Deus Ex Machina
Is this what US president elections have come to?Nazgul_Hunter said:
"baby momma" is urban slang for the mother of a man's illegitimate child. It's basically one step away from calling her a whore.
Is this what US president elections have come to?Nazgul_Hunter said:
:lol... wait what?!Ninja Scooter said:you think thats bad? I spent a good 5 minutes today explaining to 3 women at work (one of them a supervisor) that Obama hadn't won the presidency yet, that this was just the primaries and the election hasn't even happened yet.
masud said::lol... wait what?!
Check out this map: /
And check out Mississippi.
I think these numbers are based of polls taken before he got his bounce.
ok, maybe it's a long shot, but wouldn't it be nice to hear the MSM talking about McCain having to put money and time into Mississippi in the final month of so of the campaign!?
What an embarassment it would be to a GOP, talk about morale killer!
Deus Ex Machina said:"baby momma" is urban slang for the mother of a man's illegitimate child. It's basically one step away from calling her a whore.
50 state strategy :bowAgent Icebeezy said:With the 50 state strategy becoming a reality, the GOP is going to have to put some money there.
Clevinger said:Give them time. I'm sure they'll make it there soon.
send him thisICallItFutile said:Earlier today, I noticed a person I knew from high school had their Facebook status saying they'd leave the country if Obama became the next president. When I asked him to explain why, this was his reasoning:
Why GAF? Why? How many people out there think this?
ralexand said:Never heard of that. Is there video?
Blacks for segregation and gays for anti-sodomy laws, methinks.ronito said:what's next? Jews for the Holocaust?
I would love to see Barack do campaign stops there.Hitokage said:Deus: That calls for a good YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
I really want to see some new Arizona polling. Obama was only behind by ~10 last month.the disgruntled gamer said:50 state strategy :bow
The style and approach of general election campaigns are often conditioned by the method of victory in the primaries. The Obama team ends the season like a battle-worn Army division -- organized, relentless and skilled at fundraising, registering voters and getting them to the polls. Members of the McCain team feel more like survivors of a near-death experience -- convinced that the virtues of their candidate and the blessings of the political gods matter more than the money, phone banks and door-knocking of traditional politics.
This worries some Republican strategists. One recently described the McCain campaign to me as the political equivalent of a Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland movie: Every morning a few guys get together and say, "Let's put on a show!" McCain's state campaign organizations, coalition outreach and get-out-the-vote efforts are weak or nonexistent. But McCain campaign officials are convinced that they will win -- if they win -- in a different manner from that of the methodical Bush campaigns of 2000 and 2004. McCain will either catch fire, or he won't -- and traditional efforts to boost turnout, in this view, are not likely to make the difference. Given its history, the McCain campaign is understandably proud of its stripped-down, seat-of-the-pants, insurgent style. But it may eventually be useful to have a serious campaign organization in, say, Colorado.
The Senate map on that page is quite lovely. If they can keep all the Dem-leaning seats and add MN and OR to that column... 60 seats.Deus Ex Machina said:OBAMA WITHIN 6% OF MCCAIN IN MISSISSIPPI
Check out this map: /
And check out Mississippi.
I think these numbers are based of polls taken before he got his bounce.
ok, maybe it's a long shot, but wouldn't it be nice to hear the MSM talking about McCain having to put money and time into Mississippi in the final month of so of the campaign!?
What an embarassment it would be to a GOP, talk about morale killer!
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing more state polling.GhaleonEB said:I really want to see some new Arizona polling. Obama was only behind by ~10 last month.
How would Kerry as veep go down?
GhaleonEB said:How would Kerry as veep go down?
Nice list, but no Senators/potential Senators. They're way too close to 60 seats to squander that opportunity. So I'd take off Warner and stick to governors and/or military types. Since they're going to want to pick up Virginia, I'm thinking Kaine is a pretty good bet.Star Power said:My shortlist:
BRIAN SCHEWITZER (someone mentioned him a few days ago so I did some research and he is awesome)
I honestly thought he would have made a great executive, but as a candidate in a campaign he was pretty lousy.Star Power said:I actually wouldn't mind this, he has impressed me a great deal as a surrogate/attack dog, and he definitely has nationary security credentials.. but I don't think it''l happen, too much baggage plus he kinds of takes some luster off of the ticket. I really like him though, he's unfairly maligned and he wasn't as bad of a candidate as people say.
Star Power said:I actually wouldn't mind this, he has impressed me a great deal as a surrogate/attack dog, and he definitely has nationary security credentials.. but I don't think it''l happen, too much baggage plus he kinds of takes some luster off of the ticket. I really like him though, he's unfairly maligned and he wasn't as bad of a candidate as people say.
My shortlist:
TIM KAINE (he'd be perfect)
BRIAN SCHWEITZER (someone mentioned him a few days ago so I did some research and he is awesome)
dream ticket:
Michael Gerson said:All these experiences, political and personal, have created a unique candidate -- a man more driven by instincts of honor than ideology, predisposed to believe in his own virtue, equally predisposed to confuse opposition with dishonor. At its worst, this approach has alienated many of his Senate colleagues, and it reportedly led McCain to the brink of leaving the Republican Party in 2001, more out of pique than principle. At its best, this approach has seemed like a populist, reform-minded conservatism, aimed at breaking up concentrated, selfish interests that threaten the public good -- from his campaign against big tobacco, to his anger at inflated corporate salaries, to his disgust with congressional earmarks and pork-barrel spending, to his support for increased automobile fuel efficiency standards and a cap-and-trade system to limit carbon emissions.
Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution calls McCain's policy agenda "a promiscuous heap of interesting ideas that will not cohere in one administration" -- a judgment some Republicans share. Up to this point in the campaign, the charge has not been much of a problem -- in this environment, a reliable, robotic Republican of the Romney sort would be nowhere near Obama in the polls.
Mandark said:Read that Gerson column today. There's some really annoying stuff in there like always, but I thought this was spot on:
McCain really seems to believe all the press he's gotten as an independent minded straight talker. He has so much faith in his own awesome above-the-frayness that he doesn't bother with wonky policy details or even putting together a coherent philosophy for what government should do.
Also, if he gets challenged he can get veeeeeeeery snippy about it. Remember him flipping out on Obama during the ethics bill thing a couple years ago?
This is something he seems to have in common with Bush. They both think that their own makeup is superior enough to justify moral certitude in the face of pretty much anything.
I'm amused that your acquaintance believes a foreign-born citizen can become president. Clearly he's ignorant about a great many things.ICallItFutile said:Earlier today, I noticed a person I knew from high school had their Facebook status saying they'd leave the country if Obama became the next president. When I asked him to explain why, this was his reasoning:
Why GAF? Why? How many people out there think this?
Classic GOP move. Accuse the opposition of being what you are.reilo said:See, maybe it's just me, but that's what elitism is to me. Thinking you are above the fray and morally superior to others in spite of all the insurmountable evidence that is flat out telling you that you are wrong on whatever position that you take.
Of course, the entire party was pretty lousy in 2004. That was back in the "let the rebups walk all over us, maybe people will feel sorry for us" days. But yeah, the guy has been a great surrogate for Obama, and he really does know his shit.Hitokage said:I honestly thought he would have made a great executive, but as a candidate in a campaign he was pretty lousy.
That's why he's awesome.AniHawk said:Unfortunately, Robert Wexler admits he enjoys cocaine because it's a fun thing to do and that it enhances the enjoyment of being with prostitutes.
No, he looks like a badass.Sharp said:Kerry doesn't look like a VP candidate in those pictures.
It's because democrats are smart enough to not go to for any reason.Joe said:that poll with mccain leading bothers me...i know it shouldn't but it does. i want this damn thing to be a cakewalk the entire time.
reilo said:![]()
:lol :lol
Goddammit Colbert.
Context: Colbert talks about the new official bird of Israel that was chosen, and he goes in to talk about that the Barn Owl was passed over as it had the drawback of being a bad omen for Arabs. He then plays a clip of the Barn Owl's mating call, and it's someone going "JEW JEW" while mimicking an owl.
He looks like a cardboard cutout and his face looks like it was chiseled from granite and then painted over.the disgruntled gamer said:No, he looks like a badass.
You think that's bad, just look at the size of Obama's ears! Or McCain's head! :lolSharp said:He looks like a cardboard cutout and his face looks like it was chiseled from granite and then painted over.
You'd fit right in!Tyrannical said:Time to dig up the deep dirt fellow republican gaffers.
I wonder if Obama had anything to do with the mass voter fraud in the Chicago area when Bush beat Al Gore during the 2000 election. It was supposed to be investigated, by GW wanted to "heal"
There were quite a few reports of democratic grassroots groups using illegal enticements to gather up voters. That's in addition to all the dead voters for Al Gore. Obama got where he is by playing Chicago politics, I wonder if he has a few skeletons in his closet about this.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.Tyrannical said:Time to dig up the deep dirt fellow republican gaffers.
I wonder if Obama had anything to do with the mass voter fraud in the Chicago area when Bush beat Al Gore during the 2000 election. It was supposed to be investigated, by GW wanted to "heal"
There were quite a few reports of democratic grassroots groups using illegal enticements to gather up voters. That's in addition to all the dead voters for Al Gore. Obama got where he is by playing Chicago politics, I wonder if he has a few skeletons in his closet about this.
In 2000, besides serving in the Illinois Senate and being out of grassroots organizing, Obama was spending his time losing a Democratic primary election for a US House seat by a margin greater than 2-to-1. Yeah, he really knows how to cheat and play dirty to win an election.Tyrannical said:Time to dig up the deep dirt fellow republican gaffers.
I wonder if Obama had anything to do with the mass voter fraud in the Chicago area when Bush beat Al Gore during the 2000 election. It was supposed to be investigated, by GW wanted to "heal"
There were quite a few reports of democratic grassroots groups using illegal enticements to gather up voters. That's in addition to all the dead voters for Al Gore. Obama got where he is by playing Chicago politics, I wonder if he has a few skeletons in his closet about this.
How to steal an election (Chicago Style)
Vote early and vote often
Our election get-out-the-vote effort was pioneered by Mayor Richard Daley in 1960 when he stole the election from Richard Nixon.
1. Cemetery Voters: Read the obituaries every day. One must keep track of everyone who dies, so that they can be registered in the appropriate cemetery precinct. We have voters in the Mt. Olive Cemetery who have been voting for 100 years. Relatives will often assist as keeping the dead voter on the rolls also keeps the Social Security checks coming in. If you know of someone who used to live in Chicago and who died, they are still eligible to vote.
2. Homeless Voters: Register the homeless at the Cook County Courthouse instead of General Delivery. All they have to do is hang out at the courthouse one day a year to claim residency. Then round them up and give them free cigarettes to vote. We used to give them bottles of wine, but they couldn't remember to vote our way.
3. Nursing Home Voters: Early (or absentee) voting has greatly expanded our capabilities of increasing the turnout. Take bags full of early ballots to nursing homes, and get everyone in the home to vote...especially the Alzheimer's cases.
4. College Students: College kids like to screw the system, and they'll vote more than once just for the sheer pleasure of it, especially kids at Catholic universities.
5. Voters Who Have Moved: Voters who have moved often can vote in the precinct where they used to live, and then in their new precinct. They will not be on the rolls in the new precinct, so they'll vote a "Provisional Ballot." Not to worry. When the ballot is questioned after the election, we will have our political hacks permit the votes to be counted.
6. Voters Passing Through O'Hare: Many votes can be obtained by soliciting voter registration at our airports. They are legally residents of Chicago, at least for a few minutes.
7. Motor Voters: Take license plate numbers of out-of-state cars passing through on the freeways, run them through DMV to get their addresses, and automatically register them in Chicago. Then vote them. They won't know, since they actually live in Wyoming.
8. Illegal Aliens: Some of our most reliable voters are the thousands of illegal aliens we have in the city. In exchange for not telling INS where they live or work, one can get a solid block of votes.
9. Newborns: Our children are more and more precocious, so we register them at birth. Maternity wards are some of our best precincts.
10. Recount The Votes: In the unlikely event our candidates don't win the first count, then demand a recount. Fill the recount room with loyal supporters, and tow away the cars belonging to the enemy. If you can't win a recount, then you are not a Chicago Democrat.
And yet Bush was still given the presidency regardless of voter fraud.Tyrannical said:Oh, there is dirt to be found on Obama.
Chicago politics is beyond corrupt, and the slickest thief usualy wins. He's either the only honest democrat to ever come out of Chicago or he has skeletons republican's are just drooling to uncover.
The above is just a general summary of how corrupt chicago is, but it's not the evidence I was looking for. I recall specific allegations on mental patients being bussed in and told how to vote. Since Obama was relatively unknown circa Nov 2000, I don't expect to find his name in any news reports I couls stumble on. But since he was so involved in Chicago vote drives, there is no way there isn't a big smoking gun just waiting to be found.
Never underestimate Americans' ability to live with deep cognitive dissonances.Mandark said:I heartily look forward to the talking point of Obama The Ruthless Chicago Ward Heeler coexisting with that of Obama The Inexperienced Naif.