It was drunk luckHow come when people thought I was way off with my xbox wins by 400k to 500k prediction my posts got called out. But now that it turns out to have been pretty accurate nobody points it out?
It was drunk luckHow come when people thought I was way off with my xbox wins by 400k to 500k prediction my posts got called out. But now that it turns out to have been pretty accurate nobody points it out?
I would love for Xbone and PS4 to basically be dead even in the US for most of this generation...imagine the quality of games and system features that would produce...
Its so sad some people are more interested in seeing companies suffer than good games do well.
The difference is Sony is still trying to make money with their system, not lose it.when they seen their competitor lower their price, and offered games for free. They should had matched it, or even lowered theirs further, but instead they kept the same price. I don't think I need to repeat myself on the quality of exclusives....Didn't they learn a lesson with the PS3, with the higher price? I call that arrogance.
Yikes. LBP3 is one of the best platformers I've played but it was sent to die, and then had so many issues at launchSuper Mario killer 3 - 4 ~ 99k, 3 ~ 34k
RPG of the month < 600k
PS4 ~ 43%
XBO ~ 32%
360 ~ 16%
PS3 ~ 9%
Cboat was banned? Was that figure accurate with the 10~k difference?
Outside of ND, Sony exclusives are under performing recently, especially on the PS4.
Both DC and LBP 3 bombed hard.
How the hell did you catch that?
Man, I can't believe cboat did that. He seemed like such a good guy, too.
Let's not forget NPD only counts retail sales, not digital downloads.
How come when people thought I was way off with my xbox wins by 400k to 500k prediction my posts got called out. But now that it turns out to have been pretty accurate nobody points it out?
Cboat was banned? Was that figure accurate with the 10~k difference?
I would love for Xbone and PS4 to basically be dead even in the US for most of this generation...imagine the quality of games and system features that would produce...
Ah yes, so add another 25-30% to the totals.
That seems to be the common number. 20-25-30% or so depending on the region and game
What's with all the CBOAT bashing? Someone please xplain?
1240k and 840k actually.
that's because it's 1240k and 840k
Not sure how to feel about Dragon Age numbers. Probably low?
I wonder how Sony will respond (will they respond?). I could see a price drop to $350 after the holidays and a 1TB SKU for $399. Although I think that a game included is more appealing than a bigger hard drive.
LBP seems to have bombed. Not sure what they expected releasing it on that date with little fanfare.
Not sure how to feel about Dragon Age numbers. Probably low?
LBP seems to have bombed. Not sure what they expected releasing it on that date with little fanfare.
Not sure how to feel about Dragon Age numbers. Probably low?
Where do we get this number?
I really think he was talking about LTD 700k to a million is the gap. Trying to help figure out month sales with that.
He didn't fix his post or anythint so.. Who knows pretty crazy to make that up if so.
Reminds me of this:
We don't have official sales numbers but the leaderboards in the game have around 650k people registered. Safe to assume it sold close to a half million, at least.
For all the talk of software decline, why aren't people taking DD into more consideration? Perhaps the migration is bigger than we think, especially for games available on PC.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the platform with likely the least popular digital distribution platform in Nintendo is the one that is topping the software retail charts despite the lower userbase.
They should get a decent bump from PSX.
I think it'll be closer in December but Sony really does need to do some special bundle and maybe a trade-in program of their own to cap as much of MS's momentum as they can. I still find it hilarious you can trade in a PS3 for credit towards an XBO. Without knowing any better you'd think it'd be illegal.Do you think this trend will continue in December? Sony better have some good deals.
Yikes. LBP3 is one of the best platformers I've played but it was sent to die, and then had so many issues at launch![]()
LolHe was only off by about 390K.
Both DC and LBP 3 bombed hard.
what? You were talking about the original model and we all know how that turned out. Your prediction was so great that microsoft totally abandoned their plans to sell it the way it wasWho needs all these so-called insiders when one groovy dude called all this way back in May '13 in a thread titled "Xbox One will be Number One in Sales"... *whistles*
Keep back seat modding, it's very entertaining.No he has not at all.
Case in point number 1: Titanfall
A farce he should have been permed for though he was banned. Putting developers at risk for sales loss over total BS is an offense that shouldn't be tolerated anywhere.
Please. What guy comes in in first page, writes that and then leaves and then the next like 30 pages are basically reactions to his post. He knew exactly what he was doing. Look at all the reaching being done to try and say oh no, it was a typo.
I wonder how Sony will respond (will they respond?). I could see a price drop to $350 after the holidays and a 1TB SKU for $399. Although I think that a game included is more appealing than a bigger hard drive.
I think The Order is going to bomb too with the way Sony is handling the PR for the game.
Sony sure makes some bizarre choices in terms of their software, as brilliant as they can otherwise sometimes be![]()
I expect XBO to probably top NPD again December, but then begin to slip back through January and back behind no later than March.
Then again, I'd say the same for Bloodborne, which is fantastic to the core and will sell well for a FromSoft title. As a massive drive for console
And yet DC was one of the best selling games digitally and it still has that PS+ digital discount. It didn't bomb at all.
Dead even was probably a poor choice of words, what I mean is Sony winning a few months then MS winning a few and back again. Basically keeping both companies continuously in catch up mode.The exact same? I mean, the vast majority of games are multiplatform between them and I doubt being dead even will bring out the "best" in either company as much as being behind would
when they seen their competitor lower their price, and offered games for free. They should had matched it, or even lowered theirs further, but instead they kept the same price. I don't think I need to repeat myself on the quality of exclusives....Didn't they learn a lesson with the PS3, with the higher price? I call that arrogance.