its strengths.

i think the problem is that a for a lot of publishers that equates to gimped gameplay or a lack of content/polish.

i think third party wii software has been very good this year but it hasn't sold as well as it should have. i think it could have sold much better if they'd gotten the word out to casuals in a big way

stuff like boy and his blob, silent hill, little king story and rayman rabbits is cool as fuck and deserves to sell very well


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Opiate said:
Stop with the Wii third party talks. It's over. If you were hoping for better support, you lose.

Why is no one talking about DS third party sales? It just sold another 3.3M units, too. It has an even larger install base than the Wii. It has even lower development costs than the Wii. And yet Western third parties don't support it, and no one seems to be suggesting that's going to change.

It's time to change your frame of reference, and think of the Wii like you would the DS. It simply is not going to happen.

The sad thing is Wii 3rd party support in the West is much much better than the DS.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
End of the day third party titles could have a billion dollars budget, it doesn't change the fact the my mum/grandparents etc are never going to buy them, they know Mario (as a franchise), Wii Fit, Wii Sports, and that's about it, they are not 'traditional' gamers, and it's these types of people that are buying the Wii in droves.


Master of the Google Search
legend166 said:
Just to put 3rd party Wii games in perspective - you'd struggle to find more than a couple of games that had a budget half the size of Bionic Commando.

Ubisoft said Red Steel cost 10 million. The only other one reaching that is probably going to be Red Steel 2.
Isn't one of the Wii's most appealing traits supposely that it doesn't have as high of budgets as HD games?

Soneet said:
People who think that game is worthy of selling millions are so extremely biased. Yes it's not top quality software. Gameplay fun? High review scores? How about... is that core gameplay what people want? I don't think so.
Hint: That core gameplay that the majority of Wii owners want is not the core gameplay of PS360 games. If people wanted that then they would just play PS360 games, which they have. I think you should refrain from projecting your own tastes upon the Wii userbase as if they would ever care about the same games as you.
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