Does anyone remember how much longer bioshock 1 lasts afteryou kill ryan
I would almost say you should stop there, but I don't think there is THAT much left. You're probably 2/3 through at the least. Then again I cannot remember at all so I just made that number up. Hope that helps!
It's been a while since I beat it, but there's not much left after that. Maybe an hour, two max?
I guess I'm the only one playing Infinite on console lol
Infinite screens for 360
Hello to my good friend Rors!
You can do it McNei1ly
RG3 wants dat b2b OPOW
Overbay to the Yanks.
New York loading up on washed up Blue Jays has-beens.
I guess I'm the only one playing Infinite on console lol
I reserved bioshock and went to pick it up just now and the redbox is broken
Overbay to the Yanks.
New York loading up on washed up Blue Jays has-beens.
Call em up, you can get it transferred to another box.
Hello to my good friend Rors!
When are you free my good sir?
~30 mins
Does Infinite really look that bad on 360? That's a shame, because I'm in awe staring at the art in these set pieces on PC. New consoles can't come soon enough.
Overbay to the Yanks.
New York loading up on washed up Blue Jays has-beens.
Didn't even know there was a navigation arrow. That's a good idea. I'll turn it on just to make sure I go in the opposite intended direction.
If anyone else is playing with key/mouse, make sure to turn off mouse acceleration. It's set to ON by default. When I first started I could do a 180 with barely moving my mouse. I was getting frustrated because I didn't want to turn so fast at the lowest mouse sensitivity setting. It wasn't until I went into the options that I realized this setting was set to on. Turning it off fixed the issue. I might switch to the 360 controller for a little challenge. I can head shot enemies way too easily with the mouse.
Don't tell me someone has to set McNeily off of auto pilot. Don't you tell me that!
Only just started, but I find myself using the navigation arrow so I can head in the opposite direction and take everything in.
Right as I was gonna score you griefer.
[edit]You went to dash? Not gonna try again?
I'll try again. I just don't want to waste more of your time if it happens![]()
Also I stole someones luigis mansion pre order at gamestop if any of you wanna get down on that later
I read this as you stole Luigis Mansion from Gamestop.
Thought you let yourself go there for a minute
Madden should let you stay and turn off griefing. It was playable other than the little spikes that mostly happened off play.