Deus Ex Machina
Ferraro praises Obama, She even throws down a 'Yes We Can'
Glad to see she is out there helping."Last year at this time, when Sen. Obama announced for the presidency, people white and black alike said, 'You can't do it. This country is not ready for a black man to be nominated president of the United States,"' she said.
"Well, he said, 'Yes, we can.' And he didn't wait for someone to give it to him, he worked hard and he earned the nomination," said the former New York congresswoman, who became the first woman on a major party's presidential ticket as Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984.
"And now today, the Nevada Women's Fund and your honorees' devotion to fairness, you are also saying, 'Yes, we can.' And I have no doubt that together, we will be successful."