Saint Titanfall
And you know this from what numbers? You could also argue that it sells more units because it is on sale.
Wii U might have some momentum for a year but the Vita outsold it for many periods before and we do have numbers for that, just look up the old Nintendo investor relations material. I don't think this 1 year was enough to pull in front of the Vita in Europe given the headstart and the better sales of the Vita for quite some time.
Ehh we're talking about 2 dead platforms in Europe neither of which are selling well r healthy by any stretch of the imagination, consider both platforms are selling so badly minor bumps make a bigger impact so it's highly likely the Wii u has been outselling the vita during the periods MK8 and SSB4 released whether those bumps made up any gaps or if there's any gaps currently is anyones guss but I highly doubt there's a gulf between the two's sales. Even taking into account vita's more digital focused sales, Vitals retail presence in Europe is none existent and it's games rarely if ever chart outside of minecraft which has also generally disappeared.