The Japanese support died out when it proved largely fruitless last generation. The efforts and finances poured into getting those titles did little to nothing to help the 360 in the long run, and that support dried up really quick. They stopped trying pretty early into a very long generation.
This is a really long statement that has some accurate statements, but misses a few things, namely: the PS4 is already dominating worldwide. The numbers are generally assumed to have reached 2:1 worldwide, or right around that by now, if not more, regardless of Sony's 1st party output. And even then, I'd rather Sony take their time to let the games cook as long as necessary before release than push them out just to get checkboxes on a list taken care of.
Ah, see, every time I tried that, it kept putting all the text of my link into the message section as well, and I thought I was doing something wrong. Thanks.
It's interesting, you know, because Sony's platform is the assumed location for such titles, JRPGs and so on... But the favoritism for western titles by a western audience on the XB1 isn't really as good as it used to be. Sony's dominance returning a la the PS1 and effectively the PS2 eras means that we're seeing gamers of all audiences buying lots of games on the PS4, but that there are just *more* genres being bought in general, due to availability of titles nowhere else anyway. It's kind of a perfect storm, in a way.