I'm here! Today is probably not gonna work. What does your schedule look like tomorrow?
Yes? No? Anything?
I'm here! Today is probably not gonna work. What does your schedule look like tomorrow?
Yes? No? Anything?
Guessing BigAT played our match?
I get off work around 5pm. Should be available anytime after that.
I did.
OK, thats cool. I didn't have a definite timetable for coming back, so it was worth the shot of getting back early.
OK....what time zone are you? I get off close to 11 pm central time tomorrow. I could play when I get home.
I would have held off if I knew that was a possibility, your post seemed to say you definitely wouldn't be around though.
My bad zep you made it sound like you wouldn't be back before vancin :/
Sanjuro, shows are over, you still want to play?
Don't care about Chris winning. Once Moons was out, I wasn't really rooting for anyone. Just against Chump. I used to cheer for Chris, but he's gone full heel!
I won't hold you to getting Mahvel. My current connection probably can't handle east coast Marvel. It's fine against FMT (who never plays because he's scared), but he's local.
I'm getting it anyway. And worst we can do is try! I'm gonna give your dog the business soooo hard homie.
I love how heel Chris is. He has embraced the hate and is a saltier version of Noel! It's perfect. I always liked the heels in wrestling and I love them in the fgc. Chris is my Brett Hart during the Hart Foundation days!
He's not a good heel. Too awkward. Whenever he talks, you can tell he's trying so hard to fit in. Fanatiq is a good heel. That's a guy you can dislike and never feel bad about feeling that way! Champ is a decent heel, but he cries too much. Like literally cries.
I'm gonna go join Viscant's purity circle!
you are dead to me
I think they are talking about eSports
kid compound fractured his leg in the Duke Louisville game.... fucking gruesome![]()
Opening day! Felt like spring training would never end.
what time you wanna shoot for tomorrow, mcneilybrah?
We have to wait till tomorrow =(
Some point later tonight. Going to Opening Day at Nats park.
What time window is some point later tonight lol![]()
This is what I don't know. The game is at 1:05, will probably last until 4:30ish. Then we probably wont get home until 5:30ish. But then I don't know if we're going out afterwards or not. I guess anytime after 5:30ish unless something comes up?
That's midnight my time. What time do you get home? I don't want to start a game at 12:30am. I have work in the morning.
Some point later tonight. Going to Opening Day at Nats park.
Was anyone in here looking for a 3DS? I'm not really feeling it a few days in.
How much for luigis mansion!
Yeah....that's about when I get home. I work nights today and tomorrow but days the rest of the week. I'm back on the wacky schedule.
Hah. I was looking to possibly sell as a bundle to someone who missed the deal last week, otherwise I'll probably just return to the store.
I do like Luigi. The 3D makes me sick quickly and I feel like I've played everything there before.
You can turn the 3d off