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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]


i think one might consider watch_dogs a major release.

Yeah but from last month. I'm guessing he is referring to no new releases for June. E3/Destiny Alpha etc are also contributing I'm sure

it's really impressive how well the multiplats are selling on the PS4. Moneyhatting third party exclusives will be much more expensive for MS now


If the pie chart interpretations are correct, seems like PS4 sales are even better than expected: weekly average sales are actually getting better despite summer and no major releases.

Amongst the PS3/360 from last gen sales stayed even or improved (week for week) nearly every single June. Overall sales (in other words allowing for the 5 week vs 4 week difference) increased 100% of the time for said consoles in June. People's predictions for this month were particularly lazy for some reason.


LTD for games released this year, without console bundle.

Fit - 48k
TR - 1:99k, 4:179k
DKC - 285k
LRFF13 - 1:74k, 4:139k
ToSC - 77k
PVZ - 360:295k, 1:163k
TF - 1:1010k, 360:614k
ISS - 648k
FFHD - 3:276k
SPtSoT - 360:289k, 3:236k
DS2 - 360:227k, 3:218k
WD - 4:793k, 1:500k, 360:326k, 3: 255k
∞ - 753k

What is Fit and ToSC?


Destiny month is gonna be huge for PS4 isn't it? SW and HW...wish I had more free time or I would have bought that white beauty
LTD for games released this year, without console bundle.

Fit - 48k
TR - 1:99k, 4:179k
DKC - 285k
LRFF13 - 1:74k, 4:139k
ToSC - 77k
PVZ - 360:295k, 1:163k
TF - 1:1010k, 360:614k
ISS - 648k
FFHD - 3:276k
SPtSoT - 360:289k, 3:236k
DS2 - 360:227k, 3:218k
WD - 4:793k, 1:500k, 360:326k, 3: 255k
∞ - 753k

wow, Titanfall at 1,6m without bundles? Thats a major success tbh. I had a completely different picture of its commercial performance.

And lol at Dark Souls 2. Deserved sales.


Mario Kart is historically a much bigger title than Smash. By a lot. Smash is still but would you expect it to make a bigger splash than Mario Kart? Mario Kart might just be Nintendo's biggest console franchise. Bigger than Mario platformers. Bigger than Zelda and Smash.

I think Smash will be a bigger splash than MK8. While Mario Kart franchise is a big one, it is not always the biggest opener, except for handhelds. Meanwhile, Smash is pretty much the biggest hype drawer of Nintendo, and with the big attention being poured to it, it will have a bigger opening impact than MK8 especially in the US, where home console is bigger than handheld. But there's no denying that MK8 will have a better potential in terms of having a higher LTD than Smash (the only instance Smash beat MK LTD is on the Gamecube era).


Wonder how SE feels about it getting outsold by FFX HD.


I'm actually wondering how SE is feeling about not putting their HD Collection games on 360 as well as PS3. LR PS3 outsold the 360 version by a pretty large margin but it's not like the 360 version's sales weren't still a somewhat decent chunk of that game's sales.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
LTD for games released this year, without console bundle.

Fit - 48k
TR - 1:99k, 4:179k
DKC - 285k
LRFF13 - 1:74k, 4:139k
ToSC - 77k
PVZ - 360:295k, 1:163k
TF - 1:1010k, 360:614k
ISS - 648k
FFHD - 3:276k
SPtSoT - 360:289k, 3:236k
DS2 - 360:227k, 3:218k
WD - 4:793k, 1:500k, 360:326k, 3: 255k
∞ - 753k

Are these WW or USA?

Are these retail or do they include digital?
How much did Infamous sell in March again?

Numbers are decent, but yeah, should be better. I suspect PC did very well since it blew past 360 statistics very quickly on farfire.darksoulsii.com. It is probably 400k-500k at the minimum.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if DS2 PC sales were greater than 360 and PS3 (each, not combined) in the US.


I think Smash will be a bigger splash than MK8. While Mario Kart franchise is a big one, it is not always the biggest opener, except for handhelds. Meanwhile, Smash is pretty much the biggest hype drawer of Nintendo, and with the big attention being poured to it, it will have a bigger opening impact than MK8 especially in the US, where home console is bigger than handheld. But there's no denying that MK8 will have a better potential in terms of having a higher LTD than Smash (the only instance Smash beat MK LTD is on the Gamecube era).

if they do a price drop for the holidays to $250, and have a smash bundle that has the game, a mario amiibo, and a wii remote for $300 (or a gamecube controller + adapter for $330), i think there's a lot of potential there to move systems.


Hmm, all three current gen consoles exceeded expectations this month I think. Good showings.

Even though it was a 5 week tracking period, they all recieved bumps. I'm surprised @ the PS4 numbers tbh thou. If 270 is legit its week to week increased without any kind of special event like the WiiU and Xbox One had.


Xbone weekly sales in April = 117/4 = 29.25K/week
Xbone weekly sales in June = 197/5 = 39.4K/week

+34.7% increase in weekly sales.
All these game sales seem pathetic when compared to the chart of game sales in 2001 that was posted a few pages back.

Add to the fact that development costs are so much bigger 13 years later and all I can see is doom.

Is you trollin? Tomodachi which came at nr9 has sold more than nr2 of the 2001 chart. Nr2 of 2014 sold 100k more units than nr1 of 2001. And most of those charting games of 2001 were GBA launch titles. Most of those games in the 2001 list are classics now, but they weren't doing better back then. The sales and revenue are a lot bigger today.
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