Lefty42o said:
what? so cause western games on the 360 decided to not buy jrpg with their particular art style and turn based combat? Ac and Mass effect, as well as dead rising, oblivion, GHII and GHIII, rockband and so on show that your statements are off base. Eternal sonata? really? it was all cutesy and kiddie honestly. same for blue dragon. And i would not be surprised if Lost oddesey sells poorly as well. western gamers do not go for turn based combat. that has and will always be a JRPG style of combat. Those games won't sell well in the west no matter what system you put them on. And they were only really made for the Japanese market.
PS2 JRPG sales say otherwise. There is a niche market for these types of games in the west, which seems to have shrunk quite far in the jump from this generation to last.
Lefty42o said:
why do shooters and sports game dominate alot of charts? Mulitplayer my friend. Thats the trend, find a way to have your game be social and it will sell. Not just be a shooter. specially here in the west. we love competition. its that simple. next co-op games sell like crazy. let me play your game with my friends. Now you see the importance of live and its impact on software sells.
Fine, redefine my complaint from "only shooters" to "only multiplayer games." I like both, but I still want some compelling single-player content with Japanese design sensibilities. At any rate, my main complaint is that a lot of the games that I enjoyed on my PS2 last generation- the Ratchets, Kingdom Hearts, the Disgaeas, the Final FAntasies, hell, the Klonoas- have not found a platform to call home yet. I am skeptical that they would sell to the shooter-heavy western audience the 360 presents, and if PS3 sales continue to be anemic, we might never see these kinds of games on consoles again.
Lefty42o said:
next there is no evidence that making a game exclusive to the 360 would hurt a dev. they can get extra sales with very little porting from the pc side (xna ) and 360 users buy software like crazy. 2 million sellers in one month. the only data software sells have shown us regarding exclusives is that the ps3 userbase can not support and recoup HD dev costs right now and who knows for how long. yes some mulitplat games have sold well on the ps3. But a pc/360 release did not hurt bioshock and many other exclusives on the 360 side of thing.
so there is alot of speculation in there that i feel previous game sales and market trends don't support your argument. 360 can support exclusives for devs and publishers ps3 can't.
Your last statement is true. However, it is not enough that it "supports." Companies want to make money, period. If there is a way to make them make more money, they will do it. The question isn't whether a million dollar profit on a 360 game is sufficient profit; the question is whether they would make another 500k profit if they ported it to the PS3. In order to prove that not getting a PS3 port would hurt a dev, you have to show that the cost of porting is greater than the revenue they get from the port. Given the numbers I've seen, that a port is typically 10% of the game's overall budget, that's a very difficult argument to make.
Yes, I would say that keeping exclusive to the 360/PC hurt Bioshock's sales. I would imagine, however, that they got a sufficient moneyhat from MS to offset that profit.
Lefty42o said:
next the western market has never and will never buy in big numbers cutesy, cartoony or turn based Japanese games.
Fills everything but the turn-based.
NPD. NPD. NPD. Why must everybody continue to pull out Japan/Europe sales in NPD threads? Its like somebody pulling NPD numbers into Media Create Sales threads, for damage control. In America if its not doom and gloom after this month what is it?
Doom and gloom in America, to be sure. But with all due respect, we don't really have a sales age thread to discuss worldwide sales, and those are the only sales that really matter IMO.
It sure is disturbing. And what might these tatses be? Is the world compelled to bend to PS3 user snobbery? I think not. When great games don't sell they way they should, don't blame the devs or Sony, blame the gamers. Also we don't know for sure that all multi platform publishers are recouping the cost of porting it to the system.
Well, I can slightly blame Sony, inasmuch as the current discrepancy between markets is mostly a result of the high price point than anything else. As I said, we can hope that as the price drops, the more casual fans of these games will start buying the systems, and the market will open once more.
But yeah, it's mostly the PS3 userbase's fault =P
You misunderstand me slightly: I don't want everyone to "bend to PS3 user snobbery." Like most people here on the board, I want to see the games I enjoy see enough financial success to continue to be produced. This is nothing different than the hardcore gamers worrying that the Wii is restructuring the marketplace to make hardcore games less profitable.
Maybe to your tastes, but other RPGs have done ok. My opinion on the sales of those 2 games is the time they were released. Halo month. C'mon how many did you think they would sell?
Outside of Call of Duty4, AC, and GH, what others have sold great?
Given that I'd expect the JRPG userbase and the HAlo userbase to be pretty far apart, I'd expect it wouldn't hurt it that much. Regardless, I will hold off judgment until a good JRPG launches at a better time.
As for the other quote, those are the only major multiplat titles you'd expect to sell well, right? I can't think of a multiplat title where the PS3 version has sold poorly.
As for whether they're making money on their ports, I can only rely on the generally bandied about statistic of ports costing about 10% of the initial cost. Assuming that the profit margins on thetwo are the same, a port then need only sell 1/10th of its lead SKU to recoup costs.