I'll just have to agree to disagree (especially about territories not owning an Xbox, yea that'll happen when MS doesn't give two shits about them).
Those territories would never move away from PlayStation though. This was evident last gen when the PS3 was still doing better than the Xbox 360 even when the PS3 had its bad press. Xbox 360 had titles aimed to these audiences early on but the system still didn't do much.
That's not to say that it's wrong for MS to try, it's more so to say that I can't see the Xbox brand growing at all in doing this since there's simply no interest in the console brand in these territories regardless. It's like what I said earlier about Nintendo. Nintendo could have various third party AAA titles but most people aren't going to move to Nintendo for those games since PlayStation/Xbox have been widely known as being the place to play them for many years thanks to 15+ years of better marketing, game support, and features.
Their Scorpio strategy comes off as incredibly stupid and short sighted (retain base vs. attempting to expand) and almost everything they are doing is attempting to cling on to market share instead of having a decent foot hold to expand later on, especially with a new generation.
That MS thinks that staying contained to US/UK 4 years into this gen is a smart idea speaks volumes about what they expect going forward. They haven't made many moves or attempted to do much for the start of next gen and that stuff doesn't happen over night.
I don't see how it's stupid. They are doing the same thing that Nintendo did when it was obvious that their portable devices weren't selling as well as they were previously. They made new versions that were bought by people as upgrades to what they already had,
on top of some people that never owned the device it improved upon.
Microsoft can only really expand their userbase in territories in which the brand is relevant in. These territories previously knew the Xbox brand for being the best console to play multiplats and for a solid price. That ended with the Xbox One though. The reason why the PS4 is in the lead worldwide is greatly in part due to the gains the system made in North America and U.K. because of the Xbox brand losing the strengths of better power and price. Getting these strengths back will make Xbox One owners upgrade as well as some PS4 owners move over. This move is not going to put Xbox on the same level as PlayStation worldwide though and honestly, I can't see how that will ever happen unless Sony has a massive screw up. The PlayStation brand simply has more history and relevancy worldwide and this has always been the case.
It honestly reminds me of something like the GameCube. Good luck just trying to retain a base and play to your strengths when the other two competitors are making moves on everyone.
Many of GameCube's failures came from poor marketing and not jumping on trends. The system had pretty solid third party support (EA sports for example), exclusives, and was a solid price. On top of this, console gaming back in 2001 was far more exclusive dominant than it is now.
Hell, even with Scorpio they got one upped by the Pro a year earlier which will definitely have an impact on sales as some potential owners will have jumped on the Pro vs. Scorpio.
Some will but others held off. PS4 was pushed more as a "PS4+" while MS is pushing Scorpio almost as if it's a new box. There has been seemingly more buzz about the Scorpio than the PS4 Pro+ and I wouldn't be surprised if the Scorpio causes a larger percentage of Xbox One owners to upgrade in comparison to PS4 owners that upgraded to the PS4 Pro. I can't see Xbox ever catching up to the PS4's overall worldwide sales though.
Edit: Let's look at this holiday. Sony is gearing up with a plethora of absolutely massive markrting deals in some or gamings biggest IPs. Nintendo has Switch's first holiday season with a game from one of their biggest brands coming off a summer season with some pretty big titles as well. As for MS, the biggest thing of note right now is that they are reasing an enthusiast aimed console and hope that the XB1S can compete with the PS4/Switch.
Well, this is also on top of Xbox having its own console exclusives as well as the Xbox selling thanks to popular multiplats. I mean, people are taking these marketing deals that the PlayStation has this year as if they're new when they aren't. They've been around for a while this gen but yet Xbox consoles have still done well during the Holiday season. I can't see that changing now. If anything, the Xbox brand now getting the best looking multiplats should at least help in comparison to the earlier years this gen in which they didn't have that
ON TOP of PlayStation also having marketing deals.
And maybe​ it's just me, but I see the success of Switch negatively affecting the second place console far more than I do the market leader.
I feel there's room for everyone to do well. The Switch isn't getting the popular AAA multiplats that people play on Xbox so I don't see how the success of the Switch will cause a deeply negative impact on the Xbox brand. Switch is doing very well but it still looks like its mostly being bought as a "secondary console". The advertisements for the Nintendo Switch have so far been aimed at 18-40 year olds that play games on Xbox and/or PlayStation so it seems that even Nintendo knows this and they don't mind it.