Raist said:
No, but I have a hard time believing that the "but there are those consoles coming in one year" factor can affect a given system's sales more than having two competitors, one insanely cheaper, the other being cheaper and already having a decent amount of games.
than you totally missed 2006 :lol xbox 360 was battling the ps2 and the perception of the ps3 . we are talking bout the market the xbox and ps3 cater to right now which is diff than what the wii caters too.
the market was in a wait and see mode and most fo 360 sales were to xbox guys moving over. the hardcore base that gave the xbox any life last gen. But for most hardcore and more than causal gamers the ps3 might have already been on the market. not to mention the great e3 05 sony conference showing all these cgi vs xbox launch gameplay. the market was confused and influx.
once e3 2006 hit and sony said 499/599 the market changed. the 360 had the advantage of price and games. sony started to become a laughing stock if you will and the 360 has gained momentum ever since. the market was no longer cloudy. every one had shown their hand.
throw on top of that the fact ms never dipped below 100,00 and was steayd close to or above 200,00 month in month in 2006 shows you can not go by those sells to say the ps3 will have a 2007 360 type of year. it hit below 100k a few months. it becaome how low can it go. it was being outsold by the gba of all things.
next sony has had to introduce new models, slash prices just to stay competitive. not surpass ms's 2006 but just stay in its shadow.
i just don't see how you can compare xbox 2006 vs ps3 2007 to forecast 2008. and thats not even looking at software sells of xbox 2006 vs ps3 2007. which makes it look even worse for sony going forward in the eyes of devs and publishers.
once again must mention the wii is in a diff league and running away with first place.