lol DM.. two holding penalties to kill your first downs
You accept holding penalties? Jeezo
lol DM.. two holding penalties to kill your first downs
lol DM.. two holding penalties to kill your first downs
You accept holding penalties? Jeezo
Are they random or do holds impact the outcome of a play. I always assumed they were not random so i accept them. Fumbles are random and no on punts right after they get one.
It depends on the opponent and the penalties called up to that point. I think LJ and I historically have just declined penalties against each other that were out of our control? I have no clue or guess as to how the penalty logic is applied in the game!
If it was a "sim" amount of penalties we'd be begging to turn penalty slider down. PI could always be turned up (offensive or defensive), but we wouldn't notice the difference
You accept holding penalties? Jeezo
I've never had anyone not accept a holding penalty against me.
When I finally converted, I was looking for the 3rd flag. God damn crooked refs!
Is this the normal mentality of the league? I've been accepting them for the reason eznark has given. I didn't even know you can manually hold. If people are declining holding penalties as a gesture, I can begin to do that as well. But normally I'm just like fuck it and accept.
I was ready to hit A. I really could've used a third holding call!
Is this the normal mentality of the league? I've been accepting them for the reason eznark has given. I didn't even know you can manually hold. If people are declining holding penalties as a gesture, I can begin to do that as well. But normally I'm just like fuck it and accept.
I was ready to hit A. I really could've used a third holding call!
They don't do it on purpose (although, I'm sure now I'll see it or maybe not... simit!).I've never seen this happen. Seems bush league to me. Create a penalty by breaking the game logic and then accepting it.
Things I want in Madden 14:
1. Exhibition games/scrimmages in CCM
2. Spectator mode
3. Re-work on the Attribute system as well as descriptions for what each one does specifically. IE: look at NHL's system.
4. Physics tuning. The physics in this game are absolutely idiotic. DM and I had so many situations where Freeman, Griffin, Jones, Watkins, and others just get stuck on the linemen for a good 5 seconds. I know everyone experiences this. It's so fucking annoying!
Is this the normal mentality of the league? I've been accepting them for the reason eznark has given. I didn't even know you can manually hold. If people are declining holding penalties as a gesture, I can begin to do that as well. But normally I'm just like fuck it and accept.
I was ready to hit A. I really could've used a third holding call!
Nah, I think it just changes from person to person. I usually just let the other person dictate it if the hold gets called against me first, or if I'm playing Ramirez, I always accept every penalty
Can you go in 30 minutes?Nightz, you around now?
I usually only accept when it affects the play and it was obvious, but accept them if you want. I don't see a problem with it since they happen IRL.
I accept all penalties when I am on the road because you know it had to be blatant as fuck.
I accept most penalties....the only one I can think of that I decline is the late hit out of bounds. I wasn't aware that you could manually cause holding penalties.
Just let me pick my playbook in practice and run it as many times as I want (sans XP or whatever I give no fucks) and I'd be happy.
Ok, just buying some lunch then heading home.Sure
This would suffice but I'd prefer to actually play people just so I can get the hang of human opponents rather than the computer. But fuck it, why not just have both in the game. Bastards!
When has EA ever given us more than "barely sufficient" improvements?
You guys should have seen the refs in my game with Mastershake. Huge assholes.
And I will also decline delay of game penalties when the game randomly decides to run the clock down super fast. This seems to happen after injuries frequently. I can't quite figure it out.
Tenessee has released 25 year old CB Cody Sensabaugh. They have decided to go with Huff as their NickelBack / Occasional SS and have signed FA SS Robert Blanton to help with Huff's old duties. Tennessee is recently thinner at the CB position with the loss of their #1 CB Rashean Mathis.
im pretty sure if there was a stat for most personal foul/late hit on the qb i would be leading the league by a large margin. i feel like i have one called every other game![]()
im pretty sure if there was a stat for most personal foul/late hit on the qb i would be leading the league by a large margin. i feel like i have one called every other game![]()
That's because you have the only team which gets instant pressure off of 3 guys on the line.
That's because you have the only team which gets instant pressure off of 3 guys on the line.
Injury "cut scenes" eat into the playclock - which is retarded, I can't believe I've forgot to whine about this.
Bad enough my team is made of glass and then I am going to get delay of game, too?
Fuckkkkkkkkk this
I meant to ask about this earlier, but in my game with DM, I threw a pick and play didn't stop at all. What I mean was, when you throw a pick, the camera pans around and the game pauses for a second. But this pick was different. I threw it and the game kept going as the camera panned around. It was weird. Has that happened to anyone before?
You better win your division, soka!
I meant to ask about this earlier, but in my game with DM, I threw a pick and play didn't stop at all. What I mean was, when you throw a pick, the camera pans around and the game pauses for a second. But this pick was different. I threw it and the game kept going as the camera panned around. It was weird. Has that happened to anyone before?
That's a lag thing. Was your game spiking at all?
i accept any and all penalties! just like in real life, a holding flag is completely random and the refs just throw it when they feel like it.
im pretty sure if there was a stat for most personal foul/late hit on the qb i would be leading the league by a large margin. i feel like i have one called every other game![]()
Is that why you stealth changed that slider that one time?
hahahah I'm playing random teams with a friend of mine online and I got the Colts... I totally forgot Joe Lefeged plays for them. I played football with him in high school.
there was never a "stealth" change, it was like that from the beginning of the franchise. doesn't matter if it's at 35, 50 or anything else! i still get called!