If the Jaguars' upwards progression continues, they'll win the Super Bowl in 2019. Of course, this'll happen after the Jaguars pull off trades to get all 32 1st round picks in 2018.
Haha still salty that I ruined your draft?
If the Jaguars' upwards progression continues, they'll win the Super Bowl in 2019. Of course, this'll happen after the Jaguars pull off trades to get all 32 1st round picks in 2018.
If the Jaguars' upwards progression continues, they'll win the Super Bowl in 2019. Of course, this'll happen after the Jaguars pull off trades to get all 32 1st round picks in 2018.
Haha still salty that I ruined your draft?
I'm around now if you wanna start early. If not see you at 1!![]()
Lets go
Any of you bros want a copy of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet? I bought that sick arcade bundle on Amazon but I already own ITSP on 360.
Haha still salty that I ruined your draft?
Xbl 12 month sub is 34.99 at amazon and best buy
I haven't seen the price of Live Gold go cheaper than $34.99 once the price went up to $59.99.
Hate paying for Live Gold. Might as well get the pain over with quickly so I stacked a couple years. I just hope I didn't fuck myself and somehow tiers change with the next Xbox.
Can't believe no one else took his deal, kept repeating it in the thread but no one took him up on it. On the other hand one player I wanted didn't show up on my list when my pick was due but he was still on the board, so I never got the player I wanted, also had my on a DT but I went into panic mode!
Whatever, next draft.
It might just be me but I, Robot is a good movie.
I can play now if you're free.
I can play now if you're free.
I haven't seen the price of Live Gold go cheaper than $34.99 once the price went up to $59.99.
Hate paying for Live Gold. Might as well get the pain over with quickly so I stacked a couple years. I just hope I didn't fuck myself and somehow tiers change with the next Xbox.
Played the 360 DmC demo, had the best dialog exchange ever in a game. Dante and this giant butt monster are sending barbs back and forth when this sequence occurs:
Butt Monster: Fuck you!
Dante : Fuck you!
Butt Monster: Fuckkkkkkk yooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
It was so bad yet so awesome at the same time. This is enough for me to pick up the game when there is a Steam sale. I want to see how terribly awesome the rest of the story pans out.
Cool, I'll be free around that time, maybe a bit later.
gg rinse! that shit was fun
Finally a game without a boatload of turnovers on one or both sides of the ball. I wasn't even mad at the pick i threw... tried to throw to the wrong shoulder and got burnt for it. Shoulda thrown it away.
That catch on 3rd and long was so lucky lol. Then the very next play you hit a 60yd TD or something crazy. I was so pissed. I kept telling myself dont give up the big play! Make him burn clock and earn it... then i go and let that happen :/
Your running game had me off balance most of the game. I was glad i could grab the lead before the half and maintain it so i force you to pass more. If i was playing from behind all game and you could continue to run i was fucked.
Cant believe I am 5-3!
Fuck... lost my #2 WR for the rest of the year :/
Lol I just remembered the 3rd down catch, tipped off Carroll (who keeps dropping passes btw) and into Watson's hands.
What difficulty are you playing NNK on? I was reading the official thread and it seems easy is regular and regular is hard to batshit hard. I'm on regular right now and I haven't run into any problems but I'm not very far in.
What difficulty are you playing NNK on? I was reading the official thread and it seems easy is regular and regular is hard to batshit hard. I'm on regular right now and I haven't run into any problems but I'm not very far in.
GGGG Wellie. For some reason I can't stop your goal line toss. It's a guaranteed touchdown apparently.
I audible to it when people come out in the goal line formation. My guys are excellent blockers when they are pulling, so it works really well for me.
My first round rookies came up huge in that one. Combined for 12 tackles, 4 sacks, 1 INT and an FF.
i think once people realize that R2/L2 can be used to scroll the battle menus it makes it a bit easier. before i realized that, i was having to do an awkward hand motion of having my left thumb on the stick.
Regular. I died for the first time (nightmare monster dude) last night about 8 hours in.
What made it easier for me was when I realized you can cancel your own actions with O. I knew about the scrolling stuff but was sitting in defense and attack longer than necessary at times.
gg Shake, your adjustments at the line really threw me for a loop on D.
Played very poorly, messed up that potential tying/winning drive
I hate when a manual controlled player is causing holding calls by shaking like a moron and then they accept them! I need higher awareness blockers.
I was getting so pissed about Garcia. MJD gave up 4 sacks to that visor-wearing jerk.