Ok, here's why ME isn't going to do well. Now when I say that, I don't mean it's going to do 34,000 or whatever PGR did...but I don't think Microsoft is going to come close to breaking even with it. Say you're a kid with a 360 or you're asking for one this christmas. What games are you going to want with it? Halo 3, CoD 4, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, Assassins Creed, and Mass Effect. The average parent is going to make the kid choose the 2 or 3 that he wants most and I just don't see Mass Effect making the cut.
It doesn't matter that there's no competition in that genre. It's got competition from every freakin genre known to man. Hell, i've bought every single high profile 360 release up until a week ago. I've spent 420 fucking dollars on videogames in the last two months and I just plain can't afford it anymore. I'm sure there are a lot of other hardcore gamers in the same situation. Mass Effect just has way too many things going against it, and like many other games this fall, is being sent to die.