RIP Cboat
Thanks for that anyways. Hopefully a temp, because It was still worth the ride.
Thanks for that anyways. Hopefully a temp, because It was still worth the ride.
Driveclub at #5 in NA, it was #1 on the Europe PSN charts for October
Nintendo megaton 1 ~ 670k
Nintendo megaton 2 ~ 1.4 M
People are really overhyping Bloodborne's potential. The Order will easily outsell it.
Driveclub at #5 in NA, it was #1 on the Europe PSN charts for October
They should seriously make a $299 SKU with just the bare console.
And a White $399 SKU a 1 TB HDD with the Last of Us / InFamous bundle or Little Big Planet 3 / Knack bundle.
Leverage that first paaaaaaaaaarty.
Nintendo megaton 1 ~ 670k
Nintendo megaton 2 ~ 1.4 M
Come on guys, buy Dragon Age Inquisition. Don't you want to win her heart?
I'm was under the impression that they haven't sold as well as the preceding titles in their respective series.
Wait, seriously? What's the source on digital sales?
I've saying this for a while, that boat has sailed, the captain is not the same anymore. After the TF fiasco and ntkrnl ("play you like a fiddle"), doubt everything is still the same.
A bit of a stretch. A lot of people think the XB1 still can't play used games, Kinect is watching etc. Not to mention the technical performance of nearly all games being better on PS4. Oh, and XB1 has nearly no games planned for 2015 while the PS4 is starting strong with Bloodborne.
Probably. All it took was Microsoft flipping the switch and they cut the lead in the US by almost half.
It also doesn't help that Sony's bone headed decision on making the 20th aniversary bundle extremely limited, and sticking with the $400 price point for Black Friday and the holidays.
This part is probably a stupid thing to put a thought on but I bet That Final Fantasy 7 remake troll at PS Experience killed a lot of hype for the PS4 for December and early 2015. Of course I'm likely wrong but I got this feeling in my gut...
Wow, digital sales are really low.
That pretty interesting, though it's hard to deduce numbers from that list.
Do you think DC is close to breaking the 1 million mark?
Amiibo for the first one.
Could the second be hardware? That seems insanely high.
Someone just suggested that maybe cboat meant 710k difference in US now, and now that the gap was 7 to 10k for the month
heh. i don't know if that's plausible![]()
wtf is that
Nintendo megaton 1 ~ 670k
Nintendo megaton 2 ~ 1.4 M
not me. Pretty disappointed in how unreliable he has been the last few timesAnyways, so...Cboat? Anyone going to trust him/her as readily next time?
No, it's Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby.
The numbers in the OP include digital sales, while NPD does not.
Not bad. It sold better than Origins.
when they seen their competitor lower their price, and offered games for free. They should had matched it, or even lowered theirs further, but instead they kept the same price. I don't think I need to repeat myself on the quality of exclusives....Didn't they learn a lesson with the PS3, with the higher price? I call that arrogance.
Someone just suggested that maybe cboat meant 710k difference in US now, and not that the gap was 7 to 10k for the month since his posts are usually garbled
heh. i don't know if that's plausible![]()
It's so sad some people are more interested in seeing companies suffer than good games do well.
He knew what he was doing. He could have come in and said no that's not what i meant.
Someone just suggested that maybe cboat meant 710k difference in US now, and not that the gap was 7 to 10k for the month since his posts are usually garbled
heh. i don't know if that's plausible![]()
Nope, it wasn't. Kudos to Microsoft but they clearly know something we don't. People are screaming that MS is being humble but they released a PR 10 DAYS after the price drop.Was the asterisk ever explained?
wtf is that
What if cboat ment 710k is now the difference? but accidentally pressed - ?
THis post is a very interesting mix of "What people think" conspiracy theories about the Xbox vs. your hopeful optimism for the PS4. I suppose if we're letting something from a year ago cloud or expectations of both consoles, then we'd have to predict that all major 2015 PS4 games are being delayed to 2016, right?
Not that I think that'll happen at all, but, I mean, if we are to be consistent here.
Is that good for Pokemon?
So his numbers include digital, because otherwise that's about 100k too high to be Smash Bros.
RPG of the month < 600k
PS4 ~ 43%
XBO ~ 32%
360 ~ 16%
PS3 ~ 9%