I know you realize how difficult the next month will be if you wish to troll effectively. This next month will require your utmost creativity and effort. I hope you're prepared.Those post debate polls don't fully take the debate into account though, so you can't really use them to measure its impact...
Next week there will be plenty of polls measuring exactly how the debate played out.
I'm occasionally reminded that, despite my occasional disapproval of Obama's foreign policy, his equanimity is comforting. He's not heedless but circumspect. The Republican alternatives, McCain then Romney, are positively frightening.now it's just a borderline crazy McCain on cnbc. Sometimes he has a good moment but far too often it's just an old man whining. Iran thinks we aren't serious because we haven't told Israel to attack them. Fine, whatever.
Totally. For the reasons I've specified the past few weeks, I don't expect it to substantially shift public opinion. But I agree his desultory performance is inexcusable. Of course, you always want to win.Okay then, fair enough.
Still, Obama barfing on himself for 90 minutes straight in the most watched Presidential debate since 1992 is hard to ignore. Perhaps (and hopefully) it's becoming more of a personal thing for me more than anything else. It was so easy for Obama to just debunk all his crap and he instead performed so very poorly. Do you think Gore still did worse? He sure sighed and grunted a lot more than Obama, but overall, I think Obama's head was almost totally out of the game. He struggled to make simple talking points.
If he simply would have showed up, these UE/job numbers combined with a respectable debate performance on his behalf would have likely put this thing away. Now we have dat narrative, etc.
Gore's problem was more cumulative in that he performed poorly over the course of the three debates. Oddly, he actually won a debate according to snap polling, but the stigma developed regardless because his behavior was so annoying. I think the cumulative performance of Gore will prove worse than Obama's cumulative performance. I don't expect a repeat of Wednesday night.