i think i've only had 1 rain/snow game in 4 seasons and that is when LJ crushed me in buffalo last season. plenty of 20+ mph winds in san fran though 
Why is the league losing steam so fast this year? :
Why is the league losing steam so fast this year? :\
Why is the league losing steam so fast this year? :\
AFC East
Jets - 28-36 (2 division titles)
Dolphins - 23 - 41 (0 division titles)
Bills- 30-34 (1 division title)
Patriots - 26-38 (1 division title)
AFC North
Steelers - 49-15 (4 division titles)
Bengals - 40-24 (0 division titles)
Ravens - 20-44 (0 division titles)
Browns - 30-34 (0 division titles)
AFC South
Texans - 41-23 (2 division titles)
Colts - 38-26 (2 division titles)
Jaguars - 17-47 (0 division titles)
Titans - 28-36 (0 Division titles)
AFC West
Raiders - 43-21 (2 division titles)
Broncos - 49-15 (2 Division titles)
Chargers - 28-36 (0 Division titles)
Chiefs - 23-41 (0 Division titles)
NFC East
Giants - 49-15 (3 Division Titles)
Eagles - 44-20 (1 Division Title)
Cowboys - 18-46 (0 Division Titles)
Redskins - 22-42 (0 Division Titles)
NFC North
Vikings - 26-38 (1 Division Title)
Lions - 29-35 (0 Division Titles)
Bears - 37-27 (3 Division Titles)
Packers - 16-48 (0 Division Titles)
NFC South
Buccaneers - 50-14 (2 Division Titles)
Saints - 42-22 (2 Division Titles)
Panthers - 22-42 (0 Division Titles)
Falcons - 28-36 (0 Division Titles)
NFC West
49ers - 47-17 (2 Division Titles)
Cardinals - 34-20 (1 Division Title)
Rams - 17-47 (0 Division Titles)
Seahawks - 26-38 (1 Division Title)
lol @ DM's fall from grace.
I just felt like everyone was enthused last year even through the 4th season. Seems like interest started dropping this year towards the end of the 2nd.
here were the records from madden 12:
i kind of feel bad for the NFC east because it's basically like CB and bigAT are always going to be #1 and #2 in the division
Makes it really rough on the wild card teams too because it's basically the remainder of the conference competing for just a single spot each season.
Rinsler, I'm around
Makes it really rough on the wild card teams too because it's basically the remainder of the conference competing for just a single spot each season.
Makes it really rough on the wild card teams too because it's basically the remainder of the conference competing for just a single spot each season.
Luke - let's try tomorrow, before Michigan game the only time you're around?
That's probably best for me, I could go around 930 surfer or so
CB why arent you around to talk BioShock
I'm here!
Nightz you around? I'm leaving for another week long business trip tomorrow around 3pm central. Will be missing at least next weeks game because of it, but it doesn't have to be so this week!
I'd quit because I'm so busy with work but I don't see the point with the league winding down anyways. I'm still trying at least, unlike that 2nd Houston team!
Makes it really rough on the wild card teams too because it's basically the remainder of the conference competing for just a single spot each season.
Seriously. I'm 6-4, among the top 10 in the NFL in total defense and I will likely miss the playoffs.
Right now Wellie, Birdman, Bob and I are all fighting for 1 playoff spot.
Season 1 I had the second wildcard. Season 2 I missed the playoffs via tiebreaker to you at 10-6. Season 3 I had some real life issues and ended up at 7-9. I'm prob going to miss the playoffs via tiebreaker to you again. Didn't Bluemax make the playoffs last season?I may be wrong, but I think the South has pretty much had the 2nd wildcard spot locked up for a while too. I know I've gotten it the 2-3 times I didn't win the division, and I think DM got it a couple of times too...maybe DCX but I think his spot(s) may have all been division wins.
Of course, there's a strong possibility that changes this season with Blue and Wellie looking pretty strong.
Sorry friend, I won't be home until 7-8 pm PST.![]()
jesus christ what is with all the "Y do game companies make us kill?" threads of the past few days? It started with evillores thread that bioshock shouldn't be a shooter (lulz) and now there are a bunch of douchers posting dumb ass threads saying "WHY I GOTTA KILL?" sometimes i don't know why i venture outside of this thread and the NFL thread
I do. But I'm in Milwaukee.
I was in the maddengaf channel all week dick-o.
jesus christ what is with all the "Y do game companies make us kill?" threads of the past few days? It started with evillores thread that bioshock shouldn't be a shooter (lulz) and now there are a bunch of douchers posting dumb ass threads saying "WHY I GOTTA KILL?" sometimes i don't know why i venture outside of this thread and the NFL thread
Luke I'll be home in about an hour
I'm meeting folks to pre-game before Michigan, so take your time at lunch, we'll have to play later today
These dudes complain about breasts. Nothing should surprise you at this point.
Beat bioshock. Lol wtf
K cool, you going to watch the Louisville - Duke game too?
its up there. i beat it on hard and kind of wish i played on normal because some fights were so ridiculous that i really resorted to using just 2 or 3 vigors. the possession vigor coupled with the "suicide" add on for it just decimates regular enemies because you possess them, they fight with their buddies and either die or once the vigor wears off they just kill themselves aftger so you never need to worry about them!
and i fucking hated fighting the handy men. i thought you should shoot them in the heart but even getting dead shots there didn't do much against them
Nope just Michigan and then I have to run some errands and I'll be around
If I had started with a halfway decent team this wouldn't even be the case.
Season 1 I had the second wildcard. Season 2 I missed the playoffs via tiebreaker to you at 10-6. Season 3 I had some real life issues and ended up at 7-9. I'm prob going to miss the playoffs via tiebreaker to you again. Didn't Bluemax make the playoffs last season?
Madden 12 was just stupid. Look at my overal record an I only made the playoffs once. The AFC was tough even after Rors left cause of that other Raiders dude.