Did you know you can run out of bounds on defense?
So what did FMT say the punishment was for stat padding?
When did phee drop the eeyoring and "Here comes my 9 game losing streak." Beating LJ has him riding high?
I really don't care that he did it, I just know that if I did it, he'd be one of the first people raising a shit storm over it.
Don't worry, Ram. Soka warned him.
I just played a fun match in BF3. Everyone who killed me had a little tag that said "premium"
Premium doesn't really add anything at this point except Karkand. Wow, this POS won't let me dl the browser plug in. h8 origin/ea
Tony G is 100 years old and he abused PWilly. Change his ratings!
I have Karkand. Premium adds all the maps doesn't it?
Whats your name in this thing, Rors?
No Madden 25 on WiiU?!?!?! how will this league continue =(
Getting a TAINT pretty much a guarantee for DPOW! If FMT wants to encourage jerks securing the award by excessively beating someone when they're already down that's on him. Plus if you already had the game won you're suppose to run out the clock, you're slowing down the game by taking the TAINT, could have ran out a lot of time if you just go out of bounds.
Is the WiiU as fucked as it seems to me?
Is the WiiU as fucked as it seems to me?
well you could also kneel the ball from the beginning of the 4th quarter and probably still win. it's not a rule to go overboard and tell you every little way to play the game. there is a risk-reward with this situation. the risk in being down 50 points or whatever and running hurry up is getting your players hurt and giving up more points by making a bad throw. the reward is that you get more XP by driving down the field for a TD. so if you don't want someone to get a taint, then run the ball and run the clock out for a game that is already over or be extremely careful with your throws.
like i said, some stuff is borderline and usually in those instances i will not give a warning or suspension. and i can tell you in no uncertain terms that i do not consider returning an INT/Fumble for a TD in a blowout to be running up the score. you will never get punished for this
Hey CB...remember that time you thought you could beat me in a game 7 (again) and finally win a series against me?
Game is trash. You breathe on those assholes and its a foul. Meanwhile I get murdered and nothing.
Shame you couldnt beat me with the team you're an actual fan of![]()
Hey CB remember that time you thought you could beat me in a series in NBA2k13? Even with 81/101 points in the paint?
And I just unlocked NiGHTS in Sonic Racing. I shall now proceed to not use any other character.
The fucking car ruined it. You aren't even nights. Your are the ffucking baby elf. Disgusting
But then Nights is the car.
Yeah it's pretty stupid. But I'm still gonna use him!
Nope.Ya'll played BF3 without me? DISAPPOINTED
Does the high motor trait actually do anything?
Some1 should test to see if high motor trait increases the speed(decreases the cooldown) at which you can use power moves/finesse moves.
Also, GODDAMN @ that Woodley "fight". Dude is a beast. Bigfoot fight was awesome too.
Seeing Overoids get his cocky ass ktfo was glorious.
Rashad looked horriiiiibbbllee
Ya'll played BF3 without me? DISAPPOINTED
No, eznark said he wanted to play and then he never showed up!
I was on that Battlelog all night and no one else logged in! I played a match or two. Also had the worst Dota collapse in history. Pathetic. Basically got solo'd by a sniper. First time I ever actually yelled at teammates.
First time I ever actually yelled at teammates.