I couldn't decide whether to vote for "0 - 1" or "2."
I think Marathon is probably the best shot but one of the others could certainly break out.
I could see Horizon working, but I do wonder how much crossover there is going to be between the current Horizon audience and the GaaS crowd. I know I generally love singleplayer open world adventures but fucking hate MMOs. Having random douchebags running around completely annihilates the sense of immersion and exploration that I want from those kinds of games (though I did enjoy GTA Online, so who knows).
I think Fairgame$ is completely DOA, judging by the discourse around the game.
Gummy Bears sounds like a mix of Smash Bros, Fall Guys, and League of Legends with a zoomer aesthetic, which, honestly, I would rather walk outside, shoeless, in my pajamas, right now and die of hypothermia than play for five minutes.
Jason Blundell and Media Molecule games are much harder calls, since we know so little about them and there's a real chance that one or both could be cancelled, given how bloodthirsty PS has been post-Concord. I think the Blundell game might have a shot if it manages to release this gen, and the Media Molecule game will probably be absolutely brilliant and only attract a small audience, judging by their past work.