I tried a bunch of things, and most were great. Thumper, Ocean descent, Until Dawn, Kitchen, all really incredible.
Batman looks great, but I noticed some pretty irritating tracking issues on it when I would look to a side, or lean in any direction. In fact, I've noticed that tracking in general wasn't as good as it was this morning, when I tried looking around in Playroom platformer which I played in the morning. I have no idea what happened. Even exiting Playroom, I noticed that the main PS4 UI was acting a bit twitchy in the VR which never happened before.
I worry that I messed things up when I calibrated the headset lights. Or maybe now that the room is darker in the evening, tracking doesn't work as well (which would be weird and counter intuitive). Is there a way to reset the headset lights calibration to a factory default?
Had some weird distortion tonight it was all wobbly. Got a little bit of sickness, but nothing too bad. Weird it feels like my screen is still doing it somewhat even after taking the headset off lol. I heard somewhere that a full power cycle makes a difference, like a ps4 waking up from rest mode doesn't do as well for whatever reason. Not sure if there's any truth to it, but it can't hurt I suppose.