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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]


I'm glad the actual numbers were posted. Needs to happen every month. Treating the gaming industry's sales numbers like a secret that you have to pay money to see is a goddamn joke.
This is stretching.

You're looking at an end of the year advantage for PS4 of around 1-1.5 million units. I consider that toe-to-toe. Stretched along five years with little in the way of change between them and PS4 may have a 6 million unit advantage. Still within realm of toe-to-toe.
Toe-to-toe worldwide?

X1-kinda-not-being-totally-crushed in one or two markets while the competitor mops up the rest of the world (while also getting a higher quantity of support from that growing sectore of non-Japanese, non-NA, non-UK devs) is very much niche.

The word applies. Same word applies to, for instance, the Wii U and the Vita. Sorry if it bothers you.
Alright updated through June :)
*click to enlarge*

Hopefully this graph isn't becoming info overload.
Wow @ dat 1.7 million for November. That was Goldeneye month right?

Also, do you or anyone have data for SNES vs Genesis in NA? I wanna settle some arguments once and for all x3.
I mean we've got some good datapoints so far, but without their holiday baselines we're just kind of winging it.

To early to say with a definite yes or no where each end up... WiiU even with a much higher baseline has a hell of a large crawl to make it to GCN totals though. Like this side of nigh impossible.

Thing is if MS don't do something fast or maybe they can't things not looking good for them.
We know that Japan not going to help them and X1 is looking to be doing worst in Europe than 360 ever did .
Man if told people last year that MS might only sell 30 to 40 million consoles WW they would laugh in your face really strange times.


This is a bad post and the definition of jumping to conclusions. Still not even a full year into the generation and we're already saying that one console is dead and "niche?" Did people say this about PS3 last gen, because it sucked early on and ultimately caught up in the end. I know people love to jump to conclusions on the internet, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Am I the only one who realizes this?

Why do people keep spouting this crap. The situations between XB1 and PS3 are not even remotely similar. Here read this and kindly stop with the false equivalency.

they are definitely not going to stage a miraculous comeback and take first place. It's not happening.

You're forgetting a couple things when you are comparing the current gen to the last gen.

  1. Last gen the PS3 actually had a fairly compelling secondary function: BluRay player. Something that many people were willing to shell out for when the console was released because it was by far the cheapest BluRay player out there. There is no current value add for MS on a hardware perspective.

  2. Last gen both consoles had unique architectures lending specific advantages in certain types of computation. The 360s unified ram with EDRam buffer and (comparatively) robust GPU meant developers were able to easily utilize the system and maximize after effects and post processing effects like Anti Aliasing and complex shader systems. The Cell Processor was somewhat handicapped by a weaker GPU and split ram but it had an extreme advantage when it came to simultaneous computation and general bandwidth because of the SPUs on the cell. These were, however, relatively difficult to utilize at first but as the generation went on the first party studios were able to blow people away with their graphical prowess (Naughty Dog, Quantic Dream) and, by the estimation of many, completely trounced anything available on the competing platform. Whereas in this generation there is literally no possibility for the XB1 to have any sort of performance advantage. It is literally weaker on every single hardware aspect by a considerable margin. This is exacerbated even further by the fact that both companies adopted a similar architecture this time except that MS decided to play it safe with DDR3 and use a small esram buffer which cost them a considerable amount of performance via loss of space on their GPU and a bandwidth bottleneck to and from the CPU/GPU. This decision ensured that the PS4 (despite the XB1s very modestly higher clocked GPU) will outperform the XB1 literally 100% (assuming appropriately optimized coding of course) of the time. So there is no recovery performance wise this gen for the weaker console.

  3. Sony heavily invested in first party and "second party" studios last generation. By all accounts they already had a considerably large offering going into the gen. Strong first party has been a consistent focus for Sony. This is not true of MS. Their first party studios are few and those that do exist are seemingly farmed for sequels (see 343i or Black Tusk being forced to abandon their new IP for Gears of War) or slowly lose any and all pedigree they once had (Rare). Instead MS historically relied on exploiting their market share advantage to gain preferential treatment for multiplatform releases. A strategy that is consistent across all branches of their company and, despite being incredibly anti consumer, is relatively effective. It's the business equivalent of being a big stack bully in poker. The problem is, it doesn't really work well unless you're the big stack. So far this gen they aren't and as a result they are struggling to buy and lock even more content to their console as an impetus for people to purchase. The problem with this is that this is still very short sighted compared to investing in first party studios/content especially considering the undoubtedly higher cost now that they are the underperforming platform. They had a chance to turn things around and start investing in those first parties but instead they've decided to double down on their anti consumer strategy instead. This is exacerbated even further by lower performance on multiplatform releases. Due to the power performance many are opting to disregard additional or timed content in favor of higher graphical fidelity or superior performance. So , in short it's not having the effect they want. Unfortunately it has come to the point that even if MS were to start investing in first party content today we wouldn't see any fruits from that investment for at least another three years. The lack of first party content really stung MS gamers at the end of last generation especially since it seemed to coincide with Sony truly hitting it's stride with it's first party teams (Last of Us, Beyond, Uncharted, etc etc). That's not something 360 gamers have forgotten when deciding on their next console platform.

  4. Unlike the previous generation consoles MS designed it's entire console and dare I say their entire long term strategy around the appeal of a motion controlled interface device that very few had any compelling desire for. They were hoping to capitalize on the casual gaming market boom that we saw last gen via their new Kinect but failed to realize that (as booms tend to do) it has largely ceased to exist in the console market. They believed the Kinect would resurrect the market somehow and were banking on the appeal of the device. This was also made even worse by their decision to seemingly emphasize and focus on multimedia capabilities (TV OneGuide, Skype, etc) that appear to only appeal to small and by all accounts shrinking portion of the market due to the multitude of other devices that also fulfill those needs often times even better than MS's attempt. So, when Sony offered the market what it actually wanted (a more powerful gaming focused console) we saw a mass migration of what was once the Xbox core audience. So to sum up, in an attempt to appeal to and corner a new audience they compelled a significant number of their existing audience to leave and in so doing failed to establish themselves in the new market they were after. That is not something you recover from in a few years and at the current sales trajectory a few years will be plenty of time for the hardware sales gap to become impossible to recover from for MS.
I'm guessing it was partially due to the Destiny alpha. I don't think people understand how huge this game is gonna be.

I would technically count the alpha as part of the E3 bump. Regardless, as fun as the alpha was, I wouldn't think it would be something that would move consoles. That couldn't possibly be why...

...could it?

Holy shit! Wii U is doing worse than GC, and this month is the only month Where Wii U did better than GC.

Where have you been for the past year?
Toe-to-toe worldwide?

X1-kinda-not-being-totally-crushed in one or two markets while the competitor mops up the rest of the world (while also getting a higher quantity of support from that growing sectore of non-Japanese, non-NA, non-UK devs) is very much niche.

The word applies. Same word applies to, for instance, the Wii U and the Vita. Sorry if it bothers you.
In America.

Worldwide I think blowout suffices.


Toe-to-toe worldwide?

X1-kinda-not-being-totally-crushed in one or two markets while the competitor mops up the rest of the world (while also getting a higher quantity of support from that growing sectore of non-Japanese, non-NA, non-UK devs) is very much niche.

The word applies. Same word applies to, for instance, the Wii U and the Vita. Sorry if it bothers you.
Thunder's pretty obviously talking USA figures given PS4 already has a ~2m worldwide lead.


I got so excited by the amount of data that I actually got out of bed to make this. YOY and Gen-over-Gen comps.

Year Over Year
                2014    2013   % Change
XB1              197             
360               62     141    -56.03%
PS4              269            
PS3               42     109    -61.47%
WIU              140      42    233.33%
WII               19      53    -64.15%
3DS              152     225    -32.44%
NDS                1      54    -98.15%
PSV               15      28    -46.43%
PSP                        8   
MSFT             259     141     83.69%
SONY             326     145    124.83%
NINT             312     374    -16.58%
HAND             168     315    -46.67%
CONSOLE          729     345    111.30%

Gen over Gen
Console         2014    2007   % Change
360                      198     
PS2                      270     
WII                      382     
PS3                       99      
TOTAL            729     949    -23.18%
Handheld        2014    2008   % Change
NDS                      783     
PSP                      337     
Total            168    1120    -85.00%

Powerhouse™ vs PSP
        3DS 2014   PSP 2008   NDS 2008
January       97        230        251
February     153        243        587
March        159        297        698
April        106        193        415
May           97        182        452
June         152        337        783
July                    222        608
August                  253        518
September               238        537
October                 193        491
November                421       1570
December               1020       3040
             764       3829       9950


I got so excited by the amount of data that I actually got out of bed to make this. YOY and Gen-over-Gen comps.

Year Over Year
                2014    2013   % Change
XB1              197             
360               62     141    -56.03%
PS4              269            
PS3               42     109    -61.47%
WIU              140      42    233.33%
WII               19      53    -64.15%
3DS              152     225    -32.44%
NDS                1      54    -98.15%
PSV               15      28    -46.43%
PSP                        8   
MSFT             259     141     83.69%
SONY             326     145    124.83%
NINT             312     374    -16.58%
HAND             168     315    -46.67%
CONSOLE          729     345    111.30%

Gen over Gen
Console         2014    2007   % Change
360                      198     
PS2                      270     
WII                      382     
PS3                       99      
TOTAL            729     949    -23.18%
Handheld        2014    2008   % Change
NDS                      783     
PSP                      337     
Total            168    1120    -85.00%

Powerhouse™ vs PSP
        3DS 2014   PSP 2008   NDS 2008
January       97        230        251
February     153        243        587
March        159        297        698
April        106        193        415
May           97        182        452
June         152        337        783
July                    222        608
August                  253        518
September               238        537
October                 193        491
November                421       1570
December               1020       3040
             764       3829       9950

It's pretty amazing how much the handheld market has collapsed. We'll probably get one more handheld from Nintendo, unlikely Sony bothers with another one.


So the Wii U sold a lot better in June, but what does it really have for the rest of the year, to keep momentum?

So far I got:

Hyrule Warriors - Sept '14
Bayonetta 2 - October '14
Captain Toad - November '14
Smash Bros Wii U - December '14

Besides some Lego games here and there, what else does the Wii U have? Indie eShop games? I'm hoping for dat Fast Racing Neo personally.....

july - wii sports club
sept - hyrule warriors
oct - bayonetta 2
nov - sonic boom (1st week)
nov - captain toad (2nd week)
nov - smash bros. (black friday)

and then everything else is 2015.
Yeah it won't be niche in NA, I mean, not really. It'll be a viable competitor for the remainder of the gen here.

It'll be like PS3 vs 360 in NA, but reversed. PS3 was always markedly behind 360 in NA but it wasn't seen as a niche machine.
Well if there's very little in the way of change between the two of them over the course of the generation you're looking at a much tighter race in American than between 360 and PS3. Like half of the unit difference tight.

But this is still just fuzzy math anyway without knowing what they each do in Holiday months.
Why do people keep spouting this crap. The situations between XB1 and PS3 are not even remotely similar. Here read this and kindly stop with the false equivalency.

It's a well written post (even if I don't necessarily agree with everything on it), but do you really need to quote yourself so often?


Those WD sales should be sending alarms at MS. The exact opposite for Sony. If WD performance is anything to go buy destiny will be a huge success for them. I am still socked Sony stanched these marketing deals instead of MS. And then they have a marketing deal for GTA5 ps4 lol. It's going to be even easier for Sony to get big marketing deals with high tier third party games no unfortunately for MS.
So you could say we have your protractor? :p

Hmm not that I've seen or heard about. There was one originally scheduled for launch but it was scrapped for obvious reasons

Yeah, and now that I know it works...I will do a lot better when eyeing the angles. :p

Honestly, I wasn't quite sure the math would pan out. It's been a while since I've done anything like that.


July will be interesting...

XB1 down in sales after Kinectless boost... 100-120k?
PS4 up in sales after TLOU release...220-250k?

PS. My guesses in based in a 4 week month.


Those WD sales should be sending alarms at MS. The exact opposite for Sony. If WD performance is anything to go buy destiny will be a huge success for them. I am still socked Sony stanched these marketing deals I instead of MS.
Microsoft seems to be throwing all their cash at EA and COD only. Those are important franchises yes but Sony really has their finger on the pulse comparably.
July will be interesting...

XB1 down in sales after Kinectless boost... 100-120k?
PS4 up in sales after TLOU release...220-250k?

PS. My guesses in based in a 4 week month.

You are forgetting the Destiny effect... We already know what to expect form Watchdogs. Hopefully it's not as extreme though given the Bungie fanbase who stuck with the Xbox. But anywhere between 2:1 and 4:1 seems likely. While it's not officially for sale. It's being heavily promoted on gaming sites with the Beta starting earlier on PS4, which should have an impact on the month.
There's one certainty though.

There was no PS2 last gen at all. Wii/PS3/360 combined barely hit PS2's total for the same point in their lifespans... though I might have the total wrong since I'm going by memory.
July will be interesting...

XB1 down in sales after Kinectless boost... 100-120k?
PS4 up in sales after TLOU release...220-250k?

PS. My guesses in based in a 4 week month.

For whatever reason my gut believes PS4 will be down on a weekly basis for July, since it's 4 weeks, that's 215k at best. I'd say 205k

I don't know if TLOU will sell too many consoles and also think the WD effect might've led to some of June's uptake

There's one certainty though.

There was no PS2 last gen at all. Wii/PS3/360 combined barely hit PS2's total for the same point in their lifespans... though I might have the total wrong since I'm going by memory.

What about the DS? It sold more than the PS2 did in the US :p

Besides PS2 is the greatest selling home console of all time, not exactly the most fair of comparisons


July will be interesting...

XB1 down in sales after Kinectless boost... 100-120k?
PS4 up in sales after TLOU release...220-250k?

PS. My guesses in based in a 4 week month.

if xbox one doesn't do 120k at the least, then there's a pretty big problem there.

ps4 should do about 220k to keep up this month's average. anywhere between 200k and 220k would be steady from april. anything better would be gravy.


Confirmed? So Sony finally released the official numbers. Halleluiah!

No, a website posted NPD's numbers. And bravo to them. Think about how fucking stupid it is that the numbers are hidden. I can go to boxofficemojo.com right now and see how the new Planet of the Apes movie is doing.


Man those Vita numbers. Dire times.

2014 will see some continued support from the smaller guys, and 2015 for the most part will only be support from the smaller guys and indies. it'll pretty much dry up by 2016 and people who had been big supporters from 2013-2015 will jump ship, but not before leaving one or two farewell games (kind of like the psp in 2013).


TLOU won't sell systems but it should sell nicely to the previous 360 owners that bought a ps4 and never owned a ps3. Word of mouth should have spread to them.
Price really isn't the only deciding factor here. Why do people keep acting like the masses secretly desire the Xbox One but decide settle with PS4 because of pricing?

It's simply not true. The PS4 is the hot product. Consumers aren't settling for the inferior product just because they can save 50 bucks. Not a chance. They want the PS4 because the market decided that it's the console to get.

Microsoft dropping the X1 to 350 right before Destiny will do nothing for them except lose them lots of money. PS4 has all the Destiny mindshare, marketing and the superior version of the game. People aren't stupid.

Nowhere in my post did I suggest price was the only deciding factor. I was just talking price because at this point it seems like the only card they have left to play.

Going lower than the PS4 will have some affect. You can't ignore how many 360 owners haven't bought a next gen console yet.
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